Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 237 Cao Wenjin's Decision

Zhou Yang and Huang Yi stayed outside Huangshamen General Affairs Hall for seven days.

During the seven days, Zhou Yang sent Feijian a message to all the people in the Huangshamen who were close to him to inquire about the situation, but all the answers he got were "I don't know".

Not only him, but all the Foundation Establishment cultivators who were waiting outside the Hall of General Affairs with him, no matter how well-informed they were before, can't get any news about this call-up now.

According to the time requirements on the recruitment order given by Huang Shamen, the eighth day is the last date.

And not long after the beginning of the eighth day, the cultivators of the Purple Mansion who hadn't shown up before finally rushed over one by one.

According to the information Zhou Yang knows, there are six Zifu families other than the Huangshamen, and five of them are old Zifu families who have been promoted to the Zifu family for more than 100 years. Only one Zifu family was promoted more than 40 years ago. upstart.

In the end, there were only five Zifu monks who came outside the Hall of General Affairs, including the ancestor of the Chen family.

Zhou Yang believed that the cultivator from the Zifu who did not come must not be so bold as to ignore Huang Shamen's call-up order.

Then the reason why he didn't come is also very simple. Either Huang Shamen didn't call him up, or he used some method to exempt him from the call.

The difference from Zhou Yang and the others was that the ancestors of the Chen family were invited to rest and wait in the Hall of General Affairs after the arrival of the monks from the Zifu Stage. Among them, the ancestor of the Chen family gave him a cold look before entering the Hall of General Affairs.

Zhou Yang saw murderous intent in the eyes of the ancestor of the Chen family.

He didn't change his face on the surface, but in fact his heart sank, and he was a little more worried about his own safety in the future.

With the cultivation base of the ninth floor of the Zi Mansion, the ancestor of the Chen family, if he really wanted to kill him, he might not even have the chance to use the "Blood Escape Technique" to escape.

"This old guy, could it be that after reaching the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, he felt that he had the strength to ignore the rules? If he really attacked me, what should I do?"

His heart skipped a beat, just because of the look in the eyes of the ancestor of the Chen family, he fell into a worry about gain and loss.

No matter how dazzling his previous record is, no matter how resourceful he is, in the face of absolute strength crushing, these are all false.

The old ancestor of the Chen family can make him restless with just one look, which shows what kind of situation it will be when he actually makes a move!

Time passed slowly, and when the sun set on the eighth day, another round of "sun" suddenly rose above the top of Huangshamen Mountain Gate.

A golden radiance brighter than the sun's rays rose from the sky above the Huangsha Gate, instantly attracting the attention of everyone inside and outside the gate.

Zhou Yang is no exception.

He looked up together with the Foundation Establishment monks waiting outside the Hall of General Affairs, and saw Cao Wen's golden body hanging high in the sky like a big sun, his whole body exuding dazzling golden radiance, condescending like a god, overlooking the earth and the land below. crowd.

"Hey, the aura on Cao Patriarch's body has become much stronger. It seems that he has broken through and reached the late stage of Jindan?"

Zhou Yang looked at Cao Wenjin in the sky, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

He and Cao Wenjin had been together day and night for several months, and they were naturally no strangers to each other's aura. Cao Wenjin's aura is obviously much stronger now than when he took him to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals. breakthrough.

But when he was thinking about this, Cao Wenjin in the sky exhaled like a bell.

"Cao started practicing at the age of five, and it has been nine hundred and seven years since he practiced!"

"Since the first day of Cao's practice, he has taken it as his duty to protect the Huangshamen. For hundreds of years, he has not changed his ambition!"

"It has been 2,774 years since the patriarch established the Huangshamen inheritance. Although he has experienced many wars during this period, the inheritance has never been broken, and there has never been a lack of guardians of the Jindan sect."

"Now Cao is incompetent, unable to train new Jindan monks for the sect before his own life, and unable to ensure the continuation of the sect's inheritance!"

"Cao Wenjin is incompetent, ashamed of the entrustment of the ancestors of the sect, ashamed of the expectations of the disciples of the sect!"

In the sky, when Cao Wenjin said this, he suddenly bent down and bowed deeply to the many disciples of Huang Shamen in the mountain gate.

As a golden core monk, he apologized to many foundation builders and even Qi training monks. This kind of scene is rare in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang felt awe in his heart.

No matter what Cao Wenjin wanted to do when he summoned them this time, the actions of the other party at this time alone were worthy of his admiration.

Moreover, although Cao Wenjin kept saying that he was incompetent and unable to cultivate a new Golden Core cultivator for the sect, everyone here knew that he had actually cultivated a Golden Core stage successor for the Huang Shamen long ago.

However, due to a chaos, Jiang Ming, a newly promoted Jindan monk cultivated by Huang Shamen, died early at the hands of the demon monks.

This is God's will, and it is not Cao Wenjin's fault.

In the sky, Cao Wenjin got up slowly after giving a deep salute, and roared loudly like thunder:

"However, although Cao Wenjin is incompetent, he doesn't want all the patriarchs to waste their lives in vain, and he doesn't want to sit back and watch the sect's inheritance be cut off, and he doesn't want to become the eternal sinner of my Huang Shamen!"

"Disciples, today, I, Cao Wenjin, would like to ask you a question. Are you willing to fight for the continuation of my Huang Shamen's inheritance? Are you willing to fight for the sect? Even if you die, you will not regret it?"

The thunderous roar shook Zhou Yang's ears with a "buzzing" sound, which required him to use mana to dispel it.

