Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 236 The situation is serious 【Subscription】

"Huang Shamen wants our Zhou family to send two foundation cultivators to go to their mountain gate to receive dispatch?"

On Yuquan Peak, Zhou Yang rushed back after receiving the news. After reading the call-up order with Cao Wenjin's mana imprint on it, his complexion suddenly became serious.

This kind of call-up order imprinted with Cao Wenjin's magic power was never issued even when the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm was invaded by the remnants of the Blood Demon Sect.

Of course, there are reasons for the special treatment at that time, and on the other hand, it also shows the importance of this matter.

According to the agreement between Huang Shamen and various vassal forces, all vassal forces must unconditionally follow the above requirements immediately after receiving the call-up order with the mana imprint of the Huang Shamen Golden Core cultivator, otherwise it will be regarded as betrayal!

And Jindan monks issued such a large-scale call-up order imprinted with their own mana imprint, which was also endorsing with the reputation and reputation of themselves and their sect.

Basically, Jindan cultivators would never use this method to enlist personnel from vassal forces outside the sect unless it was a matter of the sect's life and death.

"Right now, the Huangsha Gate has not been invaded by foreign enemies, nor has it waged war with other forces of the same type. At this time, what is the purpose of the old ancestor Cao when he issued this level of conscription order?"

Zhou Yang looked at the call-up order with only a few short sentences written in his hand and muttered to himself, with an unprecedented solemn expression on his face.

There has always been a rule in this kind of official announcements from superiors, that is, the fewer words, the bigger the matter!

Generally speaking, if you issue a call-up order, you must at least indicate the reason for the call-up order. This will not only allow the monks who accept the call-up order to have a psychological preparation in advance, make relevant preparations, but also calm people's hearts and prevent people from thinking wildly. .

But now, the call-up order signed by Cao Wenjin happened to be this kind of "forced call-up order" for which no reason was explained.

"What is Huang Shamen's intention? It's useless for us to guess now, and it's useless to guess. What we should discuss now is, which two foundation-building monks will go to Huang Shamen to accept requisition?"

The old patriarch Zhou Minghan looked at Zhou Yang with serious eyes, and said slowly: "The old man's opinion is that the rest of us can go, but you, the patriarch, must not go!"

The hope of the whole clan refers to the current Zhou Yang.

Zhou Minghan, including all the monks of the Zhou family, counted on him to cultivate to the ninth floor of the foundation building as soon as possible, and successfully open up the purple mansion as soon as possible.

Now that this kind of thing happened, Zhou Minghan was of course the first one who didn't want Zhou Yang to be involved in it, just in case something unexpected happened to him.

"Great-grandfather, your grandson appreciates your kindness, but as the patriarch, if I shrink back at this time, how can I convince the people? How can I convince the people that I will stand up to protect them when they are in danger?" , instead of turning around and fleeing first?"

Zhou Yang shook his head solemnly, denying the opinion of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan.

In terms of combat power, he is the well-deserved No. 1 member of the Zhou family.

In terms of cultivation, his cultivation is second only to the old patriarch Zhou Minghan.

In terms of identity, he is the current patriarch of the Zhou family.

Now that the family encounters this kind of thing, if he, as the patriarch, does not take the lead in charging forward, but just shouts "give me up" from behind, what will those clansmen think?

More importantly, Zhou Yang also knew that if he didn't go up, in order to minimize the blow to his reputation as the patriarch, the two Zhou family foundation-building monks sent this time were most likely the old patriarch Zhou Minghan and the old patriarch Zhou Minghan. His father Zhou Xuanhao!

Only these two people can go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire without complaint or regret for his safety and reputation, and die without regret!

And as the Son of Man, how could he allow this to happen?

"Now is not the time to be aggressive!"

"You alone are worth more to the Zhou family than all our Foundation Establishment cultivators are to the Zhou family. As the patriarch, don't you know how to settle this account?"

"It's rare that Shamen Huang didn't ask you to go by name this time. It's nice of you to rush to die by yourself! Are you trying to piss off the old man and your father?"

Zhou Minghan looked at Zhou Yang with a livid face, his tone was angry and angry, and his eyes were full of hatred for iron.

Zhou Yang was unmoved, but looked at him firmly and said:

"Great-grandfather, stop talking, not everything in this world can be measured by the word profit!"

"Your great love for grandson, grandson appreciates it, but grandson is not only the head of the Zhou family, but also the son of a father, and your grandson!"

"I, Zhou Yang, am I the kind of coward who sees his elders and relatives go through fire and water, but hides in his family and waits for news!"

If he was really the kind of person who only puts the interests of the family first, he wouldn't be where he is today.

He has always admired and admired the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, but he can't make him a person like Zhou Minghan!

When Zhou Minghan heard Zhou Yang's words, his heart was moved and he had a headache and was angry. He couldn't help looking at him angrily and asked, "Then what are you going to do? Tell me, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

"Of course Huang Yi and I should enlist to go to Huangshamen!" Zhou Yang stated his decision without hesitation.

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Zhou Minghan to refute, he continued: "As the patriarch, I should take the lead. With me in the front, Huang Yi, as a foundation-builder of my Zhou family, why should he object to going? So Great-grandfather, don't say you trade yourself for me, you really can't replace me this time!"

