Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 238: Cruel Cao Wenjin

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

After Cao Wenjin revealed his decision, everyone was shocked!

Zhou Yang is no exception.

He had thought that Cao Wenjin had summoned his men to besiege and kill a certain fifth-order monster. After all, the "Waidan Jindan" is not a small name in the world of cultivating immortals. It is also normal to use this method to maintain the inheritance and status of the sect.

But he never thought that Cao Wenjin would want to besiege and kill two fifth-level monsters at once, and he would not hesitate to use all his forces to attack a super-large oasis inhabited by two fifth-level monsters and more than ten fourth-level monsters. !

According to the information disclosed by Cao Wenjin himself, it can be known that the strength of the monsters on the super-large oasis is definitely not much weaker than that of Huang Shamen.

In this case, even if Huang Shamen's side can win in the end, it will definitely be a miserable victory by killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred!

"This is blatantly trying to push us into the fire pit to die!"

Zhou Yang looked up at Cao Wenjin with a gloomy expression, his heart as cold as ice.

With his wisdom, he certainly understands what Cao Wenjin's purpose is for doing this.

By doing this, Cao Wenjin can use this expedition to Xijiaozhou to obtain the fifth-order monster pill for the sect to refine the "Waidan Golden Pill", and also take the opportunity to reduce the strength of various vassal cultivating families, so that these families can't compete with him. After Sihua's death, unite and defeat Huang Shamen.

It was also at this time that Zhou Yang knew why there was no insider information about the recruitment order of Huang Shamen this time. He was almost 100% sure that before Cao Wenjin made this decision, there was absolutely no second person in Huang Shamen. A monk knows his plan.

But if someone knows the news and leaks it out, the number of monks who can still be summoned today is definitely less than half of that at this time. I am afraid that none of the monks in the purple mansion period will come!

But now, these people have all come, and they are all under Cao Wenjin's nose. If anyone dares to escape at this time, Cao Wenjin will probably take his head to sacrifice the flag immediately.

A ninth-level cultivator in the Purple Mansion, who is as strong as the ancestor of the Chen family, may still have some chances of escaping his life when he encounters a cultivator at the early stage of the golden core, but in front of a cultivator at the late stage of the golden core, such as Cao Wenjin, the chance is even half a chance. No.

In particular, most of these Zifu period monks knew that Cao Wenjin possessed a powerful secret technique of spiritual attack. Even if they wanted to use the secret technique such as "blood escape technique" to escape, as long as they could not escape within a breath Escaping from the range covered by Cao Wenjin's spiritual consciousness, the final result may be a dead end!

Participating in the expedition to Xijiao Continent is a narrow escape. If you don't participate, you will probably die, and after you die, you may have to implicate the entire family in being wiped out.

In the end how to choose, everyone understands.

So Zhou Yang glanced at the more than a hundred foundation-building monks outside the Hall of General Affairs, and saw that although everyone showed indignation and shock on their faces, no one really dared to stand up and say something.

There is a saying that goes well, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die!

This sentence has different interpretations from different perspectives, but no matter which interpretation, the result is the same.

But in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, Huang Shamen is the king, and Cao Wenjin, a cultivator at the Golden Core Stage, is the king. Whoever he wants to die, no one can escape death!

Perhaps, in the family histories of many immortal cultivating families in the boundless sand sea in the future, Cao Wenjin will be described as a "tyrant" and "a heinous person", but this will not change the fact that a "tyrant" is also a king.

Cao Wenjin in the sky naturally had a panoramic view of the expressions of many family monks in front of the Hall of General Affairs.

He had expected the reaction of these people, and in fact it was not easy for him to make this decision.

He knows better than anyone how much impact his decision will have.

This decision not only affected his personal reputation behind him, but also Huang Shamen's reputation, as well as changes in all aspects.

It is foreseeable that even if everything goes as smoothly as he expected this time, when he dies in the future, the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea will definitely not be as peaceful as it is now.

Although the "Heterogeneous Golden Core" can allow the ninth-level monks of the Purple Mansion to display the combat power of the early-stage Golden Core monks, they are not real Golden Core monks after all. His supernatural powers and consciousness coverage are not as good as those of real Golden Core cultivators, it's just the cultivators who have reached the Golden Core stage with mana cultivation.

This kind of monk who is called the "false golden core" by the world of cultivating immortals, if he relies on the big formation of the mountain gate, it is not much worse than the normal golden core stage monks presiding over the big formation, but if he wants to go out to fight with others, he must not be able to compete with the real one. Compared with Jindan stage monks.