This terrified him.

You must know that after decades of tempering by the "Qianyang Xianguang", his body is already strong enough to withstand the slashing of a second-level high-grade flying sword without breaking his skin.

The strength of his physical body has reached this point, and without practicing body training techniques, "Qianyang Xianguang" can no longer increase his physical strength any more.

Now that even he was so shocked by Cao Wenjin's roar, it can be seen what will happen to the others!

He looked around and saw the foundation-building monks outside the General Affairs Hall. Except for the late-stage foundation-building monks, the rest of them were all dazed and dazed, and hadn't recovered from Cao Wenjin's thunderous roar. .

A loud roar made the Foundation Establishment cultivator dazed. Is this the true strength of the Golden Core stage cultivator?

Zhou Yang looked at Cao Wenjin, who was bathed in the golden light in the sky like a god in the book, and lost his mind for a while.



At this moment, Zhou Yang's ambition grew like grass in his heart. His determination to become a Jindan stage monk had never been as strong as it is now.

A monk in the Nascent Soul stage was introverted, and Master Qingyang was in front of him. If he didn't deliberately show his supernatural powers, he could hardly tell whether the other party was an immortal cultivator or an ordinary mortal old man.

And even if he used his supernatural powers, such as making the peach blossoms in the garden bloom, it would moisten everything silently, without any momentum.

When he looked at that scene, it was like looking at flowers in a fog. He had no other thoughts except to marvel at the extraordinary supernatural powers of the Nascent Soul stage monks.

But now, after witnessing the majesty of Cao Wenjin's roar that moved the mountains and rivers, he has just deeply understood why the vast majority of immortal cultivators set the goal of cultivation as the Golden Core stage.

In the rare situation where monks in the Nascent Soul stage live in seclusion, the Jindan stage monks who have the power to break mountains and rivers can more intuitively let low-level cultivators understand the meaning of the word "strength".

And at the same time that Zhou Yang witnessed the true strength of the Jindanqi monks at close range, and felt yearning for it.

The Huang Shamen monks, who finally recovered from Cao Wenjin's thunderous roar, also responded to the sect guardian's shout with shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"I will go through fire and water, and I will die!"

"I will go through fire and water, and I will die!"

"I will go through fire and water, and I will die!"


Although the roar of mountains and tsunami was not as powerful as Cao Wenjin's roar that moved mountains and rivers, it was still extremely shocking. It made Zhou Yang and other monks from vassal forces feel in a trance and couldn't control themselves.

After all, the Huang Shamen is the Huang Shamen. With more than 2,700 years of inheritance, the long history of the sect and the strong strength of the sect, most of the disciples in the Huangshamen have an incomparable sense of belonging and identification with the sect. strong.

Just like the monks of the Zhou family don't want their family to decline, the monks of the Huangshamen don't want to see their sect decline.

They have deeply enjoyed the superior treatment of sect disciples, and no one is willing to leave the sect and become a helpless casual cultivator.

Seeing this scene, Cao Wenjin in the sky also showed sincere relief on his face.

The reaction of the disciples of the sect has already shown their approval for him. After all, he, the guardian of the sect, has not really failed so much.

Then he looked at the family monks outside the Hall of General Affairs, with a subtle sneer in his eyes.

He made such a big commotion this time to deter these vassal cultivators. He wanted to let these people know that even if there were no Golden Core stage cultivators in Huangshamen in the future, these youngsters would not be able to watch them!

I saw him laugh loudly and said: "Okay, very good! Thank you all disciples for your trust in the sect, thank you all disciples for your trust in Cao Wenjin, Cao Wenjin will never disappoint your trust again, and will never let your blood flow in vain !"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the monks of the Zongmen all over the mountain, as well as the monks of the vassal forces in front of the Hall of General Affairs, and said in a deep voice: "Next, Cao and all the disciples and fellow Taoists who have been called, explain that Cao is the continuation A major event decided by the inheritance of the sect!"

Hearing Cao Wenjin's words, Zhou Yang, who had been waiting for a long time, lifted his spirits, and quickly held his breath and stared at the sky with wide eyes, waiting for Cao Wenjin to say words that might rewrite the history of the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

"290,000 miles away from here, and 23,000 miles away from the remaining veins at the southern foot of the Duanyun Mountains, there is a super-large oasis with fifth-level low-grade spiritual veins, called Xijiaozhou, where the water and grass are lush and the scenery is pleasant. , is the habitat of a pair of fifth-order monster beasts [Golden Horn Rhinoceros]. In addition to these two [Golden Horn Rhinoceros], there are also [Iron Armored Rhinoceros], [Six-legged Demon Rhinoceros], [Thunder Rhinoceros], etc. on the oasis. There are several large groups of monsters, more than ten monsters of various fourth-order monsters, and hundreds of third-tier monsters!"

"Our goal this time is to hunt and kill two [Golden Horn Rhinoceros], and take their demon pills to refine [Heterogeneous Golden Elixirs], so that our Zifu monks in Huangshamen can also display golden pill-level battles." force!"

"At the same time, Cao swears on the honor of the ancestors of the sect that all the fourth-order demon pills obtained in this battle on Xijiaozhou will be refined by the sect to make foundation pills and distributed to meritorious ministers, and the spirits obtained on the oasis , will also be taken by everyone!"

In the sky, Cao Wenjin stared at all the monks below with divine light, and slowly expressed his decision.

It's a decision, not a proposal, or a suggestion!

Cough cough, you little witty ghosts have already guessed the plot, so let the author write it! Brain pain!

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