Tiya waited for nearly ten minutes, and finally a few families came out of the city carrying large and small packages. Tiya kept her promise and asked the legionnaires to make way for them and send them out.

With the first one, there were the second and third. More civilians began to get out of the city. Many of them wanted to leave from the beginning, but they were blocked by the Zealots. In addition, the terrible noise of the siege for so many days deeply stimulated them. They now had no will to resist. Hearing that Tiya was willing to preserve their few properties, they immediately chose to surrender.

The Romans barely maintained order, but the defenders in the city seemed to see through the insufficient number of Tiya's soldiers at this time, and did not dare to engage in street fighting with them in the city. When the Romans gradually relaxed their vigilance and it was dark, a large number of Palfi warriors hidden in the houses swarmed out of the city like locusts, shouting and rushing towards Tiya and others.

The Romans' equipment is very suitable for the narrow and crowded terrain of the city. Just look at the equipment of the riot police in later generations. The equipment of the two is not much different. They all have large shields, one-handed short weapons and heavy armor, and they organize a tight formation to resist the impact.

The scene of the Parphi people fighting against the Romans now actually looks similar to the scene of the mobs fighting against the riot police in later generations. The essential difference is that the Romans never show mercy. They don't have batons in their hands but deadly iron swords, which can easily penetrate the bodies of enemies who lack armor.

The Romans resisted the first wave of Parphi people's attack, but their numbers are getting bigger and bigger. If this continues, they are at risk of being trapped in the city.

Although the governor of Egypt has tried his best to demolish the city wall, it is not possible to demolish the city wall that has been hit by the siege hammer for several days before a small piece of it collapsed in a short time. The gap in the city wall can only accommodate a few people at the same time, which is very narrow and crowded.

Orville observed the situation on the wall and ordered his men to shoot at will: "No rebel will climb the wall, you can shoot without worry. No one is allowed to run away, you know the consequences, after this battle, each auxiliary army will receive ten dinars, and each legionary will receive twenty dinars!"

After a speech using both soft and hard tactics, the morale of the army stabilized a little, and the slingshot began to throw stones downwards. The accuracy was a big problem for them, but there were too many people under the city now, and it didn't make any difference to close your eyes and throw them down.

Tiya also noticed Orville on the wall under the wall, and immediately ordered the troops to give up guarding the gap and start to break through the wall.

The legionnaires formed a wall with large shields, slowly and firmly advancing forward, leaving corpses all over the ground. Tiya took the lead and led the people to rush up the gentle slope of the wall, and the soldiers on Orville's side also began to advance forward to meet the other side.

The soldiers of the two sides quickly cleared the enemies on the gentle slope and officially joined forces. Orville's men withdrew the formation and turned to Tiya's soldiers to block the gap.

After all the troops climbed the city wall, Tiya breathed a sigh of relief.

The few gentle slopes and steps on the city wall were narrow, and the Romans had the advantage of terrain by attacking from high to low. The Parfis' numerical advantage could not be fully utilized, but their shortcomings of low quality and poor endurance were exposed.

A hundred-man team could block the gap tightly, and the Parfis had no way to deal with these heavily armed soldiers. After more than half an hour of meaningless melee, the Parfis finally chose to retreat and disperse into the city.

The soldiers set up ladders on the city wall, and rotated with the defenders on the city wall in this way, and then a large number of auxiliary troops used drafts and hammers to dismantle the city wall overnight to expand the gap in the city wall as much as possible.

During this period, the Parfis in the city organized several small-scale raids to try to hinder the progress of the Romans. This was indeed effective, but it could only delay time.

When the sun rose, a large section of the city wall had been demolished, enough for a hundred-man team to pass through in more than ten seconds, and more than enough to transport troops.

Tiya was not in a hurry, and asked the auxiliary army to slowly demolish all the buildings within the city wall. The legion soldiers who were ready to go were on standby at the back. If the Palfi people rushed out to make trouble, the auxiliary army would immediately run away, and they would be greeted by the heavy javelins fired by the legion.

The distance between the second and third city walls was not far, and they arrived under the third city wall a few days later.


"Next, we should not rush to launch a new round of attacks. The soldiers have been fighting for more than 20 days. It's time to let them rest. Prepare to plan a paid parade to pay the soldiers and show the Parfi people our powerful strength in person."

Tiya looked at King Yaquita and asked, "How long do you think the food in the city will be enough?"

"The war has been going on for more than two years. My previous food reserves are actually only enough for the whole city to use for one year. They should not have enough food to supply everyone, but they may not care about this."

Many civilian bodies were found inside the second city wall. Obviously, they were all killed by local rebels. In addition to some of the situations that King Yaquita heard, it is conceivable that the current population in the city is definitely not the original number.

Tia said confidently: "I hope the locals will surrender because they lost the second city wall or because they are afraid of famine. I don't think they can support themselves for a long time just by looting without production."

No one, including Orville, refuted. In any case, they really needed to boost morale. A parade and paying military salaries were very effective ways. Whether they could subdue the Palfi people was secondary.

After the plan was confirmed, a grand parade began soon. Under the guidance of the flags of various combat units, the legion soldiers and auxiliary troops marched in an orderly manner. They polished their weapons and equipment to a gleaming shine and looked very energetic.

The leader was naturally Tia on horseback. Her horse was dressed in a beautiful red horse coat, and she herself was dressed in polished, dazzling golden scales, and a ceremonial gold-plated face armor. She looked like a golden saint. Putting aside her combat effectiveness, the show was indeed very grand.

The officers behind also put on a full set of decorations - collars, armbands and necklaces made of gold and silver, and silver medals on their chests, fully demonstrating the financial resources and honor of these officers.

Even the ordinary infantry and cavalry were mostly energetic and high-spirited. Their fighting willpower was one aspect, and they were about to be paid another. It looked like a sharp contrast with the lifeless temperament of the defenders in the city.

On this day, the city walls were filled with onlookers, and the north side of the temple where the Roman army could be seen was also filled with people. Everyone was inevitably worried and afraid of this army.

They gradually realized that the strength of the Parvi people was probably not enough to fight against the Romans. These soldiers were something a small kingdom could not afford to support.

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