Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 233 Strong soldiers and strong horses

Time flies, and it is three years in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Yang, who devoted himself to cultivating in Ziyun Cave in Chihu Ridge, lived a simple life for the past three years.

The old patriarch Zhou Minghan and his father Zhou Xuanhao will help him deal with family matters. He only needs to show up every six months and read the records.

In the past three years, although his cultivation base has not increased much, he has successfully mastered the "Five Elements Birth and Death Sword Formation", which has been difficult to master.

After using this set of sword formations with his current level of cultivation, Zhou Minghan, the old patriarch of the ninth floor of the foundation, fell into the sword formation, and the chance of escape was less than 30%.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang has every reason to believe that after he has mastered the sixth basic sword formation "Liuhe Guiyi Sword Formation" in "Da Yan Jian Jue".

If ordinary foundation-building ninth-floor monks do not have fourth-order talismans, or also master some powerful secret art treasures, the end of being an enemy of him is basically life and death!

While he was making progress, the rest of the Zhou family related to him did not stand still.

First of all, after three years of dedicated cultivation, his Taoist companion Xiao Ying broke through to the fourth floor of the foundation building without any accidents. His father Zhou Xuanzhen also reached the third floor of the foundation building, and Zhou Guangxiang's cultivation level was also promoted. Arrived at the second floor of the foundation.

Secondly, after thirteen years of continuous "work", the Gryphon finally made the Fengyingbao pregnant.

The Wind Shadow Leopard is a third-tier monster. It takes at least five years from conception to birth.

Generally speaking, the stronger the bloodline of a monster, the longer it will take to conceive and give birth. For those high-level monsters belonging to the dragon, it takes tens or hundreds of years from conception to laying eggs, and from laying eggs to hatching. Strange.

The advantage of this is that, from the moment the monster is born, it will have extraordinary power.

The Wind Shadow Leopard and the Gryphon are both Tier 3 monsters. The offspring produced by the union between them will be a Tier 1 monster at birth, and will become a Tier 2 monster after passing through the infancy period. There is a high probability of becoming an adult. It was also promoted to a Tier 3 Monster Beast.

This is something that human monks cannot do anyway.

Human monks, even if they are the offspring of two Nascent Soul stage monks combined, they will not have any cultivation level when they are born.

As for whether the same is true for the descendants of true immortals at the next level, no one knows, because it is absolutely no more difficult for a monk who has practiced to the transcending period to give birth to another offspring than a monk at the golden core period. Come small.

Of course, the offspring of Nascent Soul stage monks also have "privileges", that is, as long as one of the parents is a Nascent Soul stage monk, their offspring will definitely have spiritual roots, and the probability of appearing top-grade spiritual roots is extremely high, at least 20-30%!

In short, the pregnancy of the Wind Shadow Leopard means that the Zhou family will have a great chance of obtaining a third-order monster as a town spirit beast in a few decades. For Zhou Yang, this is definitely a big thing to be happy about. happy event.

In addition to this big happy event, various other small happy events are also coming.

For example, the sterilization drug he asked his father Zhou Xuanhao to develop was developed and put into use two years ago, successfully and effectively curbing the growth rate of the number of mortals.

For example, a large number of monks of the "Yuan" generation and some outstanding "Guang" generation monks of the Zhou family have been promoted to the ninth level of Qi training, and the number of elders of the ninth level of Qi training in the family has suddenly increased to fourteen.

What's more, with a lot of support from the Zhou family, there are more than 30 monks in the family who have selected a discipline of cultivating immortals, and 60% of them are above the second level.

At the same time, the number of spirit stones in the Zhou family's accounts has reached an unprecedented 80,000!

Using "strong soldiers and strong horses" to describe today's Zhou family couldn't be more appropriate.

The current Zhou family, except for the lack of Zifu period monks and the fourth-order Lingshan, is not inferior to those ordinary Zifu families in other aspects.

Zhou Yang said at the beginning that he would lead the Zhou family to prosperity, but now he has basically done what he said at the beginning.

On this day, Zhou Yang was cultivating in the cave, and Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangxiang, brothers and sisters who also opened up the cave to practice in Chihuling, suddenly visited him.

It turned out that after Zhou Guangxiang had reached the ninth level of Qi training, he was ready to take the Foundation Establishment Pill that Zhou Guangxiang had left for him to attack the Foundation Establishment.

According to the rules of the Zhou family, if the clansmen want to attack the foundation-building period, they must first report to the clan leader, and they can retreat and build the foundation after obtaining approval.

Generally, for this kind of monk who wants to attack the foundation establishment, the patriarch will repeatedly ask him whether he is ready before approving it.

Zhou Yang is no exception.

He looked at the two brothers and sisters standing in front of him, his gaze passed over Zhou Guangxiang, and fell on Zhou Guangxiang's delicate face, and asked in a deep voice: "Guangxiang, have you really made up your mind? My opinion is that you still You are young, and it is not too late to practice for a few more years, and it happens that Yaoer has just been promoted to the ninth level of Qi training, and she is going to travel far away to practice, you can go to practice with her!"

Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangxiang are twin brothers and sisters of the same mother. Thanks to this elder brother in the foundation stage, she is also a "foundation seed" that is highly valued by the family in the Zhou family. There is no shortage of various cultivation resources, so her cultivation The promotion is much faster than ordinary mid-level spiritual root monks.

