Cub Keeper

Chapter 467: Bunny (3)

The water levels in the two cups are completely different, one is higher and the other is shallower.

One drink was drunk, and one seemed not to be drunk.

Lu Yao picked up the cup of tea he drank, put it under his nose, and sniffed.

I smelled it through the nose, and there was nothing unusual, but the concentration of the tea was relatively strong.

But Lu Yao frowned, she just smelled the tea with her sense of smell, and felt a little bit of bitterness, not to mention how bitter the tea should be, it was so thick that it was almost hairy blacken.

What did the little rabbit think?

If a rabbit with a bad relationship asks the little rabbit to drink, the little rabbit should refuse it, right?

Lu Yao took note of this, and plans to pay attention to observe which rabbits have a better relationship with the little rabbit when collecting clues next?

Suddenly, the big bear exclaimed: "Damn, what is this?"

Other orcs and even Lu Yao, when they heard the big bear's exclamation, quickly surrounded him.

In front of the big bear is a bare land, revealing the true condition of the loess.

Under the loess, there are various ups and downs, which look a bit like earthworms.

To be honest, these extremely dense earthworms look really unpalatable.

Lu Yao: "Why are there no plants here?"

Yes, why are there no plants?

The instrument made the surrounding plants unable to grow any longer."

"And here," He Lanjia stretched out his hand and pointed to the bald lawn: "It should be just the place where he threw that thing away, you can see if you can find anything around. A container for stuff."

Everyone listened to Helanjia's words and hurriedly lowered their heads to look for it. Sure enough, they found an empty small bottle less than three meters around.

I saw the herbicide on the small bottle, which seemed to be the culprit in making the land bald.

Gu Yu gave the small bottle he picked up to Helanjia.

Helanjia shook the small bottle and heard some noises. It seems that there are some medicines in this one.

He turned the small bottle upside down and watched a drop of potion from the small bottle fall into the lawn. In an instant, the lush lawn seemed to be scorched and turned into ashes.

When everyone sees the scene in front of them, there is still something they don't understand. They finally have an answer as to why this phenomenon occurs.

He Lanjia, who found the answer to this question, was stunned, as if thinking about something.

Helanjia thought of what Chi Ye said at the time, that there was a sudden phenomenon that large-scale plants could not be grown in the Federation. Could it be related to the medicine in this small bottle?

If this is the problem of the Federation, then the murderer can be 100% sure...

The murderer who killed the rabbit might have something to do with the state of the Federation.

But even if everyone finds this herbicide, there is no way to move forward. After all, having this prop only means which rabbit once came to the scene with this thing.

This thing may not have been left by the murderer.

An Luoyu, who had just run away, ran back.

He looked a little serious, pointed to the forest in the distance, and said: "I found a new search location, it is now open, let's hurry over."

And after hearing An Luoyu's words, the group of orcs really followed him back, leaving only Ao Shu standing beside the corpse of the little rabbit, with a sullen face and no words.

No one came to confirm the scars on her body.

Aozhe scratched his red hair.

He always felt that in the receipt of the certificate just now, perhaps some orcs already knew their identity, and then they were confusing people.

And those orcs who don't know their identity are led by his nose everywhere.

But in this situation, it is safest for everyone to go together. After all, once someone is placed on the order, his alibi will have no way to testify.

At that time, if everyone suspects that he has obtained his identity card, it will be difficult to explain.

Aozi thought of this, and quickly walked away from the little rabbit's corpse, trotted all the way, and caught up with the group of orcs in front.

Lu Yao and the others walked through the lush grass together, then passed a few huge trees, and finally came to the place An Luoyu said.

This door looks quite huge, five or six meters high.

It is a wooden door.

It is hidden in the dense woods, and its door is also covered with many leaves, which makes it more integrated into the forest, and it will be missed if you are not careful.

Looking at them hiding so well, Lu Yao couldn't help but say, "It's still well hidden."

This sentence obviously resonated with the orcs present, and they also thought that the door was like a huge tree.

He Lanjia stepped forward and reached out and pushed the door.

Obviously, this door is just as it appears, it is very powerful to block Helanjia's strength from the door, it does not move at all as if it is silently mocking Helanjia's weakness.


There was just a gust of wind blowing the leaves above the door, making a rustling sound, more like a mockery.

It was rare for the orcs present to see Helanjia eating turtles like this.

But none of the orcs saw this situation and wanted to go to help Helanjia, but instead took a step back and moved further away.

Fortunately, Helanjia couldn't hear what these orcs were thinking, otherwise he might have not opened the door, and wanted to smash the group of orcs outside the door, and let them They honestly don't think about things.

Helanjia stretched out her hand again, ready to try to push the door again.

He just used a little strength tentatively, and found that the strength was really not enough to open the door, so he increased his strength.

Sure enough, when he strengthened his strength, the door opened as he wished.

And since then, their second place of receipt finally appeared in front of them.

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