Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 229 The Elder's Death

The turmoil of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan's exchange of the Foundation Establishment Pill subsided within a short time.

After calm thinking, most of the Zhou family members understood the importance of this matter, and turned to support this rule.

As for saying that a few people don't understand or support it, they can only hold back and cannot influence the overall situation.

Zhou Yang personally sat in town to monitor the entire Yuquan Peak for nearly a month. After arresting and punishing several people who secretly gossiped, no one dared to gossip and slander and attack the family's Foundation Establishment monks.

"Xiao Jiu, thank you, thank you for giving Yao'er this opportunity!"

On Haoyang Mountain, when Zhou Yang came here to visit his adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu, Zhou Xuanyu, who had already heard the news, couldn't help holding his hand with gratitude and thanking him with sobs.

And behind Zhou Xuanyu, Zhou Yuanyao stepped forward with an excited face and hugged Zhou Yang from behind, saying, "Ninth Brother, you are the best, Yaoer knows that Ninth Brother, you love Yaoer the most!"

"Mother-in-law is serious. You should thank your great-grandfather. He has made a lot of sacrifices for this matter!"

Zhou Yang looked at his adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu with a look of emotion on his face, but he understood her foster mother's mood at this time.

Although this foster mother succeeded in establishing the foundation, the significance of the foundation establishment pill to her is still a lifelong regret.

This time, the old patriarch Zhou Minghan exchanged Zhou Yuanyao for the Foundation Establishment Pill, which finally helped her make up for this regret and repaired the invisible rift in the hearts of the grandfather and grandson.

Then he raised his hands back again, pulled Zhou Yuanyao off his back, looked at the girl and said, "And Yao'er, although you are only one step away from the ninth floor of Qi training, don't wait until you arrive!" At the ninth level of Qi training, I was in a hurry to take the Foundation Establishment Pill to attack the Foundation Establishment."

"You must know that there is only one chance. If you rush to build a foundation without being fully prepared, if there is an accident, it will not only be a regret for you, but also the stepmother and great-grandfather will also regret it for the rest of your life. Your failure will be criticized by other clansmen!"

Zhou Yuanyao is a middle-grade spiritual root. Even if he takes the Foundation Establishment Pill, the success rate of foundation establishment is only 60 to 70%. Although this probability is not low, there is still a high possibility of failure.

If it fails, it is impossible for the Zhou family to provide her with a second Foundation Establishment Pill, even if her mother is a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, or her great-grandfather is a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator.

So Zhou Yang had to warn this clan sister who was twice his age, and let her understand the meaning of this Foundation Establishment Pill.

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry, both your stepmother and your great-grandfather will look at Yao'er. We won't give her the Foundation Establishment Pill now. We will only hand it over to her after we confirm that her condition has reached the foundation establishment requirements." in hand!"

Zhou Xuanyu naturally understands what Zhou Yang is worried about. Zhou Yuanyao has lived with the Zhou family's foundation-building monks since she was a child, and has a close relationship with the Zhou family's foundation-building monks. favorite.

As a result, although she is almost forty years old, except for the last time she participated in the battle for the expansion of the new oasis, she has never gone out to practice, and she cannot be completely reassuring in terms of her temperament.

So Zhou Xuanyu has even decided that after Zhou Yuanyao reaches the ninth level of Qi training, he will take her to other large oases to practice for five or six years, and he must wait for her mind to mature and stabilize before giving her the foundation building pill base.

Moreover, although Zhou Yuanyao is a bit delicate, she has always listened to Zhou Yang's words since she was a child, so she nodded quickly in response: "Yes, Brother Ninth, don't worry, Yao'er will definitely live up to the trust and expectations of mother, Grandpa Zeng and you , will definitely become a Foundation Establishment cultivator!"

"It's good that you understand this."

Zhou Yang nodded, and then told his adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu about moving her to the new oasis to live in seclusion.

Zhou Xuanyu had agreed to this matter more than nine years ago, but he had been in seclusion for these years, so there was no past, and now when he heard him bring up the old matter again, of course he agreed to this matter without any opinion.

However, Zhou Yuanyao was asked by Zhou Yang to stay on Haoyang Mountain and continue to learn alchemy from his father Zhou Xuanhao.

He did this, of course, for a reason.

Ever since he brought Xiao Ying back to Zhou's house, Zhou Yuanyao had been very unhappy, thinking that Xiao Ying had snatched her Ninth Brother, and she had expressed her dissatisfaction both openly and secretly.

Zhou Yang understood Zhou Yuanyao's mentality, so he deliberately kept the two women from meeting each other these years, and he also tried to seldom appear in front of Zhou Yuanyao himself, using this method to weaken Zhou Yuanyao's attachment and admiration for him.

In Zhou Xuanyu's heart, although she wanted to bring her daughter and Zhou Yang together before, but since Zhou Yang brought Xiao Ying back, she put out this thought and instead supported Zhou Yang's decision.