Although she is only 46 years old now, she is already a real Qi training ninth-level monk.

Hearing Zhou Yang's words at this time, Zhou Guangxiang couldn't help showing a firm look on his delicate face, looked at the patriarch and uncle Jiu and said, "Xiang'er knows that Uncle Jiu is doing it for Xiang'er's good, but Xiang'er has indeed made up his mind. I have made up my mind, and I ask Uncle Jiu to make it happen!"

Zhou Yang heard the words, but he didn't respond to her in a hurry, but looked at Zhou Guangxiang beside her and asked, "Guangxiang, what do you say?"

"Of course I have the same idea as you, Uncle Jiu. However, my sister also knows that she has to be strong since she was a child. It's useless for me to persuade her!"

Zhou Guangxiang shook his head at Zhou Yang with a wry smile on his face, looked at the sister next to him with a headache, and finally nodded and said: "Uncle Nine, you can help her! Besides, she has passed Aunt Nine many times. As for [Illusory Spiritual Jade Butterfly]’s illusion test, at least passing the first level is not a problem, as for whether it can succeed in the future, it can only be decided by the heavens!"

The "Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly" spiritual pet that Xiao Ying accidentally took over, its gifted supernatural power "Dream Art" can make Qi training period monks fall into a dreamlike illusion. ", the chance of breaking free is less than 30%.

Even if the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage put down their guard and did not resist, they would be affected by the "Illusory Dream Technique" and produce various illusions in their minds.

It's just that Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness is too strong, and the supernatural power of "Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly" doesn't work for him at all, so he can't understand the mystery of this supernatural power.

However, judging from his experience of letting Xiao Ying instigate the "Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly" to perform the "Phantom Dream Technique" on Zhou Guangxiang and other monks in the Qi training period of the Zhou family over the years, the "Phantom Dream Technique" that Xiao Ying said at the beginning has the effect of sharpening the monk's mind. It's not a lie.

At least after Zhou Guangxiang has experienced the test of "Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly" many times, his mind has indeed matured and improved a lot. It should not be a problem to pass the first level of the three foundation building levels, "Spiritual Consciousness Level" of.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang finally nodded and said, "In this case, I approve, I wish you success!"

"Thank you Uncle Jiu for making it happen!"

With a happy face, Zhou Guangxiang quickly saluted and thanked him, and then went back to the cave for retreat with his elder brother Zhou Guangxiang.

Although there are several foundation-building cultivators and two third-rank monsters resident on Chihu Ridge, there are not many monks in the qi training period. Therefore, the aura on the mountain is sufficient for Zhou Guangxiang to build his foundation, and Zhou Yang doesn't need to do it like he did at Yuquan Peak. Give Ziyun Cave to him for retreat.

And with his elder brother Zhou Guangxiang as his guardian, Zhou Yang didn't even have to be a guardian.

Therefore, after he approved Zhou Guangxiang's attack on foundation establishment, he went to the home of his adoptive mother in Yeguang Town.

At this time, Zhou Yuanyao also came to her mother's house in Yeguang Town from Haoyang Mountain, and was going to go out with her mother Zhou Xuanyu to travel to the world of cultivating immortals.

Of course, Zhou Xuanyu can only protect her in secret, and it is impossible for her to enter the Immortal Cultivator Square City on other oases like her, so as not to be seen through her identity as a demon cultivator.

Zhou Yang came here this time to see their mother and daughter off.

Naturally, Xiao Ying did not follow.

"Yao'er, the outside world is very exciting and cruel. When you go out to experience, even though there is a godmother who is secretly following and protecting you, remember not to be negligent and cause trouble indiscriminately. Otherwise, if the godmother exposes her identity as a demon cultivator in order to save you, you will be killed." It will be difficult for the two of us to return to Zhou's house in the future, and we will never want to see our great-grandfather and me again!"

Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Yuanyao, who was wearing a fiery red spider silk dress with his hands behind his back, his face was full of majesty of the patriarch instead of the doting and love that his elder brother had for his younger sister in the past.

He knew this righteous sister too well, if he showed any iota of love at this time, Zhou Yuanyao's ability to execute his words would be greatly reduced.

"Yao'er understands Brother Nine's meaning, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you when I go out to practice this time, I will never meddle in other business, and I will definitely obey my mother's advice!"

Zhou Yuanyao looked at Zhou Yang who was looking at her with a majestic expression, pouted her mouth, and lowered her head unwillingly to answer in a low voice.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang felt somewhat uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to harden his heart and continue to say: "You'd better remember what you said, or if you come back and let me know that you're having trouble with the godmother again, see what I can do." Pack you!"

Looking at this scene, Zhou Xuanyu felt both relieved and regretful.

"It would be great if Yao'er could be born twenty years earlier! If Yao'er could be born twenty years earlier, I will definitely tell Yu Ting to let Yao'er be her daughter-in-law!"

She sighed in her heart, but she said with a smile on her face: "Okay, okay, Yang'er, please don't say a few words, Yao'er listens to you the most, I believe she dare not obey your words, It's getting late, we should go!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang quickly stopped talking, nodded and said: "Since the godmother has spoken, then so be it. I wish you a safe trip here, my boy!"

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