Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 44 Warm Welcome

Orville was a local of the Holy City. Even though he was a little famous before, he didn't want to hide his identity. Naturally, the guards on the city wall recognized him.

Then he was welcomed very warmly - the people on the city wall cursed him one after another, and then threw their throwing weapons without any hesitation. Nicanor's words were indeed unreliable. These people's weapons could obviously reach him. Fortunately, the first round of shooting was not accurate, and Orville was not hit.

Nicanor also exclaimed: "I swear in the name of God Artemis, they have never thrown so far before."

Orville didn't want to argue with the other party now. He walked around the city wall for a long time before he barely found a place where his voice could be heard by the guards and he was not so easy to be shot into a sieve.

[I hope that my future historical evaluation will not be Wang Zhaoming in the ancient times, a low-quality lackey of mankind.]

Thinking so self-deprecatingly, Orville took out the speech from his arms and began to speak to persuade surrender.

"Although their beliefs are different from yours, the Romans have always respected the Holy Land and have avoided damaging the holy city and the holy land during the long war. On the contrary, some of you have been trying to destroy the sacred culture of this city. You have seen that the walls cannot protect you. If the Romans can destroy the first and second walls, they can also destroy the third.

You despise godless rulers, which is understandable, but these people happen to rule the world we know. Even beasts know that the strongest will always win. Your ancestors chose to surrender, not because they were cowardly, but because they could see the reality clearly.

A small force of Pompey can defeat this country. The Romans have conquered the Sabines, Etruscans, Gauls, Carthaginians, Egyptians, Greeks and countless other nations. It is extremely stupid to fight against him before this chariot slows down. What do you rely on? ? Maybe you can win once or twice by luck, but the Romans can lose ten or twenty times, and you are isolated.

You are already trapped in famine, and you have countless crimes. Have you not stolen and sharpened silver? Have you not robbed and killed? Do you really think you will get God's blessing? Up to now, He has blessed the Flavians and made Vespa the emperor. The Romans' conditions have not changed. They just ask you to pay taxes as before, and then they will guarantee order, security and your property, which are things you can't get now. Things have developed to this point, and surrender is the best result. "

Orville's speech was a bit funny, because he was dodging all kinds of weapons from beginning to end. Later, he was dodging not only stones, bows and javelins, but also scorpion crossbows and catapults for him. Nicanor was so scared that he stood behind and wanted to pull Orville away with him.

Orville rejected the other party's kindness and insisted on standing there to finish reading the manuscript. In his opinion, this was necessary, otherwise he would feel uneasy.

He knew that the previous rule of the Roman governor was not reasonable, and it was normal and reasonable for the locals to choose to revolt. Even many Romans did not think that resistance was wrong.

But now it has been proved that these rebels have no long-term plan at all. Even if the rebellion succeeds, it will only bring a long-term state of anarchy and chaos to the locals, which is probably not as good as the rule of the Romans. At least most people can survive under the rule of the Romans.

The war has almost come to this point, and the general trend has been determined. Fighting further will only increase casualties. Seeing that the food reserves in the city are about to run out and famine is about to begin, Tiya is not a living saint no matter how kind she is. After breaking the city, she will not be able to escape the punishment she deserves. A large number of people will die or be sold as slaves.

Instead of this, it is better to exchange for a more decent contract. Breaking the city and surrendering are two concepts. Orville is really considering the locals. He thinks this is the best result that can be achieved now.

Even if Tiya lost the battle, Vespa sent another general, and things would be even worse. Besides, Orville knew that Tiya would win in the end.

After waiting for a minute or two, weapons continued to be thrown at him. Orville was finally pulled away by Nicanor and retreated to a safe area.

Nicanor was still frightened: "There was no such scene when Commander Tiya came to shout. You are really powerful."

Orville sighed: "Maybe, we don't have to try to persuade them to surrender next. They still won't accept it, or the rebels who control the city won't accept it. They know that they are treated differently from civilians and will definitely be punished. Come and try again when we make progress again, but the treatment may not be so generous."


The siege is still going on, and the efforts of Orville and Tiya are not without effect. Recently, more and more people have tried to escape from the city.

At Orville's own request, the work of examining refugees was handed over to him. He was indeed the most suitable person for this job in the barracks. At first, others were worried that he was busy with work and might not be willing to do such tedious and boring work, but Orville took the initiative to take it, so there was no problem.

"They prevented us from leaving, and anyone suspected of escaping would be killed on the spot. But for those who are slightly richer, staying in the city is also dangerous. Our wealth will be coveted by others. We will be framed for planning to escape, and then we will be executed, and our wealth and houses will be taken away by those people."

The ragged middle-aged man was still in shock. Orville handed him a glass of wine, and he drank it tremblingly, and his mood was relieved a little.

"Please rest assured, you are safe now. How is the food supply in the city? I want to know this. If you tell me the truth, I will send you to the civilian area in the rear instead of the refugee camp or prison."

Under the temptation, he told the truth without hesitation: "The situation is very bad. Not to mention the civilians, some of the soldiers can't find food. The price of food is very high. Everyone is snatching food from each other. The soldiers began to rob the few remaining food of the civilians. The famine problem is very serious. Only the middle and upper-level soldiers can guarantee that they are basically full. It seems that the high-level Zealots, Priests and Short Swords have surplus food. The details are not something I can know."

Orville pondered and nodded: "Okay, I will keep my promise. But you need to live under our supervision for almost a week. On the one hand, the Romans cannot fully trust you, and on the other hand, it is to protect you. You have something hidden, such as gold or silver coins in your stomach."

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