Waterdeep City is adjacent to Lake Grenier, hence its name. The lake is not big or small, enough for many people to take refuge on it by boat. But Vespa is not a robber who just grabs and leaves. He has time to spend his time with the rebels.

Vespa did not have the same eloquence and speech habits as his daughter, and his orders were simple and intuitive.

"Surround the entire lake, set up patrol teams, kill those who escape and surrender. At the same time, organize people to start making rafts, and use rafts to clear out the rebels."

The order was faithfully carried out, the rebels were trapped on the lake, and the Romans, who had rich engineering experience, began to chop down trees to make rafts.

Orville watched with cold eyes and silently recorded the war process in the notebook Tiya sent to him.

The rebels who left the city and could not wait for reinforcements were actually at the end of their rope.

They could only watch as the Romans quickly built the raft in a few days, floated it to the lake and began to clear them out. The Romans lined up their rafts and sailed toward the enemy.

Most of the rebel ships were fishing boats, which were neither large nor very stable and could not support them in a water battle with the Romans. There were not many people in each small boat. They did not dare to go to the interconnected rafts and fight hand-to-hand with the Romans. They could only rely on their own flexibility to circle around the rafts and throw stones or anything else they could throw at the Romans. He occasionally drove his boat past the raft and attacked the Romans with weapons from close range.

All these efforts had little effect. Stone was almost ineffective against armor and shields. Whenever ships approached the raft, the rebels were often killed by javelins, bows and arrows, and Roman daggers.

More Romans jumped on board the boats and fought them hand to hand, but they were no match for their lack of training and after several days of suffering. There were attempts to break out, but the Romans were close enough to stab them with javelins, and their ships were captured by the Romans, who then destroyed them with ease. If anyone who fell into the water raised his head above the water, he was attacked with arrows and javelins. In desperation, some people tried to climb onto the raft, but the Romans chopped or stabbed their hands and heads with short swords.

A large number of Parfi rebels were killed, and the remaining ones were driven to the shore. The Romans did not intend to show mercy this time, and no one would become prisoners. In Vespa's view, he had already provided many opportunities.

Many people were killed while wading on the shore. Many people climbed ashore and were killed by infantry waiting to do their jobs. Even if they were lucky enough to break through the infantry defense line, there would still be cavalry patrolling back and forth.

A horrifying sight appeared before Orville's eyes: the entire lake was stained red with blood, and there were corpses everywhere in the lake or on the land. None of these people survived.


Two days later, in the army camp, Tia took Orville to meet Vespa.

"General Vesper, I think it is necessary to clean up the corpses in the lake now. It has been two days, and if it is left alone, it may cause a plague."

Vesper didn't look at Tia who lowered her head for the first time, but looked at Orville with questioning eyes.

That probably means: Was it your idea?

Orville shook his head slightly, and at the same time looked at Vesper with sincere eyes.

Vesper could read it too: it wasn't my idea, but that's what I thought.

After thinking for a few seconds, Vespa asked Tia: "My daughter, why do you think I didn't take any action?"

"After this period of fighting and movement, the army needs a short rest. At the same time, it is also necessary to properly show majesty, so that they can take a good look at what will happen to the rebels."

Vespariot nodded: "Very good, that's right. Just annihilating the rebels is not enough. They may come back in ten or twenty years, and then we will have to pay the blood of citizens to suppress the rebellion." So I want to solve the problem once and for all, so that people here will not be able to resist at all when they hear about Rome. For this, there may be more sacrifices, but in the long run it will undoubtedly be beneficial to us, and it is not necessarily a bad thing for the locals. ”

"I can understand your thinking, but if a plague breaks out, no one will benefit. Our soldiers and allied troops live nearby."

"I don't intend to use this method to deal with the locals. Our soldiers are enough to defeat any enemy frontally. There is no need to use such inferior methods, but I still have some problems now."

Vespa rubbed his ring, tapping his knuckles regularly on the armrest of his chair.

He looked up at Orville seemingly casually: "Do you want to resume your status as governor?"

Orville thought seriously for a few seconds, then shook his head and refused: "I am too fragile and do not have enough courage to make some decisions. So if you can give me a choice, I want to leave the land of Palphi after the war. , go to Rome or Alexandria, and become a businessman or farmer with a small fortune. The life of blood and sword is not suitable for me. "

Vesper discussed the bloody suppression of his people in front of him, but Orville's reaction was as usual, not angry or emotionally disturbed, simply answering questions.

For now, if he is allowed to integrate into this dark era with true feelings, I am afraid that his morality and three views will not be able to bear it and will collapse first.

Slaves, massacres, famines, bandits, plagues. Everything is not simply a historical term, it is actually displayed in front of Orville. If you look at it all with the perspective of modern people, Orville will have huge psychological pressure, but to It is easier said than done to completely abandon in a few days what we have experienced and learned over the past twenty years.

The expedient he chose for himself was to escape, implying that everything had nothing to do with him and that he, as a spectator, could not change anything. He knows very well that once he holds power, he can no longer hypnotize himself and must make a choice - whether to integrate into this world or insist on preserving the original world.

He didn't want to make this extremely difficult choice yet, so he put it off as long as he could. If he could put it off for the rest of his life without any worries, he could actually accept it.

Vesper is also an experienced person. Although it is impossible to guess that Orville is a time traveler, you can guess it by looking at his expression and words.

His eyes moved back and forth between Orville and Tiya, and finally he made his decision.

"Tia, you are right, it is almost time to dispose of those corpses. Although the residents of Waterdeep City did not surrender to Rome at the first time, they can make up for it through practical actions. Let the people of Waterdeep City handle the corpses themselves. , pick it up and burn it, I will let a centurion team go over to assist them, which is considered a punishment for them, and it will definitely impress them.

At the same time, in order to show their determination to stand with Rome, they had to pay a blood tax as proof. Recruit 600 people from the residents of this city to assist us in our activities as auxiliary troops. As for the commander, they will be under the command of your legion, and Orville Tyrion will be responsible for the recruitment, training and organization. How about this? "

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