Not to mention Zhou Xuanhao, in order to cooperate with Zhou Yang, he specially dispatched many alchemy tasks to Zhou Yuanyao, so that he would not have time to think wildly.

These elders united to oppose this matter, Zhou Yuanyao didn't know that she was out of the game, so although she felt wronged in her heart, she had no choice but to suppress the thoughts in her heart and silently chose to accept her fate.

This time is no exception.

After talking about Zhou Xuanyu's going to the new oasis to live in seclusion, Zhou Yang went to see the "Earth Yuan Spirit Milk" underground in Haoyang Mountain. After decades of recuperation, the stalactite pillar has produced "Earth Yuan Spirit Milk" again. " sign.

Since this object is one of the necessary auxiliary spiritual objects for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, Zhou Yang still attaches great importance to this object.

Now that the "Earth Yuan Spiritual Milk" was showing signs of being produced again, he immediately sent a message to ask Zhou Guangxiang, who was practicing at Chihu Ridge, to come to Haoyang Mountain, and set up a water-proof formation in the underground stone room to protect the stalactites, so as not to "" After the "Earth Yuan Spirit Milk" overflowed, it was diluted by the river water.

Zhou Guangxiang is now a second-tier top-tier formation mage. He has mastered all the formations in the Zhou family's collection except for the third-level formation. Don't take it too easy when setting up a formation that avoids water.

After dealing with the matter of "Earth Yuan Spiritual Milk", Zhou Yang rushed back to Chihu Ridge with his adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu and Zhou Guangxiang.

Back at Chihu Ridge, Zhou Yang asked his adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu to wait outside the mountain first, while he went back to the cave to give Xiao Ying a vaccination to prepare her mentally.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to Ziyun Cave, he saw Xiao Ying sleeping soundly on the bed in the bedroom, and on the girl, a moon-white butterfly with a wingspan of six or seven feet was covering the girl like a quilt. .

Zhou Yang was no stranger to this moon-white butterfly. It was the culprit who caused the poisoning of hundreds of mortals in Yeguang Town, the "Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly".

So when he saw this scene for the first time, he was really scared out of his wits, thinking that something was wrong with the girl.

Fortunately, the next moment he found that the girl's aura was normal, so he didn't immediately swing his sword to kill the demon.

However, his sudden intrusion, as well as the mana fluctuations that he was frightened just now, still disturbed the "Phantom Spiritual Jade Butterfly" on the bed, frightened the monster with a flash of white light, and instantly turned into a white light and hid in it. into the warm jade bed under Xiao Ying.

At the same time, Xiao Ying, who was sleeping soundly, opened her eyes and woke up with a "wow".

Seeing this, Zhou Yang felt a little relieved, and then quickly stepped forward to help the girl up and asked, "Ying'er, what happened just now? Why did that [Phantom Jade Butterfly] lie on top of you?"

"Ah, Zhou Lang, are you talking about Xiaodie? I was doing an experiment just now, and I found that Xiaodie's [Dream Art] can not only be used to attack the enemy, but also help people realize various good wishes in dreams, playing a role The effect of tempering the mind!"

Xiao Ying first screamed, and then answered Zhou Yang's question with a smile on her face.

"Xiaodie? Could it be that [Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly] has been adopted as a spiritual pet by you?"

Zhou Yang's face was startled, but he immediately grasped the point.

"That's right. At that time, I wanted to get rid of Xiaodie according to Zhou Lang's order, but I didn't expect that Xiaodie was very timid and afraid of death. When I saw my concubine, I was frightened and stupid, and then used it to kill Xiaodie." The talent [Illusion and Dream Art] created illusions and begged me for mercy, I thought it was pitiful, so I agreed to accept it as a spiritual pet!"

Xiao Ying nodded her head lightly, and then told the process of her subduing the "Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly".

Zhou Yang was frightened when he heard her words.

"It's so reckless! How can you be so reckless? It is a monster, what if it just confuses you with illusions? How can you believe it so easily and let it cast spells on you!"

He looked at the girl angrily, and was extremely annoyed that the girl trusted a monster so credulously.

"Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly" is still a second-rank top-rank monster. If it really took advantage of Xiao Ying's intoxication in the illusion to suddenly attack the killer, Xiao Ying might not be able to survive the sneak attack even if she was a cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The girl didn't mind his anger at all, she just smiled slightly and said: "No, Zhou Lang, have you forgotten my [Du E Qing Lian] supernatural power? Even if Xiao Die wants to hurt me while I'm asleep It is impossible for me to break the body protection magical power and hurt me."

Hearing what she said, Zhou Yang just remembered that the "Qinghua Qinglian" supernatural power in the "Qinghua Crossing Evil Sutra" practiced by the girl has a characteristic that many exercises do not have with supernatural powers, that is, automatic protection. host.

