Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 43 Persuading Surrender

Although the defenders must have felt the pressure, they waited for several days in a row, waited for the military pay to be paid, and the army had enough rest, but they still did not make any demands or suggestions, that is, they still refused to negotiate.

Tiya no longer hesitated and ordered the army to continue the attack.

The focus of this attack was the Antony Wall, which can be said to be the gateway to the Temple Mount, surrounding and protecting the Temple Mount. Only by controlling this place can there be hope to control the Temple Mount.

The third wall was sandwiched between two hills on the left and right. If the Romans insisted on attacking the third wall, they would be beaten by the people on the hills on both sides, so it was necessary to take down one hill first, and then consider attacking the third wall.

Tiya chose to attack the Temple Mount, which was more heavily defended in the east but had greater symbolic significance. Once the Antony Wall and the Temple were taken down, the morale of the Parfi people would collapse directly, and she could calmly occupy the rest of the city.

This wall is very difficult to capture. In addition to the towering walls and towers, there is also a ditch with a depth of nearly 15 meters. If you want to capture the fortress, you must fill the ditch together.

As the space for activities becomes smaller and smaller, the offensive of the rebels in the city is becoming more and more fierce.

They learn quickly under pressure. So far, they can use catapults and remaining crossbows more accurately, which caused serious harassment when the Romans built the earthen embankment.

Their combat capabilities and tactics are also rapidly improving in high-intensity confrontations. Although it is impossible to surpass the professional Roman army that has been trained for several years, their disadvantages in close combat are also shrinking. They almost launch raids every night to try to destroy the earthen embankment built by the Romans with great effort. The battle between the two sides is very difficult.

On this land watered by the blood of both sides, the ditch is gradually being filled up bit by bit, and the earthen embankment is being raised bit by bit, slowly and seemingly irreversibly.


"Governor Antonius and I have long told you to be careful. Are you satisfied now?"

Tia was lucky. She had not been injured much, but luck does not last forever. This time, when she rode around the city wall to persuade people to surrender, a piece of gravel fired by a catapult hit her left shoulder. Even though it was just a small stone, it caused her very serious damage.

Fracture, contusion, subcutaneous bleeding. Titus' left arm in another time and space was in a weak state for the rest of his life. The physical fitness of humans in this time and space was generally stronger, and Tia was even better. So it was not to the point of having one arm crippled, but it would take hundreds of days of rest to recover basically. It was unlikely that she would go to the battlefield and draw a knife to cut people during this period.

Orville looked at the wound that was still bleeding and felt a little sorry for him. Overall, he blamed him more. The commander-in-chief liked to play suspense. If nothing happened, everything would be fine. There were countless examples of defeat caused by something going wrong.

If Tia really had a big problem, Vespa would have to peel off his skin and crucify himself.

Tia frowned and said in a calm tone: "It's not a big problem. I can recover in time. I can still command the battle after being injured, but I can no longer charge into the enemy camp myself."

Orville raised her eyebrows: "Do you still want to go to the battlefield?"

She was very serious: "If it's just the left arm, the impact is not big. Be careful not to leave the formation. There should be no problem. We lack excellent on-the-spot commanders and cavalry commanders. Only I can take this position. Hannibal can still command the army as usual even if he is blind in one eye. It's just that one arm is temporarily unusable. Besides, the enemy we are dealing with is not the Romans."

Orville was also speechless. He rolled his eyes and took out a flat pot from his arms.

"The things that Ms. Berenice gave me are said to be useful for healing. I don't know if they are really that useful. Do you want to try it?"

Her focus was not on healing: "Berenice's things? Let me try it. I am looking forward to it."

After speaking, she raised her hand to take it, but her body paused because of the pain of the wound, and she saw a trace of tears flashing in the corner of her eyes.

Orville gloated: "Does it hurt?"

Tia glanced at him and said unhappily: "Go out and try if it hurts. Your upper arm is broken."

After a few words to ease the atmosphere, Orville pulled out the cork and poured a small amount of liquid down the wound.

A strange scene happened: the wound on Tia's shoulder was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood-stained gauze also faded. After five minutes, Tia's wound looked basically healed.

She tried to move her arm, but she still grimaced in pain, but her eyes did not leave the small bottle in Orville's hand.

"Can this thing be mass-produced?!"

"Don't even think about it. The royal priests may only be able to produce enough for ten people after a long time. Only a very grand sacrifice can produce this liquid, and it consumes a lot of their energy and physical strength. Think about how long you can keep your sword red, and then think about the energy they lose when performing the ritual."

Getting an unexpected answer, Tia sighed: "Yes, if the Palfi people have this ability, they should have conquered the world long ago."

"Whether I can conquer the world or not, I will record what happened today and report it to your father in the future."


"Tribute Nicanor, are you sure this is a safe distance?"

Standing under the city wall, Orville questioned his old friend.

Speaking of which, they have known each other for a long time. Not only did they know each other before the war, but when Orville was captured, he took him to see Vespa. Later, the two often met in the barracks, and they became more or less familiar with each other.

Nicanor pointed to the arrow wound on his arm and said confidently: "Before, Commander Tia and I were responsible for persuading them to surrender. I am the one who is most familiar with the range of their weapons. As long as it is a single-soldier weapon, it is impossible to hit your position. It is no problem to be closer. Of course, there is no way to deal with the situation like the legion commander. The catapult depends on luck. Generally speaking, they will not focus their fire on us. It is not worth wasting ammunition. They are just two big soldiers."

Ovel became more panicked when he saw it. His two seniors were all injured, and this guarantee was undoubtedly pale and powerless.

After Tia was injured, Orville did not agree to let her come over to shout again. It happened that Tia was a little speechless and didn't know what to say later, so she gave this task to Orville.

She thought that Orville was a local, had served as the commander of the rebels before, was currently in a high position among the Romans, and had a decent talent for languages. This kind of person was simply the most suitable person to persuade people to surrender.

Unexpectedly, Orville's visit had a completely counterproductive effect.

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