Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 230: It Really Is You! (Thanks to book friend Lingtaoge Qingyuanzi Wanshou)

Zhou Yuanjing, the elder of Zhou's family, accidentally fell outside. This matter was quickly spread in the Zhou family, and even many people in other families knew about it.

The monks of the Zhou family had a lot of discussions because of this, and many people wrote to the family's foundation-building monks, requesting to find out the truth and punish the murderer severely.

The foundation-building monks of the Zhou family also responded to the demands of the tribe. The three foundation-building monks, Zhou Yang, Zhou Minghan, and Huang Yi, set off from the Yuquan Lake Oasis separately and launched a dragnet search along the road to the Baisha River Oasis.

The few of them searched for a month in a row, but they couldn't even find the place where Zhou Yuanjing was killed. In the end, they could only issue a reward order to all monks for information about Zhou Yuanjing, even if it was the place of death.

"Obviously, Yuan Jing must have been attacked by a foundation-building monk whose strength was far superior to hers, and then she was instantly killed without any resistance. Only in this way can it be explained why the three of us foundation-building monks searched for a month. I can't find any traces of fighting techniques!"

On Jade Spring Peak, the three foundation-building stage monks of the Zhou family returned to the family after the search, and closed the door to share their views on Zhou Yuanjing's fall.

As an elder, the old patriarch Zhou Minghan was the first to express his speculation.

Hearing this, Zhou Yang was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but looked at Huang Yi who was on the side and asked: "You used to be a casual cultivator, Huang Daoyou, and you should know more about the casual cultivators and sand bandits in the Baishahe Immortal Cultivation World than we do. With his cultivation base and the magic weapon and talisman on his body, can casual cultivators and sand bandits in the Qi training period kill him instantly?"

Huang Yi originally didn't want to express his opinion on this kind of matter, but Zhou Yang asked him about it, so it seemed inappropriate for him not to say anything.

Immediately said: "If it is a direct confrontation, it is definitely impossible for a monk in the Qi training period to kill Elder Yuan Jing instantly without leaving obvious traces of fighting skills, but if it is a sneak attack, it is difficult to say."

What he said was ambiguous, and what he said was equivalent to not saying, which was very tactful.

Zhou Yang frowned slightly, nodded and said: "I understand, let's stop here for the time being, and I will go to appease and explain the situation to the clansmen."

He didn't explain what he thought.

Next, Zhou Yang personally explained the investigation situation to the clansmen. According to him, Zhou Yuanjing disappeared rather than died, because the Zhou family did not find his remains and belongings.

Of course, many people know that 90% of the so-called "disappearance" means death. Using "disappearance" to define it shows that the family's foundation monks don't want to make too much noise and affect the operation of the entire family.

Of course, if you just do this, others will not be completely convinced, so Zhou Yang said: "Don't worry, everyone, the family will continue to pay attention to the investigation of Elder Yuan Jing's disappearance, and because he disappeared to carry out the family mission. , On behalf of the family, I will give 2000 contribution points to his descendants as a pension, and transfer the contribution points he accumulated during his lifetime to his descendants."

A pension of 2000 contribution points, this amount is definitely not low, and it can also allow Zhou Yuanjing's descendants to inherit the contribution points he accumulated during his lifetime.

This time, many Zhou family monks stopped talking.

At this time, they finally realized the superiority of contribution points over spirit stones. Not only does this thing not need to take up space like spirit stones, but it also follows people. Even if you die outside due to an accident, the family on your body Contribution points can still be passed on to future generations intact.

Among Zhou Yuanjing's descendants, there are only two descendants with low-grade spiritual roots. Now, the contribution points Zhou Yuanjing earned before and after his death will be shared by the two, making these two descendants who have only cultivated qi at the second and third levels, all of a sudden much better than each other. In the late stage of Qi training, monks will be even richer.

Next, the turmoil caused by Zhou Yuanjing's "disappearance" was deliberately downplayed by the high-level family members, and it passed quickly. Only some members of the Zhou family who were planning to go out for a trip were temporarily postponed due to this incident, and they were ready to wait and see for a while.

Only Zhou Yang personally went to the Baisha River Oasis to escort Zhou Yuanpeng, the tenth younger brother who was also newly promoted to the Zhou family, to Yuquan Tower to take over Zhou Xuanjin's seat, and then took Zhou Xuanjin back to the Yuquan Lake Oasis to retire.

Things seemed to pass like this.

After half a year passed like this, the monks of the Zhou family who postponed their travel plans saw that the situation seemed to have calmed down, and a few bold people submitted applications to the elders of the family, and then either went alone or in twos and threes. With the help of relatives and friends all the way, I left Yuquan Lake Oasis and walked into the vast sand sea.

The first time Zhou Yang went from Yuquan Lake Oasis to Baisha River Oasis, he was attacked by sand bandits, which shows that the journey was not peaceful.

However, in recent decades, as the strength of the Zhou family has become stronger day by day, and a large number of sand bandits were killed during the chaos, the Zhou family monks have basically encountered no danger when walking this road.

