Now Tiya has clearly expressed many governing programs - increase luxury tariffs, reform the bureaucratic system in various places, curb excessive resource tilt to the local area, and appoint more middle- and lower-level talents and talents from other provinces to fill vacancies.

From the perspective of the country, these things are not wrong, and they can even be regarded as the right choice, but the right choice may not be accepted by everyone, especially for the vested interests such as the Senate.

It can be imagined that they will disagree with Tiya's political views, which may be manifested in palace assassinations or civil wars. In short, things cannot be passed like this, and they will not silently allow Orville and Tiya to do so.

For the possible chaos, Orville must prepare in advance, and the most direct preparation is to have more soldiers.

Now he can only have three regular legions in his hands. If he has more, it will give people a reason to impeach Orville in the central government for plotting against the law. So if he wants to expand his military power, the most direct way is to start with Cleopatra.

Cleopatra may not know so clearly, but she can probably understand that Orville wants to make sure she is on his chariot, so she blinked her big eyes and said bluntly: "Don't worry, Egypt will always be a friend of the Roman Empire, and you will always be my friend. I will not forget who has reached out to me.

You don't have to worry about me. I said from the beginning that this throne is dispensable to me. Maybe now I value you more than the crown in my heart."

The remarks that are a bit like a confession made Orville look sideways: "You'd better be careful when saying such things. It will not be good for you and me if they spread out."

He thought the other party was more of a joke. Since the previous meeting, Cleopatra has never tried to throw herself into his arms again. At most, she replaced the attendants around her with tall and beautiful maids. Orville never appreciated it and quickly replaced them with his own sturdy men.

From this point of view, Cleopatra and himself may really have some friendship, but it is far from the level of love, and Orville has never felt that he is so charming.

"Don't worry, it will definitely be good for me," Cleopatra smiled slyly, "Of course these words will be kept secret, my servants are very tight-lipped, and never say anything that shouldn't be said."

Orville brought the topic back on track: "In short, you arrange a talk later and let the Nubian representatives come to see us."

"No problem, I promise you will see someone standing in front of you within a month."


Putting down the documents about the Nubian Kingdom in his hand, a tired Orville asked his new secretary Agricola.

"How is the conscription of laborers?"

"Now more than 8,000 people have been recruited, which is very close to your requirements."

Trajan served as the commander of the troops and went to the front line. Orville turned to Agricola as his secretary to test his ability.

It turned out that he did nothing wrong, but he was still a little more impatient than Trajan and a little more talkative. This was not an unacceptable problem in Orville's view. He continued to keep him by his side, mainly because there was no one else available.

Alfred fits the bill perfectly, but he has his own land to manage after all, and has now taken a boat back to Britain. Among the remaining people, Agricola is still the more desirable one.

"Let them start construction when the number of people reaches 10,000. The construction period will last until the flood this year. You keep an eye on it. My requirement is that the captives will build water conservancy projects and the laborers will build roads. Don't get confused, and don't be too harsh on the treatment. Follow the standards of the documents I issued. Those who fail to do their job well should report to me."

"Yes!" Agricola lowered his head and acted very respectful.

It should be said that the Ptolemaic kings made certain contributions to the rule and development of Egypt. During their reign, they built a large number of irrigation facilities, which made Egypt's arable land not only limited to the narrow strip along the Nile River, but also expanded to the depths beyond the Nile River.

Orville is ready to take over their engineering tasks and continue to build water conservancy and irrigation facilities in Egypt. Only by managing this land well can agricultural production increase.

In addition, there is road construction. Although the previous Egyptian governors have built a highway that runs east-west in Egypt, connecting the provinces of Africa and Parfi, the traffic conditions between major cities in Egypt are not particularly good. The traffic between cities relies more on shipping on the Nile River. Most of the road networks were built by the early Ptolemaic kings. Now they are in disrepair and need maintenance and expansion.

Orville treated the captives a little differently. The custody measures for them were stricter. Moreover, these captives did not have wages. They would not be released until they served for three years. This was Orville's punishment for them.

Relatively speaking, it was already very light. Compared with those who were sold as slaves or killed on the spot, at least they still had some hope.

He spent some time handling official business. After finishing, Orville stretched his body. The attendant handed him a wine glass. He drank the iced wine in it and felt better.

"Prepare horses and guards for me. I need to go to the library to find some information."

"Do you need me to go there directly? It can save some time."

Orville rejected: "I also need to meet Mr. Claudius Ptolemy, so I will go there directly."

Agricora said nothing more and turned away to prepare a team for Orville to travel. About fifteen minutes later, Orville led a team of about 200 guards out of the temporary palace.

This was the first time he had wandered around the city in a while. He carefully observed the expressions of the people around him. It can be said that the mental state of the residents in the city was better than before. Before, everyone was worried and anxious, as if they were afraid that Orville would catch them and chop them off. Now, although they also felt fear and hatred for Orville's team, at least they looked more normal.

Because they actually found that the Romans were not very interested in torture and terror during this period, and their lives were not greatly affected, so now they finally relaxed a little.

Riding with interest, Orville arrived in front of the Library of Alexandria. The building still had a lot of smoke-blackened traces. It was obvious that the haze caused by the fire had not completely dissipated.

The hall of the library should have been filled with all kinds of books, but now most of the place is empty, with only a few new-looking bookshelves in the corners, with a few books on them.

Orville observed the surrounding environment and came to the research institute deeper in the library.

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