Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 41 Breaking the Wall

Obviously the Romans had a lot of war experience. They knew what tactics to use to deal with various enemies, and they had corresponding training.

The situation on the Parphi people's side is different. They don't have many tactics to choose from. If they could defeat the Romans so easily, they would have become the dominant force in the Mediterranean.

The defenders who left the city suffered heavy losses. After repeated trials and repeated attempts, they were unable to do anything.

Different legions took turns every day, taking turns with battering rams to pound the city wall. After ten days in a row, the city wall finally couldn't withstand the day after day beatings and catapult bombardments. Nearly twenty days after the siege officially began, the city wall collapsed. , a crack was made.

The siege party filed in through the gap. At this time, the defenders gave up the attack and began to escape behind the second city wall.

The three city walls are not continuous fortifications. There is a large space between the first city wall and the second city wall. In order to facilitate command and dispatch, Tiya moved her main camp inside the city wall and established it here. Continue to direct operations.

The defenders in the city relied on the second city wall and surrounding towers for defense. Tia also repeated her old tricks, first letting the auxiliary troops and legionnaires level the surrounding ground, and then demolishing part of the first city wall so that the battering ram could and siege platforms can come in.

After everything was ready, the battering ram began to work again.

Since our own long-range weapons could not completely destroy the siege ram, the defenders carried out multiple assaults and harassments in the hope of slowing down the siege's progress.

There were many hidden secret passages on the city wall. The defenders did not need to open the city gates. They only needed to open the secret passages to send a small number of men to launch a surprise attack on the Romans.

As the war progresses, it has changed from a battle of courage to a battle of endurance. The Romans are worried that their camp will be raided at night, and the Parphins are worried that their city will be threatened by battering rams and trebuchets. Both sides sleep with their weapons in hand. , be ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

Tiya ordered the main attack on the central tower in the center of the city wall. After knocking on the tower for several days, the tower also showed signs of loosening. It may be that she felt that the city wall could not last long, and the number of soldiers guarding the city wall was obviously reduced. Rome The archers and heavy projectile weapons here can completely suppress the opponent.

The next morning, just as Tiya was preparing to continue attacking the city wall, a man from the city wall shouted for mercy below.

"We surrender, we surrender! No more fighting!"

Tia stopped the advancing battering ram, and considering that the defenders were no longer confident, she personally stepped forward and asked, "What do you want?"

"As long as you can ensure our safety, we will go down now!"

"I agree. It's good that you are sensible. I hope more people can make wise choices. As long as you all surrender, I promise that this city will not be harmed."

"Traitor, lackey!!" Some other people roared and rushed towards the leader.

Before the leader could say anything, a fight began on the city wall. In the end, it seemed that the capitulationists had the upper hand, and they stretched their heads downward again.

"Let's open the secret door in the tower, come in!!"

After saying that, a secret door under the tower was opened, and a centurion volunteered to lead his team forward.

Just as they were marching not far below the city wall, the people on the wall suddenly began to throw stones and javelins at them.

The centurion, who was on guard for a long time, raised his shield to block the attack of these people, and led the people to sprint towards the secret door. In the end, they were a little faster, killed the Parfi soldiers who were about to close the door, and began to invade the tower.

But not long after they entered, thick smoke billowed out from the tower, and the defenders ignited something in the tower, forcing the centurion to exit the tower and return to his position.

Tia didn't blame them, she just let the battering ram continue to hit the tower with a sullen face. By dusk that day, the second city wall was damaged, and a small hole opened from the central tower.

Seeing the opportunity, Tiya naturally couldn't let it go. She raised her sword: "The command is handed over to the Egyptian Governor Antonis. The first and second brigade of the 12th Legion, rush in with me!!"

Orville glanced at her helplessly, and at the same time found that the Egyptian governor next to him was also helpless. He found that the young man's style was completely unlike his old commander Vespa.

It is good to lead by example, but it will also put the general in a dangerous situation. The Romans' habit is to let the general sit firmly in the center and have an insight into the overall situation. There are only a few people like Tia who see the opportunity and directly rush in with sharp sword troops.

He said: "I think you should first demolish the city wall near the tower so that our soldiers can enter and exit freely. This gap is too narrow and cannot transport troops smoothly. At the same time, I request that my men be allowed to guard the city wall. Although they There are many people who are natives of this city, but they have a deep hatred for the rebels and have a strong will to fight.”

Orville's words were reasonable, and the Egyptian governor agreed after thinking about it for a while.

After more than a thousand of Tiya's heavily armored warriors entered the city, Orville led his men onto the deserted city wall.

Luo Xie's army climbed onto the city wall and occupied high ground, preparing to use slings and other weapons to attack the rebels who might appear below. The attached regular legionnaires formed formations to guard the ramps and steps that could climb the city wall to prevent enemy surprise attacks.

There are mostly open spaces and scattered houses between the first city wall and the second city wall. Within the second city wall is the formal city area. The terrain is quite complicated, and many civilians still live in it.

It is now dusk, and Tia may be impulsive, but she is not foolish. Entering an unfamiliar city at this time, no matter how strong the Roman legionnaires are, they will not waste their combat power like this.

She thought for a few seconds to compose her words, and finally shouted in Aramaic, the common language in the ancient Middle East: "We will not loot this place!! All the hiding party members, if you do not want to harm innocent civilians, you can come out and fight freely. If you want to return to the city to continue the struggle, that's fine. I reserve your right to choose freely.

Civilians in the city, you can leave here safely with your property. I swear in the name of the Flavian Dynasty that the main purpose of my fighting is to protect the Holy City for Rome and to protect your temple for the Holy City. All those who give up resistance can get safety and shelter."

After saying this, she switched back to Latin and ordered her soldiers: "Maintain the formation! Unite around the centurion, don't walk around, don't disperse to rob property, and those who walk around and leave the team will be treated as deserters!"

This is the best solution she can think of. On the one hand, it does not harm local civilians, and on the other hand, it can maintain the order of the army and not undermine the morale of the soldiers.

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