Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 95 The Empire of Antinomy

Orville's farm is now a little crowded. The farm originally planned to accommodate 1,500 people now has nearly 3,000 people crammed in. It must be a little overwhelming.

After obtaining permission from the mayor of Rome, he built a temporary military camp in his farm as a temporary residence for these soldiers. They still have some time before going to the battlefield. Now the recruits from all over the empire have not yet arrived at the Danube Legion's garrison to take over. The Danube Legion can only temporarily transfer three legions to the Apennine Peninsula. Walking all the way is not a forced march, and it will take a while.

Orville estimated that they would go to the German Legion's garrison around June, which is a little late but not a big problem.

The troops gathered in Rome now should be transported to Narbonne Gaul first, and reorganized into a reorganized legion for Aurelian to participate in the battle, because he is guarding the gateway to the Apennine Peninsula and cannot afford to lose it. Orville and Tia also have to wait in line.

There are still about four months for them to fully train, but Orville is also worried - the war is not going to be fought now, but the military pay must be paid as usual, this is the standing army.

He has been inspecting the army and even training with them more and more recently. In order to get along with the soldiers in the army and facilitate command, he will also organize some activities after training, such as sword fighting.

Now Belisarius is fighting with a soldier. Belisarius even used his talent. A faint red light was attached to his sword. The two sides are still evenly matched.

After fighting for more than ten rounds, Belisarius barely suppressed the opponent with his strength advantage, and the victory and defeat were decided.

The soldier on the other side is the only serious talent that Orville has recruited with great effort. He is a relative of Nicanor Stilicho, the inn manager under Orville, named Flavius ​​Stilicho.

As for why a talent left the invitation of the Senate and came to Orville, you can tell by looking at his name, hair color and appearance.

His face was rough and his body hair was obvious. He had a beard, and his hair and beard were all golden. His eyes were blue. Basically, the words "I am a foreigner" were written on his face.

The other party's name was Flavius, which was not the same as Vespa's family name Flavius, but the essence of the meaning was the same.

Vespa's clan name Flavius ​​was a common clan name in Rome. The people of this clan claimed that their ancestors had Sabine blood. In fact, it should be similar, after all, Vespa's hometown was in the Sabine region.

Flavius ​​originally meant golden or yellow, and this clan got its name because most people were blond.

Flavius ​​Stilicho had this name for the same reason. His hair and beard were all golden, so the meaning of this name was probably "Blond Stilicho".

His father was a barbarian mercenary, and his mother was a relative of Nicanor. To this day, his father has not obtained Roman citizenship and is still working in the army for many years. He can only become a regular citizen after the years are up.

Blond Stilicho was lucky, because Roman law stipulated that children born in wedlock should follow their fathers, and children born out of wedlock should follow their mothers.

His parents deliberately gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and then got married after he had Roman citizenship, which was a little loophole, so Blond Stilicho was born a Roman citizen, but this did not mean that his life was very happy.

As far as Orville knew, his parents were not married into the family, so why he took his mother's surname Orville was not very clear, but it was certain that there was more or less a story.

As a gifted person with practical combat ability, he would definitely receive an olive branch from the Senate, but in the end he did not accept it, but took the initiative to agree to Nicanor's invitation and came to Orville.

According to him, he was not used to the Senate's policy of discriminatory treatment. Orville also had foreign blood and was not treated differently, so he chose to serve on Orville's side.

Not to mention the macro-level issue of ethnic policy stance, Orville would also treat the other party with courtesy based on his ability and identity.

[Flavius ​​Stilicho - A Sensitive Warrior]

Diplomacy: 18

Military: 23

Management: 15

Strategy: 15

Knowledge: 14

It is basically certain that this is Stilicho, a famous general and powerful minister in the late Western Roman Empire. All the data are consistent.

This person is also a very awkward person in history. The Roman Empire in later generations became increasingly conservative due to its decline, and instinctively rejected any foreigners who could threaten the empire.

In this context, this mixed-race person became the regent of the empire. Although the origin of the regent was very legitimate and was entrusted by the emperor, the elders of the Roman Senate still looked down on him.

The defense of the empire obviously relied on barbarian mercenaries and barbarian service to a large extent. The Roman people represented by the Roman Senate looked down on the barbarians on the one hand, and were extremely wary of the barbarians on the other. The ambition to revitalize Rome was contrary to the "anti-barbarian sentiment", which made the country's policies very awkward.

They looked down on and were hostile to the barbarians, but they could not bear the loss of martial virtue, so they had to fight with the barbarians.

Stilicho was finally pushed to the front in this environment, and objectively tried to do some things, but the effect was not obvious in the end. Stilicho, who was suspected by the emperor and nobles, was finally executed, and seventy years after his death, the Western Roman Empire collapsed.

He was also a "last Roman", a typical character in the corrupt environment at the end of the empire.

Now that the other party has come to this historical node, it is certain that his ending will not be so tragic. The Romans of this era are still very open-minded, and their attitude towards foreigners is not so resistant, and they are not yet at the point of being incurable.

Up to this point, Orwell's makeshift team has almost been set up. Although it is small, it has all the necessary parts, and the gold content is quite high, which is enough for him to use for a long time.

The military generals include Stilicho and Belisarius. The former is a famous general of the Western Roman Empire, and the latter is a famous general of the Eastern Roman Empire. They have good military capabilities and are both loyal and reliable. There is no need to worry about their ulterior motives.

The literati include Procopius, who has written a history of war for Belisarius and is also a royal writer of Emperor Justinian. He has a good ability to write biographies and history books, and is good at propaganda.

Vespa has transferred several people to him. They are good at accounting and can be used as financial officers and logistics officers. He does not need to do the accounting himself.

He had 500 guards brought by Parfi, 2,400 elite Roman legion infantry, and the guards assigned to him by Vespa, totaling nearly 3,000 people.

He also had a scholar named Ptolemy, but he didn't know if he could fool him. He didn't count the number of people. Looking at the crowds in the camp, Orville felt a little comforted.

His money was not wasted. He had 3,000 standing troops, which made him a big shot. His adjutants were all famous generals in history.

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