Now Zhou Yuanjing, the elder of Zhou's family, suddenly "disappeared" on this road, making this originally safe road become unsafe again.

One day, after a sandstorm, a monk from the Zhou family riding a camel suddenly came along the road.

This cultivator of the Zhou family has only cultivated the fifth level of Qi by looking at the breath, and his face is also a little immature. He is riding on the back of the camel, staring at the sand sea in front of the camel with wide eyes, as if this way he can see that the front is a normal sandy land. It is still a quicksand field with hidden quicksand traps.

With this appearance, it looks like a rookie who rarely travels far.

These rookies who have just left home have always been the favorite targets of robbers.

In the vast sea of ​​sand, as long as the hands and feet are clean, everything will be buried by the yellow sand, just like the "missing" elder of the Zhou family.

The peeper hiding in the dark thought of this, his eyes turned cold, and his heart suddenly became murderous.

However, he didn't do it right away, but continued to hide in the dark and waited until the Zhou family monk rode a camel dozens of miles away before he jumped up from under the sand where he was hiding, without touching the ground. Stepping on a ray of sword light, he chased after the Zhou family monk in the direction he left.

Because he was flying close to the ground, it wasn't until he was less than ten miles away from the target that the Zhou family monk riding on the back of a camel finally realized through the sound of flying swords breaking through the air that there was a Foundation Establishment monk who could fly with a sword behind him.

But at this time, there is obviously no difference between discovering and not discovering.

The peeper didn't intend to talk nonsense with the target at all. When he got close to the target for two or three miles, he immediately swung his sleeves and released another flying sword to assassinate the target.

However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as he released the flying sword, a cold snort suddenly sounded in his ears.


The icy snort made the peepers terrified, and the sword light under his feet turned immediately, and he was about to run away.

He recognized the owner of the voice!

It's that man's voice!

It was the voice of the person he hated and feared!

At this moment, he has no time to think about why that person is here, he just wants to escape, first get out of the attacking range of that person!

It's a pity that he had just escaped tens of feet away when he suddenly seemed to have lost his mind. He yelled "Ah" and put his head in his hands and fell off the flying sword and fell onto the sandy ground below.

Fortunately, the sand was soft, and he was not flying at a high altitude at that time. With the physique of a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, this fall could not kill him, at most he suffered some internal injuries.

But is it really that simple?

Obviously not.

Although this peeping man's cultivation base is not low, he has four foundations, but how can Zhou Yang's "Mie Shen Needle" be so pleasant?

With the strength of his consciousness, although he would not be directly shattered into a vegetative state after being hit by this blow, his consciousness was still severely injured and passed out on the spot.

Zhou Yang, who was disguised as a monk in the Qi training period and was riding on the back of a camel, moved at this time, and quickly landed in front of the peeping man on the ground with his sword light. A grimace mask made from the "Forbidden God Stone".

The grimace mask was lifted, and a strange yet familiar face suddenly appeared in Zhou Yang's eyes.

"It really is you, Chen Fangli!"

Zhou Yang looked at the face of the unconscious person on the ground, and there was not much surprise on his face.

This Chen Fangli, failed to make trouble at his foundation-building ceremony more than twenty years ago, but was severely slapped in the face by him. After returning, he was banned by the ancestor of the Chen family on the white hump for twenty years.

At that time, the relationship between Chen and Zhou was in the honeymoon period, and he, who had exposed his "Qianyang treasure body", became the object that the ancestors of the Chen family thought was worth wooing because he was valued by Cao Wenjin.

Chen Fangli represented the Chen family to trouble Zhou Yang on such an important occasion as the foundation establishment ceremony, and of course the ancestors of the Chen family could not spare him.

It's just that the times have changed, the times have changed, and the relationship between the Chen family and the Zhou family has actually broken.

Chen Fangli was released at the end of the 20-year ban. After discovering this situation, how could he not feel revenge?

When Zhou Yang investigated Zhou Yuanjing's murder, the first suspect was the Chen family.

And when he was investigating the recent whereabouts of the Chen family's foundation-building monks, he happened to discover Chen Fangli's high-profile records of going in and out of Ping'anfang City, so he listed this person as the most suspicious object.

But doubts are doubts. Without evidence, he would definitely not dare to visit the Chen family to question him.

So he searched with the old patriarch Zhou Minghan for a month, and issued a high reward order to find Zhou Yuanjing's whereabouts. His "incompetent and furious" appearance made the murderer relax his vigilance.

Secretly, this plan of "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger" has been formulated long ago.

He knew very well that if the murderer was really Chen Fangli, he would never be satisfied with just killing Zhou Yuanjing.

How could Chen Fangli, who had been grounded for twenty years, vent his grievances just by killing Zhou Yuanjing, who was at the ninth level of Qi training?

Facts have now proved that Zhou Yang's deduction is completely correct. After Chen Fangli tasted the sweetness of killing Zhou Yuanjing and causing Zhou Yang to burn out, he really refused to stop and continued to lie in ambush on this road, preparing to attack other Zhou family monks.

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