"You..." Zhou Minghan's mouth moved, as expected he was speechless by Zhou Yang's words.

"You are the patriarch, you can do whatever you want!"

He finally took a deep breath, and was forced to agree with Zhou Yang's decision with a helpless face.

He had watched Zhou Yang grow up since he was a child, and he knew more about Zhou Yang's character and temper than Zhou Yang's father, Zhou Xuanhao.

So when it came to this step, he knew very well that nothing he said could affect Zhou Yang's decision.

As for forcing each other to death, this is not a quarrel between husband and wife, how can such a ridiculous method be used to achieve the goal.

So this matter was settled.

Fortunately, although Huang Shamen's call-up order was high-level, there was no rush in terms of time. As long as he arrived at the Huangshamen's mountain gate within three months, it would not be considered a delay.

Therefore, after Zhou Minghan acquiesced to Zhou Yang's decision, he immediately went to the Yang family in Jinquan Valley with the "gold-eating beast" materials allocated by the Zhou family last time, preparing to refine a few powerful pieces for him before Zhou Yang set off. Magic weapon for self-defense.

In the early years, the Yang family asked the ancestors of the Chen family to help open a ground fire room, where they could use the ground fire to refine alchemy tools. Now that the Zhou family and the Chen family are at odds, Zhou Minghan seldom goes to the ground fire room at the Baisha River oasis to refine weapons.

The materials on the "Gold Devouring Beast" are as high as Tier 4, and it is more than enough to refine a Tier 4 magic weapon. Zhou Minghan's current refining is actually a waste of resources.

But when it comes to Zhou Yang's life and death, how can Zhou Minghan control so much.

After nearly two months of refining, he finally used the two fangs of the "Gold-devouring Beast" as the main material to refine a third-order high-grade flying sword, and refined it from the corpse of the "Gold-devouring Beast" Using Tier 4 spirit gold as the main material, a Tier 3 top-tier defensive magic weapon shield was refined.

These two instruments, together with a fourth-order magic talisman that Zhou Yang helped him exchange from Jiang Yuyan last time, were handed over to Zhou Yang by him.

Even Huang Yi, who was traveling with Zhou Yang, got a third-tier middle-grade defensive magic weapon.

Zhou Yang and Huang Yi spent about a month cultivating and getting familiar with the newly acquired magic weapon, and then bid farewell to the monks of the Zhou family who saw them off, and rode the Gryphon together to the Huangsha Gate.

This trip was dangerous and unpredictable, and Zhou Yang brought the Gryphon by his side just in case he used the "Blood Escape Technique" to escape after being seriously injured, so that the Gripen could continue to escape with him.

After doing this for a few days, Zhou Yang and Huang Yi rushed to the outside of Huangshamen's Hall of General Affairs.

"A lot of foundation-building monks!"

Outside the general affairs hall of Huangshamen, Zhou Yang and Huang Yi were surprised when they arrived here.

At this time, there were more than a hundred Foundation Establishment cultivators in various costumes gathered outside the Huangshamen General Affairs Hall. These people did not wear the uniforms of the Huangshamen sect, which obviously showed that they were all from the Zhou family. The same family monks who were recruited here.

"Oh, is the fellow Taoist from Yuquan Zhou's family here? I haven't seen you in more than 20 years, and fellow Taoist Zhou has improved a lot in his cultivation!"

Zhou Yang and Huang Yi were surprised by the large number of people coming, and a voice reached his ears.

He followed the sound and saw Guo Shuyun, the lord of Huangshamen's General Affairs Hall, walking out of the hall with big strides.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang hurriedly brought Huang Yi forward to salute, and then replied with a smile: "Senior Guo is absurdly praised. In front of the senior, what is the junior's cultivation?"

He had dealt with Guo Shuyun many times, and because Cao Wenjin looked at him differently, Guo Shuyun's attitude towards him had always been very good.

But this time, Guo Shuyun didn't have time to be courteous with him. After talking to him a few words, he pointed to the monks outside the hall and said, "Have you seen these people? You left them in the old man's autograph book." After placing the imprint of mana, go there and wait, when the time is up, Ancestor Cao will personally come over and explain to you the reason for recruiting you this time."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang frowned, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "I want to pay a visit to Old Ancestor Cao first, is it convenient?"

"No need, the ancestor has already spoken, no one will be seen during this time, no one will be allowed!"

Guo Shuyun glanced at him, then shook his head and rejected his request.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang could only nod his head helplessly and said, "This junior understands, thank you senior for telling me."

Immediately, he took Huang Yi and sat down cross-legged in an open space outside the hall, and while sending a message to his clan brother Zhou Yuanchen in Huangshamen to ask about the news, he talked with some people in the crowd who knew Baishahe in the world of cultivating immortals. The Foundation Establishment cultivators communicated the information they possessed via sound transmission.

In addition, among these crowds, Zhou Yang didn't see any of the Chen family's foundation-building stage monks, nor did he see any purple mansion stage monks.

Let’s talk about one thing, now I’m off work every day, the time is a bit tight, and I don’t have much time to check for typos. If you find typos when reading books, you can write a message to the author in this chapter to correct them. Welcome everyone to help the author catch bugs!

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