While Orville was mobilizing forces, the Senate was also busy, trying to mobilize their forces in various places to concentrate on the mainland to deal with the emperor's army that could land at any time.

After the emperor died, he naturally publicly identified Tia as the heir to the throne, but the Senate also identified Tia as a public enemy at the same time, believing that she wanted to subvert the country's rule. Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and the choice of which side to believe mainly depended on their own positions.

Places like southern Gaul, part of the Balkan Peninsula, Greece and Africa (that is, Carthage) are the Senate's base. They are naturally loyal to the Senate. At this moment, they are gathering supplies and troops to the mainland, but the backhand left by Orville and Vespa also caused them a considerable degree of obstacles.

First, Belisarius, who landed in northern Gaul right after Auvergne's army, had two legions and a large number of auxiliary soldiers under his command. Since the two commanders of the Germanic legion were still watching the situation with an ambiguous attitude, the Belisarius army that landed could easily reach the territory of Narbonne Gaul. He would not start burning, killing and looting, but the mere presence of his troops made the governors and nobles of Narbonne Gaul very nervous, so they dared not dispatch their military forces at will.

They also knew in their hearts that Belisarius would most likely not choose to indulge his men in burning, killing and looting, but no one dared to bet that the moral bottom line of the opposing general would override his duties as a general and let the army miss the opportunity.

On the other side of Greece, what held them back was the colonial city of Byzantium. After the Mithridatic War, Byzantium received considerable support from the emperor because of its correct position and real military exploits. Auvergne and Cleopatra also wanted to help the other side establish a dominant position and took better care of it.

As a result, Byzantium developed very quickly. In the past few years, it has become the most important trade hub and grain-producing area on the Black Sea coast. Its real strength is far ahead of the weakened Greek city-states.

Constantine, who was originally under Orwell, is now in the decision-making level of Byzantium and has a certain voice. They continue to choose to support the imperial power in this conflict between the imperial power and the Senate. After all, the Senate is highly bound to the Greek mainland. As a Greek colony, they have been suppressed by the mainland. Only the imperial power can give them the right to speak and a broad space for development.

Now the Byzantine army and navy have in turn held back the Greek mainland troops. Of course, the interest bond between Byzantium and Orwell is not very strong, and there is a sense of working without effort. Even so, this group of people has held back the Greek military forces that are larger than their own, so that they cannot return to the mainland without scruples.

The attitudes of the provinces in the Iberian Peninsula were more complicated. There was not much difference between their support for the emperor and the Senate, which made them hesitant about sending troops directly to support. No matter how hard the Senate tried to persuade them, it would not have a good effect, because there were still people promoted by the emperor in the local area who spoke for the emperor's family.

So in fact, only part of the army of the African province could directly support the mainland. This was a peaceful province with not much military force to mobilize, and mobilization also took time. It can only be said that distant water cannot quench near thirst.


Small teams of ships landed in the ports of Sicily one after another. The fleet sent by the emperor patrolling the shore would check them and choose to release or detain them after ensuring that their identity status was OK.

Now it is actually not much different from the war period, but the bloody conflict has not really started yet. The merchants coming and going have been forced to reduce the tense situation. Most of these people are nobles sent by the emperor or retired soldiers who came spontaneously.

The benefits of taking the risk of seizing Sicily appeared again at this time, and there was a refuge provided for them. The most important person among them was of course the emperor, Tia himself.

Although there were many doubts within the faction about her accession to the throne, after all, in theory, the status of female gifted people is the same as that of men, but in reality there will always be an invisible difference. It is the first time in history that a female emperor has ever been born, so some people are inevitably at a loss.

However, the only person they can directly support is Orwell, and Orwell himself does not seem to want to compete with his wife for the throne of emperor, so these people can only hold back their dissatisfaction.

Orwell had already given instructions for this, and Stilicho happily gave up his position as the commander-in-chief, and Tia did not change her personality, and was anxious to return to Egypt to compete with Orwell for power. She just stayed on Sicily to coordinate the resources of the island and prepare to defend against the offensive from the mainland.

The local army is remobilizing and organizing a new legion, and the military commander is the talented Aurelian. In a short time, they will be able to obtain at least three legions of troops as help. Orwell is similar, with ships full of soldiers being transported to the mainland. Now it depends on who is faster, and whoever is faster will have an advantage in the next round of confrontation.


On the other side, Orville, who was far away in Syria, was looking at the things in front of him stiffly, and raised his eyes to the messenger and said: "Are you sure? The Kingdom of Bosporus has fallen?"

In front of him was a pile of saddles and armor. The bad news was that the style of these things was familiar to Orville. This was obviously not the style of Eastern European nomads, but the style of those nomads in East Asia.

In other words, these people were foreign immigrants. This made Orville have a very bad association-the easternmost power on the continent should be the Han Dynasty. The Roman Empire in this time and space was obviously patched up a lot, which made it much stronger than its contemporaries. By analogy, the Han Dynasty should have been treated similarly.

Perhaps the northern nomads of this time and space encountered a Han Empire with more exaggerated productivity and military power, and were driven here a few centuries earlier, and happened to be bumped into by the current Orwell.

He had seen this episode before, the so-called Attila, the Scourge of God, and Orwell might have to face a similar situation now.

Bosporus, far away on the Black Sea coast, became the first victim. According to the survivors who escaped, there were also some Scythians among the nomads, which means that the other side has now absorbed some of the Scythian power as a supplement.

According to Orwell's rough understanding of this group of people, they will certainly not stop there, and will continue to move west to plunder the territories of the Franks and Dacians. The Franks should be okay, but the Dacians may not be able to stop them, and then it will be the turn of the Romans to confront this group of nomads head-on.

In real history, Attila caused a lot of trouble to this country. Of course, this had a lot to do with the fact that the Western Roman Empire was already half dead at that time. But it is undeniable that the Romans did not have the rich experience of dealing with nomadic peoples like a certain Eastern power. If they encounter them now, they will probably suffer a great loss.

PS. Two updates in the evening should be as usual

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