Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 234: Something Happened

Yellow sand door.

Li Zhengnan came out of the retreat room, his face was muddled, his disheveled hair looked like a beggar who lived on the street after his business went bankrupt and begged for food.

And a few years ago, he was not like this.

A few years ago, he promised all kinds of benefits vertically and horizontally, so that several Zifu monks in the sect gave up competing for the "Jade Liquid Golden Pill" and supported him to use this thing. In the end, Cao Wenjin succeeded in getting this piece worth millions The treasure of Lingshi was handed over to him.

Back then, when he entered the closed room with the "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir" full of confidence, all the high-level monks in the sect came to bless and send each other their blessings, how high-spirited they were!

pity! pity!

It's a pity that he failed to live up to the expectations of the whole sect after all, and failed in forming alchemy!

No matter how good the "Yuye Golden Pill" is, it can only increase the success rate of alchemy formation by 10 to 20%. In addition to the various preparations Li Zhengnan himself has made for the formation of alchemy, his success rate of alchemy formation is probably around 20% .

A quarter of the alchemy success rate is not too low!

When many cultivators from the Purple Mansion attack the alchemy, the success rate cannot be guaranteed even 100%.

If it is not so difficult to form alchemy, why is the biggest dream of most monks after they step into the practice, is to become a golden core monk who can live for a thousand years?

But the failure rate of three quarters is obviously higher!

After all, Li Zhengnan didn't have that fate, he failed to change his fate against the sky, lived another five hundred years, and became the ancestor of Jindan respected by thousands of people!

Originally, there is nothing wrong with failing to form an alchemy. Many monks at the golden core stage fail to form an alchemy once or twice before they succeed in forming an alchemy. Anyway, if they fail to form an alchemy, the most they can do is to damage their dantian and lose some vitality. After a few decades of recuperation, they can Tried to form a pill again.

With Li Zhengnan's longevity, he still has at least two chances to hit Jindan.

But he failed to form the alchemy this time, but he used up the only "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir" in the sect, and used up the "Yuye Golden Elixir" that the sect spent millions of spirit stones to purchase!

That's it!

All the sects in the world have a common rule when distributing important treasures such as "Jade Liquid Golden Pill". If the monk who uses this treasure succeeds in breaking through, then in the future, he only needs to repay three to three times the total value of the treasure. Just give 50% of the spirit stones to the sect.

But if you fail to break through the realm after using the treasure, then I'm sorry, the user must use all means in the rest of his life to repay the debt, and the compensation will be based on the price.

If he hadn't repaid it completely during his lifetime, this debt would even continue to his descendants!

Because of this rule, when those sect monks compete for the right to use such treasures, they will also fully consider the debt after failure.

At that time, Li Zhengnan was able to get several other Zifu monks in the Huangshamen to support him in winning the "Jade Liquid Golden Pill". Apart from the fact that he himself gave a lot of benefits to those people, this rule also made those people give up fighting for it. The important reason for "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir".

As for Li Zhengnan himself, he has never married a wife or had children in his life. Before he formed an alchemy, his thought was that even if he failed, he would just sell his remaining less than a hundred years of life to the Zongmen, and it would not harm future generations.

But how good he thought at the time, how miserable the end is now after failing!

That's more than a million spirit stones!

What can he pay back?

You must know that in order to obtain the "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir", he even took out two of the fourth-order top-grade magic weapons on his body and "gifted" them to those juniors. , adding up to less than 10,000!

Not to mention how he promised to repay those juniors after he succeeded in forming alchemy.

In this case, do you think Lee Jung Nam can look good?

In fact, he failed to form the alchemy as early as two or three years ago, and he delayed it for two or three years. In addition to calming down the damage to the vitality caused by the failure of the alchemy, the bigger reason was that he was afraid of taking responsibility for the failure.

Just procrastinating is obviously not the solution. After a few years, some knowledgeable people in the sect have almost guessed the result, and Cao Wenjin even sent him a message in a harsh tone a few days ago, asking him to come out. Give me an explanation!

Now that there is nothing to delay, Li Zhengnan can only walk out of the retreat room with a miserable face and accept the punishment of the sect.

Fortunately, being in the same sect, the other cultivators of the Zifu in the Huangshamen still saved some face for Li Zhengnan. After seeing him in a daze, no one said any harsh words of cynicism, but they just felt sorry for him for a while. After sighing, they each said a few comforting words and left.

After all the other Zifu monks had left and only Cao Wenjin and Li Zhengnan were left, Cao Wenjin, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"I don't want to say more about the extra words. When you came to get the [Jade Liquid Golden Pill], the old man told you. Now the old man will give you five years to recover. Five years later, for the sake of the sect In the future, it can be passed on stably, the old man is going to do a big thing, and you must participate in it when the time comes!"

Cao Wenjin was able to say the word "big event", and it also involved the inheritance of the sect. It can be seen that this matter is definitely a real big event, and it will be very dangerous.

