To be honest, Orwell is still not sure whether he should support the spread of Christianity. The era of his activities was very special, and it was a link between the past and the future. If he did not support it, many problems would not be solved, and if he supported it, he might attract criticism.

Orville himself is a mixed-blood Palphine. No one still mentions this matter now, just because Orville does not show any characteristics of a Palphine and lives like an out-and-out Roman.

Once he proposes to promote Christianity and the like, Parfism and Christianity have not been completely separated these days, and it is easy to give people a bad association, causing him to fall into a disadvantageous position.

This is all just a little thought, considered a minor issue. The main issue is whether it is right or wrong to take the initiative to spread Christianity in this era. Historically, it took Christians almost three hundred years to avoid being persecuted. This process was shortened to two years. Is thirty years right?

Or let’s expand on the problem and think about whether it is right to promote Christianity or to reform polytheism, and what should be done to reform it.

Orville is now relatively good at doing things, and he is not bad at thinking about things, but his thinking is more based on precedents and certain situations. No one can provide Orville with guidance and experience in this regard, so he behaves a little Restraint and hesitation.

After Cleopatra complained to him about the temple, Orville kept thinking about it, and finally he decided to promote it, but in a slow and gentle way.

He won't say anything openly for the time being, but secretly he will provide support and guidance to the early church, allowing the church to develop in the direction it wants, and at the same time allowing the church to expand earlier.

As for the candidate to preside over this matter, he hesitated between Jeanne and several apostles who were active in the world, and finally decided to ask Jeanne to do this because she could accept his so-called "Minerva Mutual Aid Society" and They are people who are familiar with themselves, and there may be all kinds of problems and disagreements when strangers come. Not everyone is as moral as the other person, and there is almost no self-interest in their minds.

There is another key point - no matter how good others are at deceiving others, even if they survive to death, they will be on the same level as Jeanne. Jeanne may not be very good at talking, but her ability to predict and tell fortunes is really powerful. She is suspected of being the chosen one. existence, it would be a pity not to take advantage of it.

After confirming this, Orville wrote a letter to Belisarius in Britain to explain the situation. I guess he would ask someone to come over.

Now that various negotiations with the Celtics have been completed, it can be said that Jeanne has successfully completed her mission in Britain. Now she is actually of little use in staying in Britain. Instead, she might as well come over to help Orville.

Orville believed that Jeanne could not understand his plan in Egypt. In fact, she did not have strong enthusiasm and motivation for missionary work. However, as long as she explained the situation in Egypt to the other party and emphasized that the local people needed help, Jeanne herself could If you can help others, it shouldn't be difficult to trick them into coming over.

The rest of the matter should be taken step by step. In fact, Orville himself did not have a good plan in his heart.


Earlier, Belisarius, the provincial governor-general in London, London, was also having a headache with provincial government affairs.

The emperor had no expectations for the province of Britain. Simply maintaining its existence would satisfy the requirements of the supreme being on earth. However, Belisarius was by no means a mediocre person who could just muddle along. He set medium and long-term development goals for himself based on Orville's guidance. .

After relying on force to solve Boudica's problem, the barbarian problem in the western part of the province was temporarily solved. Intimidated by the empire's strict military appearance, young people did not dare to make mistakes. The barbarians on the island of Ireland were balanced by each other, making it difficult to plan major events. The situation in the entire province could almost be called impregnable. The only shortcoming that made it difficult for Belisarius to sleep and eat was the barbarians in the north who were waiting for opportunities.

To make a comparison, the social structure of the barbarians in the west is like a tree trunk. Although there are branches spreading out on it, there is always a main axis, which is Boudica's group. The connections between the various groups are scattered but will never disappear. There is one The chief elected by the clan presides over major affairs.

As for the barbarians in the north, they are still considered Celts according to their bloodline, but perhaps they have less interaction with the civilized world. Their social structure is almost a mess, with countless clans and tribes fighting independently. It is impossible to tell the priority, and the status of the clan can only be distinguished by size.

Often, the more developed a region is, the easier it is to rule. Belisarius even looked down upon such a messy backward area, believing that it should not be ruled, so as not to slow down his integration and governance of the British provinces.

After the other party has initially established its own overall social organization through trade and war, the Romans should then consider whether they should maintain the status quo or impose rule. Until then, it is not a bad thing to keep the northern territory in the hands of the barbarians.

This kind of view is somewhat reasonable, and many Roman officials are supported by it. However, objectively speaking, the barbarians from the north have repeatedly invaded the border. Belisarius organized cavalry to encircle and suppress them several times. Due to the dense woods and complex terrain, In mountainous areas, the effect is not good and it is difficult to act as a deterrent. The border attacks are often prohibited.

After thinking about it, Belisarius drew on nutrients from the world of his ancestors and found a quite appropriate solution-building the wall.

Just like the Germanic Great Wall on the banks of the Rhine, Belisarius planned to build a defense line with the same function here. Since the enemy he was dealing with was weaker, his own soldiers were also stretched thin, and the defense line could be built more crudely.

As for the labor of building the city wall, on the one hand, there are the valuable legion soldiers and auxiliary soldiers, and on the other hand, there are various rebels and bandits who have been captured during this period. The two complement each other. The latter are naturally the ones who do the hard labor. They have to cut down trees and cut off the wild and wanton trees, while the former use trees as materials to build tall and sturdy border camps.

In addition to wood, a large amount of stone is needed to build the wall, which is supplied by the locals. There is no shortage of such resources on the British Isles. Because it is a line of defense to protect them, the locals are quite enthusiastic about the work and do not feel that they are forced to do anything.

There are similar actions in history, namely the famous Hadrian's Wall, one of the inspirations for "Game of Thrones". It is 117 kilometers long and certainly not comparable to the Great Wall, but it is still a major project. Belisarius is prepared to rely on the border defense system to solve the border troubles, which is also a good strategy.

The problem that troubled him now was not the steady progress of the city wall construction, everything was in an orderly manner, but the two major forces on the island of Ireland in the west - the Vikings of Ivar the Boneless and the indigenous people led by Finn MacCool.

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