As long as the girl is in danger, this magical power will automatically activate the protector. If the "Phantom Jade Butterfly" dares to hurt the girl's body while the girl is sleeping, it will definitely activate the magical power.

Thinking of this, his complexion eased a little, he hugged the girl in his arms and touched her head helplessly, and said, "Okay, you are right this time, but don't take such risks in the future, even if you want to do an experiment, anyway Also let someone protect you!"

The girl enjoyed his action very much, she couldn't help but slightly nodded her eyes and said, "Well, I have remembered Zhou Lang's words."

Seeing this, Zhou Yang took the opportunity to tell about his adoptive mother Zhou Xuanyu.

He is very skillful in speaking. First, he used the method of storytelling to tell Zhou Xuanyu's deeds in detail before he became a demon, so that Xiao Ying would feel sympathy and compassion for the adoptive mother first, and then he explained how Zhou Xuanyu was forced into desperation. After entering the magic way, how can a person be in the magic way and have a heart in the fairy way, I explained one by one.

In the end, he hugged the young girl's delicate body tightly, and said in a low voice, "Although the foster mother was forced into the magic way, as a husband, I can swear to you that after she returned to the family, she never hurt an innocent person again." She has absolutely nothing to do with those vicious monks!"

"Zhou Lang needless to say, the concubine believes in you, so let's go see the foster mother!"

The girl got up from her Taoist companion's arms, put her jade hand on Zhou Yang's mouth lightly, blocked what he had to say, looked at him affectionately and said.

A thousand words are worse than saying "I believe in you".

Hearing the girl's words, Zhou Yang's body shook, a feeling of "if you have a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for", he felt moved and grateful, and he squeezed the girl's hand tightly and said, "Ying'er Don't worry, if I, Zhou Yang, lose to you in this life, I will be struck by lightning, and I will die!"

After the two cuddled each other and looked at each other affectionately for a long time, they walked out of the cave holding hands with smiles on their faces, and personally welcomed Zhou Xuanyu to Ziyun Cave as a guest.

Then, on behalf of the late Zhou mother Lin Yuting, Zhou Xuanyu received tea from Xiao Ying, the daughter-in-law.

However, Zhou Xuanyu did not stay in Chihu Ridge, but went to live in seclusion in a mortal town.

She is a monk of the Blood Demon Dao, and the blessed land of Lingshan has no help for her practice. The reason why she practiced in Haoyang Mountain before was just to sit on Lingshan for her family.

Now that there are foundation-building monks sitting in every third-order spiritual mountain of the Zhou family, she naturally doesn't have to do this kind of thing anymore.

After experiencing Zhou Xuanyu's incident, the relationship between Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying took another step forward, and because of this, he deeply realized that he cared too little for his Taoist companions and accompanied him too little.

So for the next six months, he didn't do anything, and accompanied Xiao Ying to visit the surrounding mountains and rivers in the world of cultivating immortals, and even went to the Baisha River Oasis.

On this day, Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying had just finished their half-year-long tour, and a few days after returning to Chihu Ridge to practice, the old patriarch Zhou Minghan summoned him to Yuquan Peak with a flying sword message.

"Yuan Jing has just been promoted to be the elder of the family. This time, the family sent him to be the shopkeeper of Yuquan Building. Firstly, it is to exercise his management skills. Secondly, it is also because Xuanjin is old and has already applied to the family many times. I want to return to the family and wait for the end to come with peace of mind!"

"However, almost half a year has passed, and he has not yet arrived at the Baisha River Oasis to complete the handover with Xuan Jin. Judging from the old man's experience, he is probably in danger!"

On Yuquan Peak, when Zhou Yang arrived here, the old patriarch Zhou Minghan called him into the cave and explained the reason for calling him here.

Zhou Yuanjing is Zhou Yang's starling in seniority, and it has only been less than three years since he was promoted to the ninth level of Qi training to become the elder of the family. With this practice.

Zhou Yang didn't expect that this starling finally became the elder of the family, and fell outside like this.

A family elder died for no reason, no wonder Zhou Minghan wanted to recall him, the patriarch, to the family.

After listening to Zhou Minghan's words at this time, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and suddenly asked: "How about the magical equipment on my starling?"

Zhou Minghan heard the words, and immediately said: "According to the records I found from the family, Yuan Jing should have two second-level top-grade attack weapons, one second-level top-grade defensive magic weapon, and nine second-level top-grade magic talismans. There is a second-tier middle-grade puppet beast!"

The Zhou family can be said to be a strong army now. The family has several third-tier weapon refiners, third-tier alchemists, and a third-tier talisman maker. There is no shortage of various magical weapons and charms. Zhou Yuanjing, as the elder of the family, is of course not weak.

"Brother is also an old man with rich experience in fighting skills. With such equipment on his body, there are usually two or three people with the same cultivation level as him, so he may not be able to kill him. This is strange!"

Zhou Yang slowly said his deduction, and the old patriarch Zhou Minghan looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of worry in each other's eyes.

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