Li Zhengnan, as the current No. 2 figure in Huang Shamen, of course, is not ignorant of this.

And he also knew a truth, the calmer Cao Wenjin's tone was, the bigger the matter was.

At the same time, as the person Cao Wenjin specifically named to participate in this major event, and as a person who had just wasted millions of spiritual stones from the sect, the responsibilities and pressure he had to bear in this event would definitely not be small.

Perhaps, will die!

Li Zhengnan swayed slightly, then smiled miserably on the back, bowed deeply and bowed to Cao Wenjin, saying: "My nephew understands, everything is just according to my uncle's order!"

He has no choice!

Wasting the "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir" bought by the Zongmen's million spirit stones, this is his biggest "original sin"!

If you succeed, you will be honored as the ancestor and live a thousand years!

If you lose, you will be ruined, and the crime is unforgivable!

The road of cultivating immortals has always been so cruel!

And as Li Zhengnan left the customs, the news about his failure to form the alchemy was quickly spread to the respective families by the monks from various families in the Huangshamen, and then spread to the entire Boundlessshamen. Haixiu Immortal Realm.

For a time, all the cultivating families in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea were arguing endlessly because of this news.

But there is a consensus that everyone agrees with.

That is the Huang Shamen, and Cao Wenjin, the guardian of the Huang Shamen, Cao Patriarch, will never just sit around and watch the Huang Shamen decline.

In short, the world of the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals is about to change again!

After receiving the news from Chihuling, Zhou Yang went to Yuquan Lake Oasis to discuss the matter with the old patriarch Zhou Minghan.

In the end, the decisions the two made were unexpectedly consistent, and that was to wait and see what happened.

Cao Wenjin is not dead yet!

As long as this Golden Core cultivator is still alive, anyone or any family who dares to take any action at this time, no matter whether it is good or bad, will definitely touch the already sensitive nerves of this ancestor, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

The Zhou family just wanted to stand in line, and it was definitely not the time like this.

At this time, the ones who should really be anxious are those Zifu families, because the Jianji family can still choose to stand in line, and the Zifu family, they just want to stand in line, and they need people to believe in him!

That's right, that's it.

At least the old ancestor of the Chen family became ill after learning the news of Li Zhengnan's failure.

Originally, several Zifu monks from the Huangshamen had a good friendship with him. When Li Zhengnan obtained the "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir", the first person who notified him was a certain Zifu monk from the Huangshamen.

But now, after Li Zhengnan failed to form the alchemy, none of the cultivators of the Huangshamen Zifu notified him, let alone revealed any inside information to him.

This alone is enough to make him have a lot of associations.

For this reason, he had to announce his exit, and then went to visit Cao Wenjin in Huangshamen himself. On the surface, he asked Cao Wenjin about the method of forming alchemy, and said that he would try his best before his life energy was exhausted. Loyalty, implying that he has a short lifespan, shows that the Chen family does not have the strength to threaten Huang Shamen.

However, Cao Wenjin's response made the ancestor of the Chen family feel very uncertain.

Facing his request for advice, Cao Wenjin graciously gave him a piece of his experience in forming alchemy, but at the same time told him not to be too busy retreating to form alchemy for the next ten years, saying that he needed to ask him for help in the future.

When Cao Wenjin asked him to help with something, the ancestors of the Chen family naturally did not dare to refuse to help, so they could only bite the bullet and agree first, then returned to the family anxiously, and studied the experience of forming alchemy given by Cao Wenjin.

The news that the ancestor of the Chen family had successfully promoted to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, Zhou Yang naturally knew about it soon, but he had no other reaction except for sighing when he first heard the news.

No matter whether the ancestor of the Chen family is on the eighth floor of the Zifu or the ninth floor of the Zifu, there is actually no difference between him and the Zhou family.

At this stage, the other party is an existence that they cannot compete with.

What's more, there is another thing that worries Zhou Yang even more, that is, Zhou Guangxiang, who built his foundation in retreat at Chihu Ridge, has passed for more than three months and has not yet left the cave.

For more than three months, there was no "spiritual energy infused body" vision on Chihu Ridge, indicating that Zhou Guangxiang's foundation must have failed.

But with the protection of "Building Foundation Pill", even if it fails, Zhou Guangxiang's life should not be in danger.

But what made Zhou Yang feel heavy was that after more than three months, Zhou Guangxiang still refused to come out of the cave, and Zhou Guangxiang, who was protecting her, also resolutely refused to open the formation to let him in to check the situation.

"Guangxiang, do you know what you are doing? By doing this, you are not only committing a crime against the orders of the elder patriarch, but also betting on your sister's life!"

Outside Zhou Guangxiang's cave, Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Guangxiang who was standing guard in front of the gate of the cave, his face was very ugly.

With his intelligence, of course he guessed the reason why Zhou Guangxiang did this, but because of this, he wanted to stop him even more!

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