As relatively complete polytheistic religions, both Egypt and Greece actually have a monotheistic development trend. However, in modern times, it is generally believed that the cores of the two are different, and even the basic belief models are also different. It is not that the Greeks have not tried hard, and even have a slightly different Results.

After ruling Egypt, the Greeks who immigrated to Egypt created a god "Serapis". He was a combination of the sacred cow Apis, Pluto and the fertility god Osiris. At the same time, he also innovatively blended it into It contains a lot of Greek elements. We can see elements of Hades, God King Zeus, Dionysus and other gods in it. This is a complete suture monster. It looks like an Egyptian god, but in fact the core is completely Greek, so the Greeks' efforts to unify the mythological system failed as expected. The belief in the god Serapis was limited to immigrant cities such as Alexandria. In essence, this was still a god believed by the Greeks, and not many Egyptians ate it. This set.

The reason why he was somewhat successful is because the Romans actually believed in him a little bit. They even discovered the temple of Serapis in Britain, which is also a wonderful thing.

In the middle and late period of Ptolemy's reign, due to economic decadence and serious exploitation, Egyptians became more and more dissatisfied with Greek immigrants, and even had pamphlets and slogans like "The Stone Man Has One Eye".

"He who wears the girdle (i.e. the Greeks) will destroy himself... When all sins are finished, when the Gentiles in Egypt have disappeared like the leaves in autumn, these things will come to pass. For what he who wears the girdle has committed Without respect, their city (Alexandria) will be abandoned...The Egyptian statues that were transported to Alexandria will return to Egypt, and the coastal city will become a drying ground for fishermen..."

Faced with such a sharp conflict, the Ptolemaic royal family is introspecting for the time being. While appeasing the civilians, they will increase their contributions to the temple in every disaster year, allowing the temple to control the civilians and appease them through the priests. mood.

The priests were well aware of this reciprocal behavior. King Ptolemy, like the orthodox pharaohs, was held up on the altar as a god on earth. Perhaps the son of Amun had these priests and temples. Thanks to this, the rule of Ptolemaic Egypt did not collapse.

The predecessors barely managed to maintain the country through this method, but now how to deal with these overweight priests has become a major problem.

Theoretically speaking, Egyptian pharaohs are the only ones qualified to act as gods and humans. Their role and responsibility is to maintain the Maat of the world. This is a very important core concept after the formation of the Egyptian mythology system. Its status is the same as that of Brahma in Hinduism. , the industry should be about the same.

In short, this is an abstract concept of order, fairness, and justice, and the Pharaoh is the specific person who maintains this abstract concept. However, with the development of time and the decline of royal power, the Pharaoh's sacrificial power concentrated on one person was once again reduced. It was issued to temples and priests in various places, and traveled around for countless centuries to the era when the Ptolemaic royal family was in power. Although the priests of the temple respected the Egyptian king (Pharaoh) as the son of God, the priestly power was already in their hands, and the king was not One family became the dominant one, and an abstract situation emerged.

The king's flag was changed at the top of the city, and Egypt changed its rulers. This matter did not affect these temples. On the contrary, the new rulers had an unstable foothold. In order to appease the temples, they would distribute huge profits to the priest group. Over time, the priests became more and more Strong, the new rulers behind did not dare to touch these people for fear of detonating this bomb.

Cleopatra was a very crazy person to a certain extent. She could clearly understand the potential dangers of the problem, but she still had no hesitation and chose to do it without any hesitation, even without sufficient preparation. , after a brief plan with Orville, Cleopatra began to take back the land given to the temple bit by bit.

Of course, she would not confiscate all of it. She only requested that the land held by the temples be reduced and that the land be given to the local poor. The land should be nationalized, but she promised not to collect taxes on this land for twenty years. , twenty years later, taxes were also collected at a lower level (5% to 10%), which was far lower than the taxes of the recent Ptolemaic kings, and also lower than the tax standards of the temple.

Considering that she is not yet twenty years old, her rule should last for a long time. If she keeps her word, this guarantee has some value.

This has shaken the hearts of many local people. People in backward areas are generally superstitious, but superstition does not mean they are brainless. They also know that the priests above are dominating, and there are many poor people who are persecuted by these people. They were just frightened by his lustful power and did not dare to take action. Now that Pharaoh was willing to support them, they would naturally accept it happily and help Pharaoh deal with some of the temples that oppressed them.

This is a rare case. Just talking about it will obviously have little effect. Not to mention that although some temples occupy the country's land belonging to the pharaoh, the lives of the civilians sheltered by them are still pretty good. At least they know how to cherish feathers. In addition, "Greek" "Pharaoh" has been exploiting the people in an inappropriate manner in recent years, and the temple is their spiritual sustenance. Even if they promise small profits, the local people are still more inclined to the power of the temple.

Cleopatra was cautious and did not issue a national edict as a pharaoh. She just used the construction of water conservancy facilities to find out. The results were not very satisfactory. The local temple had experienced many battles, so it was uncertain. Having fought with figures like Ptolemy I, how could he not see through Cleopatra's thoughts? The temptation to take back the land was met with strong resistance, and there were even several small-scale riots, forcing Orville to have to Send troops to suppress it.

This gave Cleopatra a headache, but she did not lose heart and still insisted on doing it. While negotiating with the local temple to accumulate experience, she began to prepare for large-scale sacrifices to Isis and other gods. She really planned to follow the route of Isis-Aphrodite mentioned by Orwell, but she didn't know what the effect would be.

This will definitely take time. It will be difficult to produce results without 20 to 30 years. Orwell can't wait for 20 to 30 years now, so he thought about taking some drastic measures.

At this time, he thought of Jeanne Dacre who was far away in Britain. If it comes to how to deal with these polytheistic temples in Egypt, Christianity may be able to help. After all, this is the process of historical evolution.

About a year before Orwell traveled through time, the apostle Mark was said to have just been executed in Alexandria. He was the author of the Gospel of Mark, and after him, there were many important Christian figures active, and quite a few of them are still alive.

For example, Matthew and Luke are both authors of the Gospels. They will write their own works in the next few years. It can be said that Christianity is in a period of rapid development.

PS. To be honest, ancient Egypt is beyond the author's knowledge. I should have studied it carefully, but the author is really busy recently and has an exam. I took a few glances at it before the battle. If there are any mistakes, please point them out.

The author will correct them.

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