Anyway, this incident made Orville even more nervous, and he thought he should speed up the progress.

After thinking it over again and again, he wrote a long letter to Mucinus before leaving, explaining the potential risks of those nomadic peoples and asking him to be more careful.

After doing this, Orville took the army on a transport ship to Sicily, ready to meet up with the other party there.

After he left, the rear coordination work was handed over to Trajan and Cleopatra. According to the current situation, he could not fully trust these two people, but he was also relatively sure that the two would not directly turn against him in the rear. He also asked Domitia to stay in Egypt to avoid any major problems.

If there was really a big change, he was going to let Trajan adopt Tia as a royal adopted son at the speed of light, and then let Domitia marry the other party to establish the legitimacy of the other party's rule, and the rest of the things would be handed over to Trajan to take over.

He is now basically certain that the core members of the Senate are still Nerva and others. In history, the other party would choose Trajan as their adopted son to inherit the country. It is possible that this world line will develop in this way due to the world line correction force. He can only bet on a possibility. In addition to Trajan, he really has no more suitable successor.

The army finally met in Sicily. Now they have about four and a half Roman legions and one and a half auxiliary corps. Orville and Tia also know some friends in their homeland, either openly or secretly. The Senate is only the defender of the old rules, not the complete destroyer and destroyer. Unless they are forced into a desperate situation, they will not do anything to destroy the entire rule.

After the preparations were completed, he let the army from the foreign race continue to be stationed, while he and Tia led a large force to cross the Strait of Messina and land on the Apennine Peninsula, which is the homeland of the empire.


While the homeland was still brewing, continuous low-intensity wars had already broken out in Gaul.

In the end, several legions of the German Legion did not forget their duties and continued to stay on the border to guard the border. It seemed that they wanted to be a safe fence-sitter at the last moment. Belisarius was currently happier about this result, which meant that he could do things freely.

There was a reason why Orwell called him the Immortal of Bad Battles. After the legion crossed the British Channel and landed, he quickly used clever means to mobilize various local nobles in Gaul to stimulate them to send soldiers to participate in the war. In a short period of time, he successfully mobilized two to three thousand relatively elite local soldiers and countless civilians.

With a considerable number of troops, Belisarius finally began to boldly and tentatively attack the cities in southern Gaul controlled by the Senate. The city was basically assimilated, and the corresponding military strength also declined. After being away from the battlefield for a long time, several key towns began to be in distress and asked Rome for help.

However, although their request for help was sent to Aurelian, who now holds military power in Rome, these letters were not accepted. Aurelian mobilized about four legions of troops in his homeland and prepared to go south directly to intercept Orwell's landing army.

His idea was very clear - to kill the snakehead first, and the rest would naturally collapse without a fight. The snakehead was the main force in Orwell's hands.

Aurelian has always been inclined to quick attack. After confirming that the defenses of various places were safe, he led the main force directly to the south. He wanted to push the army to the south before Orwell could react, and then catch the opponent off guard.


Orwell had just landed at the southernmost tip of the Apennine Peninsula. The few soldiers here were also concentrated in Rome to receive unified command and dispatch. There were no serious soldiers left behind, only some spontaneously organized militiamen, and their purpose was not to fight Orwell, they only wanted to protect themselves.

He did not make things difficult for these people, but continued to move forward, and it would not be too late to seize the next advantageous position as soon as possible and then slowly deal with it. He had no fundamental contradiction with these people. At most, he needed to restrain the military discipline of the legion soldiers. Fortunately, these people were a little more human when they fought in their hometown, so he could only do his best.

Following the road, Orville soon arrived at the port city of Brindisi on the heel of the "high heels". Originally, he planned to hold on here first, and make plans after the subsequent support materials and troops arrived, to see whether to move forward or continue to consolidate the position first.

But at this time, Jeanne found Orville again.

She had already put on a set of shining armor and held a specially sewn military flag in her hand: "I came here to tell you this. Now Aurelian is marching south at high speed. In order to conceal their tracks, they will choose to march between mountains and hills. They will pass through Lake Kangsa in two days. The exact location should be the trail on the south side of the lake. This is your biggest chance of winning. These are what the angel told me."

After hearing this, Orville's first reaction was not to doubt the truth or falsehood. Several experiences showed that it might be true. Instead, he thought about why the other party did this and what exactly drove the other party to take the initiative to help Orville win this battle.

Then he roughly understood the other party's idea-the main purpose should still be to spread the faith and use Orville's hands to do this.

It is obvious that there are few sympathizers of monotheism in the Senate, even in the upper echelons. Even if there are, they are mostly noble ladies. The development route of monotheism is to develop these noble ladies as sympathizers or even believers of monotheism. For example, Lydia, Nero's favorite, is a sympathizer of monotheism.

Like the current commander of the other side, Aurelian believes in Sol, the native Roman sun god (Sol, corresponding to Helios, the Greek sun god, and also has some characteristics of the Syrian sun god), and his belief is quite devout, not just a casual verbal remark. Such people obviously cannot exist as sympathizers of monotheism.

In comparison, Orville is consciously promoting monotheism as a tool to help him rule and fight against other native beliefs. Obviously, Orville is a better choice of secular ally, and he has more or less gained some benefits.

In recent years, he found that the abilities he obtained from Jiuyos (sword) were becoming stronger and stronger. Now, in terms of the ability of encouragement (reducing intelligence), he should have surpassed Tia and others by a lot. He reasonably suspected that the variable was his contribution to the spread of faith, or a bonus brought by the spread of faith itself.

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