The snake rides on the mist and eventually turns to ashes. No matter how great the empire is, it cannot withstand the erosion of time. Kingship has never been said to be eternal. The glorious and splendid civilization nearly two thousand years ago has only traces of the past to this day.

The empire cannot escape the fate of decline, but this does not prevent later generations from viewing it as a peak. During World War II, some Italians still regarded the Roman Empire as their ancestors and role model. Many disasters have occurred, but objectively speaking, these dedicated cosplay enthusiasts have indeed done some good things, such as digging into the legacy of this ancient empire.

Under the remains of the Flavius ​​Palace, they discovered information that delighted historians and conspiracy theorists - a large number of encapsulated and buried stone slabs. According to the inscriptions, it was inferred that the burial time of these things was probably in the early second century, and they were ordered to be buried. The person is the consort of the second empress of the Flavian dynasty and the adopted son of Vespa, Orville.

The common understanding at this time is that Orville, who was adopted by Vespa, gradually overshadowed Tia in the later years, and in fact became the ruler of this country, the ruler of the shadow government, and the behind-the-scenes emperor of the Roman Empire.

Customs, political situation, economic status, science and technology. Most of the contents that people can think of are carved on stone slabs and preserved intact. Different from the usual inferences and guesses, these stone tablets aim to faithfully record the original situation and have extremely high reference value and cultural value.

At the same time, a stone copy of another legendary book was also unearthed underground. It has a resounding name - "The Emperor's Book". It is a guide book written by Orville after he lived in seclusion, specifically for future generations. The emperors read it, and the secret spread inside the palace, because it had been lost for a long time due to the war.

Later generations passed down this book as a magical book. It was said that it contained bizarre secrets such as eternal life, summoning gods, reincarnation, and turning stones into gold. However, nearly two thousand years later, when later generations read the book again, they found that this was not the case at all. Something happened.

The whole book is a ruler's teachings to his descendants. Orwell spends a lot of time systematically talking about how to control his subordinates, how to negotiate with political factions, how to gain the love of the people, and how to be a good emperor.

This is the essence of the whole book, but this is not the focus of future generations.

Orwell speculates on many things in the book with astonishing accuracy: the Ice Age in the fifth century, the rise of Christianity and the final decline of polytheism, the decline of Rome itself, the schism after the Golden Age, the strongman politics after the schism, and the new forces from the Arabian Peninsula. The rise of

If the content of this book is true, and later emperors have read this book, this can explain why the Roman Empire had a prosperous age of more than three hundred years. All threats were calculated, and the successors We just need to pay attention to the crisis and prevent it from breaking out.

Conspiracy theorists call this evidence of the existence of aliens, classical enthusiasts hold Orville to a higher level as the founder of the Golden Age, and a group of racists after the war regard this as a symbol of the noble blood of Palfi. Another strong evidence that pan-Europeans have processed some of Orwell's ideas to add to their own theories

Two thousand years later, all kinds of people have found some use value in Orville, but this was nothing to the ancients two thousand years ago.

The marble statue stands in the square, condescending like the gods on Mount Olympus, watching the changes in the sea, watching the changes in civilization, watching the tourists passing below it, and tourists from different eras also look back with their own thoughts. sculpture.

The wheel of history will continue to move forward, but what is important is what latecomers can learn from their predecessors.

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