Cub Keeper

Chapter 466: Bunny (2)

The orcs and Lu Yao in the room fell into deep thought after listening to the explanation of the system ai.

Lu Yao touched her chin, thought about it for a while, and then said, "So from the beginning of this story, we have to prove who we are and find out who the little rabbit is ?"

Helanjia nodded in agreement and added: "According to the prompt of the system ai, the little rabbit is the only one who has not lost his memory."

"If the little rabbit didn't lose his memory, maybe he would know who his murderer was, and maybe he would take revenge on the next way."

Lu Yao also agrees with Helanjia's view.

It looks like the bunny has the Prophet, while the other rabbits are somewhat passive.

Its stalwart will give orcs and humans a sense of security that cannot be spoken, and it is very reliable.

Not to mention…

Zhai Haoyu glanced at Ao Shu carefully, his body was beside him, and he looked very petite.

He felt very at ease.

Mi Xuan glanced at Zhai Haoyu's cowardly look and rolled his eyes indecent.

They may not have discovered that they have accepted the background of the story of ai, and gradually began to look a little different from their original character.

However, the transformation of these characters is also based on their own original characters, but they just enlarge the similar characters in their characters without trace.

In short, it is very suitable for the character.

They formed a circle for each other, put Lu Yao in the circle, and then pushed open the door representing the beginning of the mission and walked in.

The endless grasslands, the huge jungles that grow up, the giant butterflies dancing gracefully, and all kinds of natural traps with hidden murderous intentions, come here quietly.

The sun shines through the mottled leaves on the grass.

The torn and shattered sunlight hit the faces of the nine people and beasts present. The uneven sunlight made their faces as gray and hard to see.

It looks like they found something unusual here too.

Each of them seemed much more dangerous than before.

Suddenly a breeze blew, bringing with it a **** smell, they quickly came back to their senses and looked in the direction of the **** smell, which might be the crime scene.

They looked at each other and ran in that direction quickly.

They passed through the dense grass, the grass was very high, almost reaching Lu Yao's chest.

Lu Yao vaguely guessed that the rabbits in this story were not ordinary rabbits, otherwise, according to such a tall grass, it would be a big problem for rabbits to eat if they wanted to eat.

Lu Yao thought of this, looked at the grass beside her, stretched out her hand and took off one.

Sure enough, as she expected, the grass inside is very tough, even if it is broken by hand, it is a little difficult.

Lu Yao stretched out her hand and slightly raised the broken grass root. The sun shines through the gap of the grass root, and vaguely illuminates the outline of the edge. It looks a bit like sawtooth, and the surface is covered with slightly Some tricky fluff.

It looks very ordinary, so a cursory look can't find anything unusual about it.

Lu Yao put this grass root in her trousers pocket.

In this place, all their abilities cannot be used.

Her movement naturally did not attract the attention of the other orcs, and the attention of the other orcs was all on the huge figure lying on the ground.

It was a dead giant rabbit. This rabbit was different from the usual rabbits. It was very huge, about three meters long.

All the orcs were there, only Lu Yao was late.

But everyone's attention was not on Lu Yao, even Helanjia, at this time, was focused on looking at the surrounding environment.

He didn't forget his guess with Gu Yu and Liu Yuanhao, there must be something in this story.

Something Ampa can't wait to unravel right now.

It's hidden here.

Aozi stood beside the rabbit's head, frowning: "This little rabbit is so big, if there is any wound on it, we can't see it at all."

The big bear scratched his head and expressed his opinion: "How about we turn it over and see?"

Miss thought something was wrong, so he stopped: "If you flip over the corpse of the little rabbit rashly, will you destroy the scene?"

"Let's search the surroundings first to see if there are any clues around. After all the searches are done, let's look at the little rabbit's body."

"You don't have to worry about missing something."

Mis's words were approved by most of the orcs present, and Lu Yao naturally agreed with Mies's point of view.

So everyone is here, centering on the corpse of the little rabbit, and starting to spread out, looking for the surrounding environment to see if there are any clues.

In the place where the little rabbit's body fell, there was no obvious wound except for a pool of blood under him.

Lu Yao noticed that there was a huge pavilion not far from the bunny's body, and there was still hot tea on the table in the pavilion.

It looks like the bunny had a short tea break with someone at this place.

Helanjia and Lu Yao's attention is completely opposite.

What he noticed was not the abrupt building, but the place where the little rabbit fell, not a single flower.

The blood of the little rabbit flowed to the ground, and all the flowers withered except the green plants.

Butterflies and insects will not come here, which is equivalent to enclosing an empty fence around the bunny, which is a bit like an inexplicable sense of ritual.

It seems that the rabbit who set up the scene has an inexplicable sense of ritual in character.

In addition, the environment is extremely demanding, and the surroundings must be clean.

This feeling gave Helanjia a sense of familiarity. If there were characters in this story, Helanjia felt that it was very similar to Anpa's.

It's that kind of inexplicable sense of ritual, like ten percent.

When Helanjia was thinking and analyzing here, Lu Yao didn't stop. She walked to the pavilion step by step, wanting to observe it at close range.

As expected, when she stepped up and saw the tea in the cup, her eyes widened slightly.

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