Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 96 Auxiliary Army

For more than two months, everything went as usual, and Orville's life followed a certain routine.

In the morning, he inspects the troops for exercise. At noon, he returns to Flavi Mansion for family lunch. In the afternoon, he handles business, reads with Tia or walks around with Domitia. If there are other chores, they will be dealt with after dinner in the evening. Life It can be considered that he is relaxed and relaxed, and he is quite satisfied without fighting.

During the past two months, he also managed to get some money through legitimate means. The business of the hotel was slightly better and he earned more money. The fleet that traveled between Egypt and Parfi also found time to come over to him. Money was given once, but it was a drop in the bucket compared to the huge military expenditure.

That was all he could do until Herod's royal family received his letter. Orville can only hope that the other party can move faster and not slow down his military actions.

During this period, nothing major happened in the city of Rome. The sudden changes in Gaul had indeed caused some people's uneasiness. However, Aurelian's farewell ceremony was a good way to suppress this uneasiness. Occasionally, residents could see large groups of well-dressed soldiers arriving in Rome, and after being reorganized, they were sent to the front line.

After Aurelian arrived, the behavior of the Gauls indeed restrained a lot, which made the people of Rome more relieved. They believed that the problem would eventually be solved and the peace under Rome (Pax Romana) would continue to be maintained. .

Aurelian was not in a hurry to attack the Gauls. Instead, he calmly watched the situation in Gaul near Nar. He might be waiting for the best opportunity to take action and kill him with one blow, or he might simply think that the people in his hands were not proactive enough. Attack depends on each other's understanding. In short, the battle line is basically stable now, and the Gauls have not interfered with the province of Narbonne Gaul.


After waiting for another month in a slightly uneasy mood, it was already May, and reinforcements from neighboring provinces had gradually arrived at the designated location.

The three legions transferred from the Danube River have arrived at Placentia, a transportation node in northern Italy, and can be mobilized at any time in the direction of Germania and Narbonne Gaul. They are only waiting for the army to be completely assembled to set off.

The Spanish and North African armies have also been partially mobilized. It is worth mentioning that the person responsible for mobilizing the Spanish army is Orville's former comrade-in-arms and Vespa's confidant Ulpius Trajan, one of the Five Wise Emperors. Trajan’s biological father.

Orville would have liked to see the "bathhouse owner" Trajan's demeanor when he was young, but now Trajan is only 11 years old and not old enough to join the army with his father, so he can only have a little regret.

Six of the originally planned eight legions have now been assembled, and almost 20,000 of the originally planned 40,000 auxiliary troops have now taken shape.

Vespa showed his sense of responsibility as an emperor at this time. It stands to reason that with such a large army, the food consumed by people eating horses and chewing is astronomical, and it is inevitable to levy and levy from the surrounding areas. This is also something that is tacitly accepted by convention, and generally does not This was also considered when gathering troops near the capital, but Vespa found ways to contain this situation as much as possible.

He took out a large amount of grain from the granaries in Sicily and Rome, known as the granary of Italy, and then uniformly mobilized warships and civilian ships for shipping. A small amount of grain was transported directly to the Port of Marseille (Masilia) to supply the Aurelian Ministry. A large amount of grain was shipped to the port of Genoa in northern Italy, and then all the way from Via Pastumius to Placentia.

Therefore, the surrounding people did not have any particular objections to this army and reluctantly tolerated them stationed near their towns.

Vesper always wanted stability when making plans. He would not act until the army was ready, so he had to wait until the army was in place and the whole thing was basically adjusted.


As Orville waited patiently, the response from the Herodian royal family finally arrived, and it came together with the Egyptian troops.

The Eastern Province does not need to send legion soldiers to Gaul. Their soldiers will be sent directly to the Danube legion station. These soldiers are the auxiliary army of the Kingdom of Egypt. They are fulfilling their obligations as allies of Rome and sending troops to follow the bloodshed. Combat.

Gaining the favor of Rome and ensuring its semi-independence from the shadow of this empire has been Egypt's basic policy over the years. The current Egyptian regent, Bodinos, also understands the truth, and he knew Gao Gao when he was in Rome. In Lou's case, Rome now needs auxiliary soldiers, it's obvious.

So after he returned to Egypt, he sent 15,000 auxiliary troops to assist the Romans in fighting in Gaul. They also brought a lot of food with the army. It can be said that they prepared their own food, weapons and equipment for the soldiers to fight on a voluntary basis.

This was a big plus for the Romans. The Romans might have thought that these Egyptians were cowardly and timid and afraid of war just by giving them money, but by giving them money and people, they were qualified allies.

The cost of governing Egypt is not low. Egypt has shown enough obedience and value. After weighing the pros and cons, the Romans still will not use force against Egypt. It is not impossible to maintain this vassal status. The difference is that there is no need to fight to the death for the fat piece of Egypt within the city of Rome.

The Herodian royal family was also an ally of Rome. Considering that the people's livelihood on his side was in decline after the war, the city of Rome actually understood his difficulties. According to the city of Rome, it was fine to send thousands of people here as a formal show of loyalty. Accept that it is during difficult times that you don’t need to send anyone over.

After all, Parfi is a small country. Although it is relatively wealthy, it is not on the same level as Egypt. It is just about the same.

However, this time the Herodian royal family brought 7,000 people over at once, and they were even better at showing loyalty than the Egyptians.

This was the result of Orville's letter to Herod Agita II. In the letter, he not only asked for help from the King of Palphi and bought land and a blacksmith from him, but also revealed this opportunity in the letter.

There is no doubt that Palphi is short of food now. After Vespa came to power, he did not forget the contribution of the Herod royal family and asked Egypt to sell several batches of food at low prices. Moreover, the Herod royal family themselves would occasionally buy food, but overall It's really a drop in the bucket.

The rebels were mainly made up of farmers and poor people from all over the country. They refused to be tied to the land and rebelled. Agricultural production was seriously affected. Because of the war, not to mention the loss of harvests, it is not a problem for agricultural output to drop by 60 to 70%.

The Herodian royal family was not poor, but the gold and silver in the royal treasury was limited. They could not spend money endlessly to buy food. They could not be charitable, so they had to find a way to solve the problem before a second famine occurred.

This method is to send some people to Rome to serve as auxiliary troops. Although they are not paid, they are provided with food and accommodation.

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