Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 209 One Day, You Will Defend Everything Here

The purgatory three-headed dog's body covered the sky and the sun, and it was a bit taller than the surrounding high-rise buildings.

When it turned around, the ferocious and ferocious face made the boy in the youth's arms tremble, and was scared to death.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Xu Che comforted, he wiped the tears from the boy's cheeks, but he couldn't wipe away the inner grief that appeared on his face.

Not long ago, Xu Che pushed all the way from the r3 area and smashed many demons who were burning and killing everywhere.

The boy was rescued by him when he entered the ruins of a certain building in the r2 area. At that time, an old man covered in blood tried to cover the boy, but he was crushed by a boulder, his body was bloody, and his soul was broken. .

The two suspected a grandparent-grandson relationship, seeing the sad scene, how could Xu Che not feel hurt.

After rescuing the boy, the two were surrounded by flames before they had gone far, and were even killed by the vicious three-headed purgatory dog.

"Run away!!!" The white-haired captain shouted anxiously in the distance, and he ordered his men to fire shells to attract the monster's attention.

Even the three awakened ones were about to dive down and rescue the two.

However, they were still a step slower, and the speed of the purgatory three-headed dog exceeded their expectations.


It raised its forelegs and swept towards the street with one paw. The boy was so desperate that he closed his eyes timidly and hid in the arms of the young man, ready to die with him.


There was a cold light in Xu Che's eyes, his face was indifferent, and his anger blasted out with his right fist.


A radiant divine light rushed straight to the thirty-third heaven, setting off a violent storm, and the tormenting fist light instantly engulfed the purgatory three-headed dog.


A heaven-shattering explosion resounded through the battlefield, and the purgatory three-headed dog, which had slaughtered an unknown number of humans, was blasted into a bloody mist by Xu Che's punch, and festering flesh splattered everywhere.

This scene terrified all the awakened ones and guards present. Standing in front of them was a powerful human being who was so terrifying that he couldn't see the depth.

Wisps of blood sprinkled on the young man and the boy, smelling the strange smell, the boy opened his eyes in fear, but found that he was safe and sound.

This is a moment that the boy Ian will never forget in his life. What caught his eyes and left an indelible mark on his memory was a gentle Asian young man, exuding an aura like the warm sun all over his body, as tall as a god, She smiled at him and said, "It's all right."

Then, in a deadly atmosphere, Xu Che walked towards the guard camp and handed the boy over to the white-haired captain.

"Take care of this child."

The captain stared blankly at the young man, unbelievable that he possessed such a terrifying power.

"Your Excellency, thank you."

The old man in military uniform, with moist eyes, took the boy and thanked the young man.

Xu Che didn't say anything, he passed the guards, his eyes were silent, and walked towards the center of the r2 area. Under the sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he knew that there were still a few demons raging there.

The mood gradually calmed down, and the boy, who recovered from the fright, rushed out, and shouted loudly with tears in his eyes towards the figure that was slowly going away:

"My name is Ian Laikes, thank you very much!"

"I want to be a hero like you, one day, if I can do it, I will protect everyone!!"

Until the end, the boy who lost his only support cried loudly on the spot, distraught.

The white-haired captain fell silent, with complicated emotions, just as he was about to say something.

At the end of the horizon, amidst the thick flames, came the clear and gentle voice of the young man.

"I believe you can do it, Ian, I see a gem of courage and faith in you."

"Work hard, boy, persevere in tempering yourself, and one day, you will stand resolutely on this vast land."

"Use your own strength to defend everything here, tell this absurd world, tell those monsters hiding in the dark, you can protect everyone."

The central area of ​​r2 is full of ruins.

The pitch-black flames danced endlessly, and the homeless old man was covered in blood, with terrible scars one after another, hanging on his burly body, and even broken organs could be seen.

Not far from him, stood three extremely terrifying demons, some of them were surrounded by thunder, some had six wings and red horns, and some were crutches and dying.

"Carl Sass, in the face of our encirclement and suppression, you have no chance of winning at all. You stupid, how long are you going to struggle?"

The tree demon sneered, it could sense that the aura of its old enemy was constantly weakening.

"Gu Jiaen, even with the help of these two bastards, believe it or not, I can still unscrew your head before I die."

Even though he was injured, the homeless old man was still not afraid of the three great demons in front of him.

"Really? It's really the same conceit as before. It depends on whether you have life or not, and live on."

The Thunder Demon had a sinister smile, lightning shot from all over his body, and his strength faintly surpassed that of the two demons beside him.

"According to the agreement, its demon heart belongs to me, and the rest of the laws and power can be divided among you."

The tree demon nodded slowly and said, "No problem, let's do it."

Hearing this, Lucasti stretched his muscles and bones, with a chilling smile on the corner of his mouth, his hands suddenly clasped together, and the demonic law in his body completely descended.


The terrifying thunder hangs down from the dome, turning into spears one after another, piercing deeply into the ground, exuding strange power.

One hundred and seventy-two pillars of thunder firmly sealed off the area within a radius of three kilometers, like a natural prison.

The face of the homeless old man changed, and he frowned slightly. Previously, he fought fiercely with the tree demon and the rat demon, relying on the domineering purgatory fire, and almost gained the upper hand.

However, after the thunder demon joined the battlefield and launched a surprise attack, he suffered a lot of hidden losses. Objectively speaking, the guy in front of him was not much worse than himself.

"Are you going to work hard?"

The homeless old man smiled wryly, the breath all over his body suddenly rose sharply, and the sea of ​​flames swayed at the bottom of his feet. The terrifying high temperature almost melted the space.

Seeing that the prison had been formed and the prey had no way out, the dying old man, the tree demon, let go of his crutch, and the power of the demon in his body burst out suddenly.

Its demonic law was also displayed in an instant, and a towering ancient tree appeared in the center of the Thunder Prison, growing crazily.

The nearby ground began to wither and rot, and even the raging sea of ​​flames was suppressed immediately.

What's even more frightening is that the homeless old man can feel that the power of the devil in his body is losing at an accelerated rate in some strange way. This is obviously Gu Jiaen's method!

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