Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 8 This will not happen again

The situation has changed a bit. Not long after the soldiers broke into the city, there were flames in the city, mixed with some shouts and cries that could be heard from outside the city.

Looking at the thoughtful Tiya, Orville thought about Vespa who was commanding in the camp. He gritted his teeth, rode forward quietly, and put forward his ideas to Tiya.

"I believe they are definitely in civil strife now, and it is a good opportunity to make a concerted effort."

"What is your basis?" Tiya was also thinking the same thing as Orville at this time, but had not made a decision.

"The residents of these lands are all Idumeans. Although they share the same faith as us, the Palfi people still think they are descendants of barbarians, and the relationship between the two sides is not harmonious. This time it is a rebellion of the Palfi people. The relationship between these Idumeans and us is not good enough to share the same hatred and enemies. It is normal to have conflicts."

Tiya is a very decisive and courageous person in military affairs. With Orville's words confirming her ideas, she dared to take action.

But before that, Orville called her again: "I hope you can give me a shield and a horn. I want to go to the forefront of the war with you."

Orville's initiative made Tia a little unsure, but she nodded and agreed to Orville's request, and ordered her men to give him a large shield and a loud horn.

Orville's riding skills were not superb, but they were just good enough. This shield was more than one meter high and half a meter wide. It was just right for infantry, but it was funny for people on horseback.

Orville crouched on the horse's back, carrying the shield on his back like a tortoise shell, holding the horn tightly instead of any weapon in his hand, and went to the battlefield with Tia.

Tia once again raised the sword in her hand above her head: "Soldiers! Citizens! Men of the Tiber River! Now is our good opportunity. Did you hear the chaos inside? This means that the enemy will soon become ours! Seize the opportunity and rush in with all our strength!"

After a great victory, the Romans, whose morale was greatly boosted, did not doubt him and followed Tia to charge again.

They marched along the lakeshore, crossed the shallows, crossed the city's defenses, and rushed into the city from the undefended part.

Tia took the lead in rushing into the city. The defenders, who were already in low morale, were directly frightened and began to flee without any decent resistance. Tia and others chopped down several soldiers who rushed towards them and rushed into the city with great momentum.

A considerable number of people fled to the lake, but many people chose to stay in the city to resist or hide, and this decision caused tragedy.

The soldiers who were so angry that they couldn't care too much, and the local residents were mixed with foreign rebels. Many soldiers also planned to rob in the chaos. At first, there were only a few accidental killings, but it soon turned into an indiscriminate massacre.

The soldiers kicked open the door, killed the residents, searched for property from house to house, and looked for possible enemies.

Tiya was a little flustered when she saw this situation. Her plan was just to eliminate the enemy, and killing civilians was not in her plan.

Orville barely poked his head out of the shield at this time, looked around, and then patted Tiya lightly.

"Do what you should do."

After saying this, he didn't care how Tiya responded, and he blew the horn directly.

The long and high-pitched sound lingered in the city for a long time. The soldiers who had lived in the barracks for many years stopped their actions like a conditioned reflex, or looked in the direction of the sound, or thought that there was an enemy attack, and ran directly in the direction of the sound.

The originally noisy sound on the field was suppressed, and it became quiet for a while.

Tiya was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that this was an opportunity created by Orville.

She took a deep breath, gathered the strength in her body, and shouted: "All local residents or surrenderers, throw away your weapons, walk out of the house, raise your hands and squat on the ground! As a Roman officer, I guarantee your safety! At the same time, all soldiers must obey my orders, not to attack surrenderers and civilians, not to plunder property in disorder, otherwise it will be disobedience! The winner's honor and spoils will be deprived!"

On the one hand, these people still know how to obey orders, and on the other hand, Rome's punishment for disobeying orders is indeed very severe. After the commander with high prestige gave an order, the originally out-of-control situation was immediately pulled back on track.

These people are not without everything. Tiya is now leading the most elite and core heavy infantry, composed of serious Roman citizens. Many of them are self-employed farmers and small landlords. They are the best soldiers in the ancient world and have undergone strict professional training.

The cost of their mistakes is higher, and there is no need to sacrifice their property and honor for a little money. If mercenaries and light infantry came, Tia might not be able to hold everyone. Orville knew this and blew the horn. If the composition of this army is too mixed, then no matter how much Tia warned, it would be difficult to have a thorough effect, and it would affect her own prestige.

The soldiers formed small teams to search for the remaining enemies door to door, and the civilians and surrendered rebels were gathered in the square to wait for disposal.

After everything was gradually settled, Tia was a little relieved. She looked at Orville, who had been holding a shield and following her carefully, fearing that something unexpected would happen, and she was also a little helpless, but this helplessness soon turned into doubt.

She didn't want to let the doubts pile up in her heart, so she asked directly: "You didn't have to participate in the battle, and I can see that you don't want to, but why did you come here this time, just to blow the horn?"

Orville raised the horn in his left hand and nodded in agreement: "I'm not interested in fighting with others. I haven't received such training since I was a child. The experience I learned from the olive oil business is to minimize the losses after failure. I am doing this. Those people don't need to die, and more people will die in the future. From the perspective of preserving the vitality of this area, it is better to have fewer deaths."

"Don't do it again. Blowing the assembly call at random is a serious violation of military regulations. This time, treat it as an emergency. You did nothing wrong."

Tia nodded slightly, which was considered to be an approval of Orville's statement. She was never merciful on the battlefield. That was cruel to her men, but it was better to have fewer deaths outside the battlefield. She was tired of the bloody scene, but it was impossible to stop. They were in a state of war almost every year in their long history.


Vespa reacted quickly. After learning that Tia had entered the city, he immediately led his men to surround Waterdeep City, not letting any rebels escape. Anyone who intended to leave the city was killed on the spot. The remaining rebels had nowhere to go, so they could only take a small boat to the lake to take refuge during the chaos.

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