After saying this, Berenice's complexion improved: "Thank you, I will ask Commander Vespa to let me go, and I believe he will not refuse. If he were the Governor of Galilee, there would be no such thing. A tragedy happened”

Speaking of this, her face became a little gloomy again, but in the end she quickly returned to normal.

After Orville said hello to the other party, she wanted to leave. She thought of something again and took out a close-fitting flat kettle from her pocket.

"It is not easy to meet people of the same race here. You should be serving in the Roman army now. I also hope that you can stay safe, but dangers appear from time to time. This is water that I have blessed and performed purification rituals on." "Sprinkling it on the wound can heal it. This is the only thing I can do for my subjects. The Eternal One bless you and wish you peace."

She put the small pot into Orville's hand. In her opinion, this child was also a miserable person. Like a slave, he could not choose his own destiny. Even so, he still thought about himself and the royal family. He had rare loyalty, so he could Just help, she doesn't want anyone to die fighting each other.

【Herod Berenice’s benevolent royal family】

[Diplomacy: 14 Military: 7 Management: 13 Strategy: 7 Knowledge: 16]

Bloodline and supernatural power are effective. The Herodian royal family has been priests for generations, and the things they have blessed with spells do indeed have supernatural powers. Orville put it away solemnly and nodded to the princess in thanks.

"I'll put it to good use."


The reason why the Romans chose Philippi as the venue for the banquet is simple. During this period of rest, Vespa got what he wanted - a formal commission and permission from the king, asking him to help clear out the rebels. .

Although it is said that the ticket is paid after getting on the bus, it is still legitimate and will not fall into the facts.

The kingdom of Parphi is in today's Palestine. The current situation is basically that the rebels occupy most of the land in the south centered on the Holy City. Vespa led Roman soldiers from Caesarea on the northern coast to the south and inward. Land advances.

King Aquita's current territory is in the northeast of the kingdom. Two nearby cities have been captured by some rebels who went north. After receiving permission, Vespa immediately set off, leading three legions around him and more than 10,000 people to set off, preparing to annihilate them. Rebels here.

At the same time, he asked Tia to rush to Caesarea and mobilize men from there. He himself took the first step to besiege the nearest rebel city, Tiberias.

It is worth mentioning that Orville was taken with him this time, and he didn't know what his plans were.

The name Tiberias comes from the Roman emperor Tiberius, and Caesarea is similar. They were both names changed by the Parphi rulers to please the Romans.

"This city did not fall to the rebels during the most chaotic period. Although they did not put up any decent resistance when the rebels arrived, I believe that they would not dare to resist the powerful Romans. Just a few words will help. It can make them switch sides and surrender with courtesy.”

In Vespa's camp, Orville was talking eloquently. In fact, he didn't want to be the first at this time. He had to say it because Vespa named him.

Vespa still acted like a kind and good gentleman, nodding his head repeatedly: "Then are you willing to be the pioneer?"

Orville patted his chest and said with a sincere look: "Of course. After all, this is to recover the country, and I have a duty. But I still want to say that some cards can only be played once. Now those guys in the Holy City think I am dead. , I’m afraid you are using me as a role model to worship the tree. In order to use a useful card in a sure-win battle, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and I will obey your orders unconditionally.”

"What you said is not bad." Vesper actually had no intention of letting him go, so he turned to look at the other person, "Captain Valerian, this task is entrusted to you. Don't you always brag to us about your eloquence? , is it the orator Miaozi brought out by the Greek teacher? Let’s see this time.”

With the opportunity to perform in front of him, Valerian naturally accepted the task loudly and prepared to draft a letter of surrender.

In the afternoon of the same day, Valerian and his men came to the city of Tiberias. They dismounted and walked from a long distance away, using this method to show that they had no intention of war.

He walked to the city gate, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "I bring the will of peace."

"WAAAAAAAAAGH!!" Before he could finish his opening words, a group of soldiers with mixed equipment came out of the city and headed straight for Valerian and others.

Valerian was caught off guard and ran away without even having time to lead the horse. The Parphy warriors did not pursue him too far and triumphantly led the horse back to the city. The Romans suffered a small loss.

Back in the camp, Valerian looked guilty: "I have tarnished the honor of the legion. I saw that the enemy did not want to kill the enemy but wanted to escape and retreat. This is a dishonorable act and cannot be done by a Roman soldier."

Vespa waved his hand indifferently: "I didn't ask you to kill people, and your task is not to hold your position. On the contrary, if you foolishly draw your sword and slash at hundreds of enemies, I will doubt the correctness of the Roman soldiers' minds. It's not normal. So, what you did was not wrong, and saving lives was the right thing to do. You don't have to worry about those horses. There are still plenty of them in the army. As for your own horses, I believe that I also believe in your colleagues. Will be back with you soon."

Valerian was naturally very moved, and the rest of his colleagues were also quite moved. Vespa took this opportunity to win over people's hearts.

After doing this, he looked at Orville with a gentle smile: "It seems that your judgment is wrong."

Under the pressure of everyone's attention, Orville felt quite nervous, but he still lowered his head and told the truth: "I still don't think I was wrong. Those are just a few people. The ordinary people here are still peace-loving."

"Then let's take another look." Vesper was generous and dismissed everyone with a wave of his hand.


That night, a dozen old men and nobles crawled at Vespa's feet, begging in various languages.

"That was just the crazy and stupid behavior of a few people this morning. It does not represent the wishes of all the people of Tiberias!"

"We residents have always been very friendly to Rome! Please only punish the thugs, we have surrendered to you long ago!"

"Please don't refuse our request. The lives of tens of thousands of people in the entire city are in your hands!"

Vesper looked at the ugly appearance of these people and was a little absent-minded for a while. It was not until the adjutant coughed to remind him to make a decision that he returned to normal and made the final decision.

"The rebels will not be forgiven, but the law-abiding ones will be protected. Tomorrow open the gates of the city to my armies, and bring those rioters to me. I will allow you to return to the rule of King Aquita and be protected by him and the Roman army. So be it."

These people left with a lot of gratitude after submitting their letters of surrender, while Vesper sat there thinking, recalling what Orville said today.

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