Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 208 The Youth Who Came From The Sea Of ​​Fire

As the scope of the prohibition barrier continued to shrink, the killing demon had no time to respond to the youth's provocation.

Its desire to survive was pulled to the limit, and with a roar, it pulled out a sharp sword glowing with dark red light from its body.

The previous blood blade shattered and turned into tiny fragments inserted into the long sword.

The eyes of the killing demon were red, and it was highly concentrated, reached its peak state, and killed towards the side of the blue barrier.

A sword swung across, layers of crimson sword lights, containing infinite demonic power, violently hit the restriction, but there was no ripple, as if it was a powerless old man who was dying, using the most rotten weapon Blade, trying to break through the strongest defense line in the world.

The killing demon roared, and the killings continued to attack like raging waves. Even if there were faint cracks on the sword's edge after the killing, it still couldn't leave a mark on the barrier.

The scene of its futility was completely seen by the young man, and he said with a smile: "Don't waste your energy, Mr. Demon."

"To put it cruelly, if there were a hundred of you, it would still be possible to rush out. Just relying on you alone is tantamount to nonsense."

How can a killing demon who has lived for hundreds of years be arrogant by nature?

It suppressed it with one hand, and a large cloud of death on the cloud layer, carrying a large number of innocent souls, rushed together to overwhelm Xu Che, trying to drown Xu Che and cause interference.

The young man was not afraid at all, his eyes were firm, he raised his right hand, and the majestic spiritual power poured out, displaying the most overbearing supernatural power.

"Day Burning!!!"

The moment the voice came out, a round of dazzling and resplendent scorching sun rose directly from the young man's hand, exuding a terrifying aura, almost wanting to incinerate all the evil and darkness in the world.


Xu Che skimmed through the void and crashed into the huge death cloud. Wherever he passed, there was nothing indestructible, and those distorted souls of the dead disappeared without being able to get close.

The dark cloud is like a piece of cotton that has touched the fierce flames, burning crazily, disintegrating inch by inch, and within a few breaths, it can no longer be reunited, completely annihilated.

The killing demon frowned, and there were hundreds of chains floating around him, attacking the young man, trying to restrain him.

At the same time, the Skeleton Legion was madly attacking Xu Che, and the sea of ​​cannibal flowers covering the ground was also bearing strange fruits one after another, constantly projecting them into the sky, and the venom exploded one after another. One piece, polluting the void.

However, none of this can stop Xu Che from walking.

He is like a flash of light, straight across the void, chains, venom, skeletons, everything that comes close to the burning day will disintegrate instantly.


Under the absolute disparity in strength, Xu Che punched the big sun, forcibly piercing through the chest of the killing demon, who couldn't resist at all.

It made a shrill scream, the body of the demon gradually withered, the blood of evil was almost dry, and one demon law after another collapsed.

Xu Che extinguished his magical powers, and retracted his fist from its chest. If he hadn't intentionally controlled this punch, it would have directly knocked the killing demon into ashes.

The skeleton army seemed to have lost its source of power and turned into strands of ashes, as did the piranhas.

The killing demon fell to the ground, dying, his consciousness was on the verge of coma, his eyes were bleeding, and even breathing was extremely difficult.

Xu Che stood aside, looking down at it quietly, only then did he notice that this guy's appearance and characteristics were very similar to the humans of the empire.

According to North, it is not difficult for Xu Che to guess that this is an ancient alien species that was multiplied by humans and demons.


A powerful aura shot up into the sky in the distance, accompanied by North's excited roar, and it completed the devouring.

The wings on its body began to fall off, the soul body gradually became flesh and bones, and the bone spurs on its body became more sharp and exaggerated.

Seeing the end of the fight in the center of the battlefield, it had a greedy light in its eyes, and quickly flew towards Xu Che.

"My lord, Kamui—"

The cunning North complimented the young man, even though it has almost recovered its strength from its heyday, and the fear of Xu Che has grown deeper into its soul.

Xu Che smiled faintly, looked at the killing demon on the ground, and said, "Is this the big demon you mentioned? North"

"Yes—my lord."

North lowered his head, not daring to look at him. In front of the young man, he felt tingling all over his body, which was a sign of extreme danger.

"Its strength is far above yours. If you swallow it forcefully, will it explode and die?"

North smiled strangely, and said: "My lord, the mutual devouring between demons will not be life-threatening, but the process will be like torture in purgatory, I think I can bear it."

Xu Che glanced at it, then turned around and left a sentence: "Okay, don't waste too much time, I'll wait for you in area r2."

Hearing this, North's body was excited like being electrocuted. Looking at the dying killing demon, he laughed wildly and said, "Understood, my lord."

On the streets leading to the R2 area, there are still many small and strange demons flooding, and there are the awakeners and guards of the empire, who are fighting them fiercely.


A purgatory three-headed dog, with a huge body, was still intact even though it was bombed by fighter planes. It crazily attacked the crowd, wantonly harvesting the dead souls of human beings.

Several awakened ones were intercepting it, some summoned a hurricane, some manipulated metal, and some controlled the earth to fight against it.

It's a pity that these awakened people don't seem to be of high rank. After dozens of rounds of fierce fighting, their mental strength has been exhausted, and it is difficult to compete with the three-headed dog.

The magma-colored flames fell from its body, burning up the buildings in the street. In the raging fire, an unknown number of scorched and bent human corpses lay lying down.

Thousands of guards in the empire were armed with guns and assisted by laser forts, but they were ignored by the three-headed dog and spit out a pillar of flame covering more than 200 meters, causing heavy casualties.

Just when everyone was in despair, a thin figure slowly walked out of the vast sea of ​​flames.

It was a young man with a handsome face, only in his early twenties, wearing Chixia clothes, and at this moment, he was holding a frightened, disheveled little boy in his arms.

"What?! There are still people there?!"

The guards hiding behind the building bunkers were shocked and stopped firing.

"Hey!!! Run!!!"

A white-haired captain shouted at Xu Che with all his might.

"Intensify the firepower and stop that beast!!"

Several Awakened Ones in the sky also noticed this scene, and their faces showed embarrassment. They have reached the point where their oil is exhausted at this moment, and they want to go to rescue them, but there is nothing they can do.


The purgatory three-headed dog seemed to have also noticed the movement on the ground. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, its head on the right turned its head slightly, and it suddenly saw the young man who was as small as an ant on the ground, and immediately showed a cruel smile.


The huge monster moved its body and let out a roar that shook the sky. It attacked Xu Che with its claws without hesitation.

"What?! Stop it!!"

The eyes of the three awakened ones were tearing apart, and they were extremely angry. They mobilized the last trace of spiritual power in their bodies one after another, trying to launch an attack and contain the monster.

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