Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 205 Arrival Of Disputes

When the demon riots occurred in r4 and r2, the whole Newgail region fell into disaster.

The demons seem to have made an agreement long ago, destroying buildings in various districts one after another, wantonly absorbing human souls.

A mysterious portal appeared in the sky of the q3 area, and an endless and turbulent flood poured down, trying to destroy and submerge all signs of human civilization.

The howling wind swept across the earth. Thousands of ordinary people were powerless to resist. They were swept up into the sky, suspended and then fell, losing their lives.

Afterwards, the essence and soul of their bodies rushed towards the Heavenly Gate through some kind of medium, like the spring water being drawn.

Miserable and helpless cries filled the entire q3 area, and soon, there was a roar in the sky, the empire's fighter jets fired artillery fire, and explosions rang from the sky gate one after another, but they could not be shattered or closed.

At the same time, the y1 area suddenly fell into darkness, and a phantom more than 80 meters high stood quietly in the dense and bustling buildings.

As its eyes flickered, countless humans in the area were terrified almost instantly, their thoughts became dull and confused, and they felt as if they were being watched and cursed by an evil demon god.

The hurricane hunted, and the demon of the night began its harvest. Its figure flickered and penetrated several buildings with a height of more than 100 meters. Immediately afterwards, an invisible dark purple halo radiated to the surroundings.

All the screaming and noise of human beings were quieted down. Feeling the growing power in the body, the demon showed an intoxicated look.

And those human beings hiding in the high-rise buildings also fell into a deadly sleep at this moment, their lifespans were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within a moment, there were only bones left.

In area b2, there was a burly man nearly four meters tall, wearing an ancient battle armor, holding a bronze spear in his hand, with an evil and violent aura that made people tremble.


With one shot, it destroyed the entire street, leaving ugly scars on the ground.

A strong man from the empire heard the news and tried to kill it, but within a dozen rounds, it was broken and cramped, leaving a wreckage on the ground.

Scenes of chaos were unfolding, and at the same time, unprecedented sirens were sounding in the office palace where the highest administrative building of the empire was located.

In the dungeon where the Ability Bureau is located, there are aurora-like shadows jumping out, rushing to help everywhere in the city.

In the underground defense command center, Imperial President Teyak looked at the three-dimensional projection screen in front of him, and red signs of warning appeared in many places in Newgal, and they were in constant emergency.

"Your Excellency, the power plant in the r4 area has fallen, and the Awakened ones sent out, as well as the agents of the Shenhuan Bureau, have been wiped out. At present, there is no connection at all!"

An intelligence officer said to the president behind him with a flustered face.

Before the words fell, another bad news came.

"Kenok in b2 area is dead!"

"Go to Dino in the y1 area, Wayne Fei, lose the signs of life!"

"The k5 area is in emergency! Please help!!"

"The t3 area is lost! Please help!!"

The successive battle reports made Teyak, who had been as calm as a mountain, agitated for a while, and even a frightening hostility appeared on his face.

"Notify General Vic, Dr. Fino, to deploy the military force as quickly as possible, and deploy all future fighters, at all costs, to kill all these demons."

"Yes!" The subordinate replied respectfully.

Teyak looked at the man wearing a black windbreaker beside him. He was then the director of the Imperial Ability Bureau and was in charge of many powerful awakenings. He ordered:

"Paul, immediately recall the awakened ones who are on missions outside, and Newgail cannot fall!"

The director looked solemn, and replied: "Yes, I will go now. If it is on the other side of the battlefield, I will go there to clean up these messes in person."

"Go ahead, leave it to you, don't disappoint my expectations." Teyak said gloomily.

Everything that happened today was completely out of his control. Unlike Chixia Yanhong who was attacked by monsters, Newgail was completely attacked by local creatures.

But it is no exaggeration to say that those various kinds of demons can bring casualties and shadows of fear to human beings, which are by no means inferior to ugly bugs, and even surpass them by a lot.

"Did you notice it? It's just at this time."

Teyak looked at the screen warily, thinking to himself.

If he is given more time, until Dr. Fino's experiment is completely successful, the empire will have a large number of high-end human combat power, and then it will be the end of the demons.

Unfortunately, accidents often come earlier than planned.

The entire command center is constantly busy, and military orders are continuously issued from here. A large number of elites of the empire are also rushing from various states to join the war against demons in various regions together with Newgail's city defense forces.

In the r3 area, thick smoke billowed up, and countless skeletons were sweeping the streets.

Violent explosions and angry roars came from afar from time to time. In the confrontation between demons and demons, terrifying forces raged, and large areas of human buildings collapsed like gravel.

The commercial center was surrounded by flames. Xu Che looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, with displeasure flashing across his eyes.

It was a demon with red scales all over its body, with more than a dozen ferocious bone tails and a pair of dark red wings. It looked like a combination of jellyfish and butterfly, with a body length of more than fifty meters.

At this moment it is dying, the spine connecting the whole body has long been broken, unable to stand up, it can only drip in a pool of blood, staring at the human youth in front of it.

"Who are you, human?"

Xu Che didn't answer its question, his chest was silver-gray blooming, and the next moment, Dust Bone was held in his palm.

The sword energy that leaked out showed its sharpness, cutting the demon's body with cuts and bruises, dripping with blood.

Then, the young man ignored its mournful roar, but squeezed the formula with his left hand.

"Alternating True and False, Art of the Shadow Field——Solution"

The moment the voice fell, the youth's shadow reflected on the ground twisted crazily, and a fierce demon appeared.

"North, look at this guy, do you know him?"

Xu Che asked calmly, but he didn't hide his killing intent at all.

This demon slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the city and wanted to hurt Xuan Che, no matter how he looked at it, he would never let it go.

"My lord, if I remember correctly, this is the minion of the Demon of Thunder—the Demon of Strength, um~ it's a medium-sized demon."

North showed a cruel smile. With its wisdom, seeing the traces of being burned by thunder and fire all around, it is not difficult to guess that the unlucky ghost in front of him has offended his arrogant lord.

"Really? It's as brittle as paper, and you dare to hit me?"

Xu Che couldn't help feeling amused, and said: "Then kill it first, and then give it to you as a small gift."

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