Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 7 Speech and the Future

The next morning, after a small group of troops explored the road to ensure safety and no traps, Vespa's large army entered the city. Different from the agreement, the rebels were not arrested. On the contrary, most of them escaped. The local nobles explained that they sensed something was wrong and ran away in advance. Obviously Vespa didn't believe this argument and thought that these nobles still wanted to avoid offending both sides, so he gave them a small warning.

When the large army entered the city, he used the excuse that the city gate was too narrow and it took too long for the troops to enter the city, which hindered the Romans' plan. He directly had the southern section of the city wall demolished so that the army could enter and exit at will, and the locals dared to get angry. Dare not speak.

Perhaps because he was afraid of being attacked by the locals, or perhaps because he didn't want to disturb them, Vespa still set up his camp on the high ground outside the city. He was not in a hurry to chase the rebels, but instead waited for Tiya's reinforcements to arrive. .

As Vespa's entourage, Orville saw all this. He felt it was unnecessary at first, after all, the rebels did not have an advantage in quality or quantity, but later he understood Vespa's intention.

The rebels had no idea that there were more than 10,000 people in Rome. They thought this was just a small force. They organized troops in nearby Waterdeep City and prepared to clash with the Romans.

Vespa did this intentionally, deliberately letting them gather together and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

Orville felt that this was the difference between Vespa's and Thias' approaches. Vespa probably believed that threats must be eliminated and it would be best to eliminate all enemies. If it were Tia, she would probably think that just by killing the leader, the remaining people would naturally fall into disarray, and then they would carry out a quick beheading operation before the other party could react, so as to end the war as soon as possible.

After Tia's reinforcements arrived and joined the main army, Vespa asked her to lead a group of 600 people from the Twelfth Legion to disperse the enemy. At the same time, he also sent her 400 additional cavalry and 2,000 archers. , Orville moved with these people and went to the battlefield to join her.


Orville looked at the commander named Ulpius Trajan and asked tentatively: "Do you have a son who was not born in Apennines?"

The other party looked surprised: "How did you know? You are right."

Orville chuckled, and at the same time began to quietly think about how to get in touch with his family: "I said that I have some prophecy talent. Your son will become a good man, strong and wise, and will become Big shot.”

Combining the other person's life experience and his status as a supporter of Vespa, Orville was able to determine that he was one of the Five Wise Emperors of Rome, respected as the "best head of state" and "the best leader", and had the potential to compete for nearly two The biological father of Ulpius Nerva Trajanus, who was known as the best ruler in the thousand-year history of Rome.

It is difficult for a tiger's son to have a dog father. Old Trajan was also a very good general and was a military talent valued by Vespa.

Regardless of whether the speaker is a magician or not, everyone loves to hear auspicious words. Old Trajan felt good about being praised, and he still said modestly: "For an eleven-year-old child, these are too far, but still Thank you for your prediction, I will remember it.”

He was transferred from Spain and had been following Vespa. He was not a local garrison, so he didn't have that big a problem with Orville. Even if there are some inexplicable prejudices, they are nothing compared to loyalty to Vespa. The superiors have spoken, and Orville is the staff officer and guide of the Roman legion.

The two places were not far apart. When old Trajan, Orville and others arrived at their destination, the two sides were gathering on the plain, and Tiya was giving a pre-battle speech to his subordinates.

She encouraged with a loud voice: "We have the best equipment! We have the best training! Although there are many enemies in front of you, they have no discipline or combat experience. They are just a bunch of ragtag mobs. The purpose of your daily training is Here, defeating a large number of enemies with a small number of troops has become a routine for my father. I have no shame in going back to see him after a defeat. Are you qualified to be my warriors? Soldiers? I tell you clearly that this battle will end with a glorious victory, and we will gain a far-reaching victory and return home full of honor!"

After she finished speaking, she raised the sword in her hand high. There was a layer of red light attached to the sword, which was eye-catching under the sunlight. Tia pointed the tip of her sword at the Parphy army in front, which was far more numerous than the Romans, and rushed out at the lead.

The soldiers who were inspired by the speech saw that their commander was leading the charge towards the enemy. Naturally, they were not to be outdone, formed a tight formation, and then charged towards the enemy in an organized manner.

Seeing this situation, Old Trajan sighed with emotion: "This lawyer who has been a lawyer is very good at eloquence. He is different from us rough people. I can't say anything in my place, so come up and kill me."

The number of Parphis is far greater than that of the Romans, and their fighting can be called heroic. They are red-eyed and want to fight to the death with the invaders who set foot on their land. However, the gap in training and weapons and equipment cannot be bridged by enthusiasm. .

Due to their backward equipment, it was difficult for the weapons in their hands to cause damage to the large shields and armor of the Romans, and their coordination was not smooth. The soldiers often bumped into each other with their spears, which was difficult to compare with the orderly advance and retreat of the Roman phalanx. .

For a time, the party with the larger number of people was retreating steadily, and was beaten back continuously.

The Parfis in the city wanted to meet them, but the two thousand additional archers dragged them inside the city, making it difficult for them to get out of the city to support the friendly forces. The war situation was quite unfavorable for the Parfis from the beginning.

Orville knew very well that the biggest disadvantage of the Parfi people was that they had no cavalry. Most of the cavalry in the country were in the hands of moderates such as royal nobles. Even if they took away the horses, not many people could become qualified cavalry.

In this era, there were no riding equipment such as stirrups. Training qualified cavalry was a matter of time, money and racial talent. The Romans holding shields next door had spent hundreds of years but had not trained many qualified cavalry. They still mainly hired cavalry.

The cavalry of old Trajan entered the field and blew the horn of the end. The cavalry reduced the number of Parfi people layer by layer like scraping the scales of a fish, and the spears and daggers continued to harvest lives.

After the effect of the blood boiling faded, the fear of death emerged in everyone's mind. They did not have enough resilience like professional soldiers. The sound of horses trampling corpses, the sound of enemies shouting and killing, and the sound of daggers piercing flesh continued to hit their morale.

At first, there were a few people, but it soon evolved into a great rout. These soldiers threw away their weapons and equipment just to run faster and quickly took refuge in the city.

Tia did not intend to attack Waterdeep with these people. Although this city was not so perfect and there were many places without walls, their number was too small and Tia felt unsure.

(According to the official history, Trajan should be 13 or 14 years old now, and the plot required some changes to make him a few years younger. In addition, Berenice should be 39 years old now, and a certain feminized character is 27 years old. They are all a few years younger because the plot requires them to be a few years younger. They are all mentioned casually because of the big fight.)

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