Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 204 Chaos And Flames

The r4 area is located in the heart of the entire capital, and the nuclear power plants standing here are continuously exported to various areas.

The factory, which used to be filled with white smoke, is now in dilapidated condition, and the closed area for storing electric energy is full of broken corpses and blood of guards.

A thin white shadow devoured the huge electric energy greedily, even a pained look appeared on his face, and he had no intention of stopping.

Under its absorption, the electric energy began to gradually fail, and the working equipment fell into a paralyzed state, and the aura on it became more and more frightening and powerful.

Flames of explosions bloomed from the factory from time to time, and soon, cracks appeared in the void, and countless steel monsters surrounded the place.

Hundreds of agents, dressed in black combat uniforms, parachuted from the planes and landed continuously.

However, several terrifying shadows flew across the void, heading towards the factory at the fastest speed.

They are the powerhouses of the Empire Bureau of Abilities, and they arrived in less than three minutes after the tragedy happened here.


The raging lightning was like twisted poisonous snakes, the surrounding buildings were torn into rubbish like pieces of paper, and several figures fought fiercely in the center of the nuclear power plant.

The agents carrying guns shot at the white shadow, whether it was armor-piercing bullets, artillery shells, or lasers, they didn't work at all.

In just a few minutes, there were heavy casualties.

A furious voice came from not far away, a burly man with blond hair, blazing with anger, but dripping with blood.

His left arm was completely torn, and the battle ax he held in his right hand was in tatters. It was blasted into scrap iron by the devil, and there was a ferocious wound oozing blood on his chest.

The white figure looked at him with a half-smile, pointed slightly, and the dark demonic power immediately turned into thunder chains, trying to pierce the blond man's limbs.

"call out!!!"

At the critical moment, a woman in red turned pale.

She kept making seals with her hands, chanting an ancient language in her mouth, and cast an unknown spell to forcibly rescue her comrades from a desperate situation.

At the same time, the third awakened person who participated in the battle was a dissolute young man. He guarded the two of them solemnly, and said coldly to the vague phantom:

"The Demon of Thunder, Lucasti!"

"Wreak havoc in the empire, it seems that you want to spend the rest of your miserable life in prison, don't you!"

Facing the scolding, the thin white shadow smiled strangely: "Human monkeys, it's not your turn to speak out."

"It's just some ants that haven't fully evolved and can't even get rid of their own destiny. Just let me slaughter them honestly."

"Just this little support, trying to stop me? What a joke!"

After all, the ancient and powerful demon law suddenly descended and turned into a thunder prison, enveloping the three awakened people and thousands of agents in the power plant.

As its fingertips swept across the void, one fighter after another, like broken bubbles, exploded into pieces with a "boo" in the air.

About ten minutes later, the tragic war ended, and in the flames soaring into the sky, a white shadow walked from the scorched ruins.

Behind him, there were countless corpses laying on the ground, blood flowing like a river, and the three awakened ones were beheaded, and their desperate eyes stayed in their pupils forever.

The devil looked at the power plant with unsatisfactory eyes, shook his head, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes turned to the r3 area at the end of the horizon.

In the r2 area, with the cover of dark clouds, an endless wave of rats came crazily from the sewer.

One hundred thousand? million? Or tens of millions?

There is no exact number, and their red eyes exude a terrible hunger, frantically killing the fleeing crowd.

Those who fell into the rat tide, just counted their breaths, and their flesh and blood were eaten up and turned into dry bones.

The homeless old man in the desolate alley was eating a warm burger in his hand, suddenly, his face turned cold.

The terrifying aura leaked out unstoppably, like a king whose majesty had been offended.

He comforted the twilight old dog beside him, put down the hamburger, and slowly got up, with a frightening black flame dancing in his eyes.

He walked to the street, stared at the sky, and calmly asked the creatures hiding there, "Tired of life?"

However, the only response to it was the blind onslaught of rat swarms, overwhelming them like mountains and seas.

"Then let me burn all these offal first, and then eat you alive."


A fierce roaring black flame swept out from the body of the homeless old man, engulfing the entire street in an instant.

Those mutated mice melted like thin ice before they could even howl.


A sneer came from the clouds, and a terrifying creature fell to the ground carrying gray mist.

It has six wings, sharp horns on the top of its head, and bone spurs all over its body. Looking at the old man in the flames, it smiled cruelly:

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Old man, it's time to get on the road."

"Do it, Gu Jiaen."


The ground shook and shook, and dense cracks drilled out of the towering giant tree, as if answering its call.

A short, one-eyed old man on crutches walked from the woods with a smile on his face.

"Old friend, we meet again, your life journey can come to an end."

The homeless old man laughed loudly, his aura skyrocketed several times, and the black flame lingering around him faded from its original color and evolved into blood.

"It seems that I was negligent last time. Shouldn't you just cripple one eye and find a helper this time?"

"Just the two of you, it's not enough."


A threat of death loomed over the winged demon. It had a ferocious expression on its face, and it was about to fight the demon of flame.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood was thrown into the air, and the thoughts stayed in the last moment, and the pain that almost made him lose his mind came from the left side of his body.

The flame demon actually teleported over, and that withered but powerful hand directly tore off one of its wings.

Bloody flames diffused from the wound, and soon covered the whole body, tormenting it so much that it couldn't bear to live.


The wandering old man swept forward with one foot, and the demon was thrown back hundreds of meters before falling to the old tree next to the little old man.

Its face was extremely ugly, its bones were broken in seven or eight pieces, and even the devil's organs with terrifying resilience were shattered.

"I will kill you."

The tree demon looked at the old man in the flames indifferently, and said, "Let me see how much progress you have made in these years of wasting!"


The bloody sea of ​​fire came crushing, countless ancient trees grew wildly, and layers of gray mist filled the air, resisting the offensive, and the three parties fought fiercely.

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