Those Zifu monks may not be able to escape from the real Golden Core stage monks, but when they encounter "false Golden Core" stage monks, even if they lose, there is a high chance of escaping their lives.

At that time, this boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals will definitely not be as turbulent as it is now.

"My children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and I have done everything I can. If Yuyan and the others can't keep the sect's inheritance and suppress the situation, it's God's will. It's time for me to go through the calamity of Huang Shamen!"

There was a long sigh in his heart, but Cao Wenjin's face was trembling. He stared majestically at the group of vassal monks outside the Hall of General Affairs, and shouted in a deep voice: "Cao's decision, is there any objection?"


Only silence!

No one dared to object, but no one agreed, so there was only silence.

Probably this kind of silence is the only resistance Zhou Yang and the others can make now.

It's just that this kind of silent resistance is obviously impossible to make Cao Wenjin change his decision.

He nodded slightly in a cold voice and said: "Very well, since no one objected, from now on, everyone is not allowed to leave the mountain gate. In ten days, Cao will personally lead the army to go to Xijiaozhou!"

After speaking, the others descended to the ground, then restrained their breath, and dispatched troops.

To go to a super-large oasis like Xijiaozhou, it is of course impossible to win with only Zhou Yang and his subordinate monks and Cao Wenjin himself.

So this time not only Zhou Yang and the others are going, but also more than half of the Zifu monks and Foundation Establishment monks in Huangshamen will be dispatched to go.

Even in order to increase the winning rate, Cao Wenjin specially opened the secret room in the deepest part of the sect's treasury, and took out seven fourth-order puppet beasts that had been sealed in it as the treasure of the sect, and more than ten "beast soul charms".

These fourth-order puppet beasts were slowly accumulated one by one by Huang Shamen over thousands of years. After each puppet beast was refined, it was directly taken into the secret room deep in the treasure house. When the danger is the most critical, you can't move lightly.

At the same time, those Huang Shamen foundation-building monks who were included in this expedition also received the third-level magic charms and healing pills issued by the sect for free, and even the third-level puppet beasts.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yuanchen of the Zhou family also became one of them.

When Zhou Yang learned that Zhou Yuanchen was also in the ranks of monks in the Expeditionary Battle, his expression became even more ugly.

Although Zhou Yuanchen has been building the foundation for decades, but now his cultivation is only at the third level of the foundation, so it stands to reason that he shouldn't be in the ranks of monks for this expedition.

But he was included in it. If there is nothing tricky about it, even if Zhou Yang was killed, he would not believe it.

"It's not enough to push us vassal family monks into the fire pit, should we take the opportunity to cleanse the vassal family monks in the sect?"

Zhou Yang felt a chill in his heart, and had a new understanding of Cao Wenjin's ruthlessness.

He can be regarded as a vassal family monk who gets along relatively close to Cao Wenjin, and his understanding of Cao Wenjin is deeper than 99% of the Foundation Establishment monks.

It's just that the Cao Wenjin he knew before, although he acted a bit arbitrary, at least he still pays attention to his appearance and saves face.

But now, Cao Wenjin no longer has any scruples, and has shown his ruthless and sinister side.

Comparing the two Cao Wenjins who had changed greatly before and after, Zhou Yang thought of the old ancestor of the Chen family for some reason.

Wasn't the original ancestor of the Chen family also a respected senior, a virtuous man who knew how to repay his kindness?

But when the Zhou family gradually showed its prominence and had the momentum to threaten the status of the Chen family.

This respected senior, however, disregarded the friendship between the two families for more than two hundred years, and without hesitation pushed Zhou Minghan, a junior of the Zhou family whom he had watched grow up, into the pit of fire. It's deadly.


Could it be that the previous faces of these two high-ranking monks were just a disguise, and is the side exposed now their true faces?

Zhou Yang was silent in his heart, he knew it was not like this.

A person can pretend for a year, ten years or even decades, but it is certainly impossible to pretend for a hundred or hundreds of years.

Cao Wenjin and the old ancestor of the Chen family have changed their temperaments before and after. In fact, they all have one thing in common, that is, the sect and the family have been threatened from the outside world.

Under the threat of the outside world, they knew that with gentle means, they could no longer eliminate the threat before they died, so they began to take extreme measures to try to eliminate the threat.

"It's interests! Interests confuse people's hearts!"

"In order to maintain the interests of the sect and the family from being damaged, they believe that the interests of the sect and the family are paramount, so they will not hesitate to abandon the foreign things they think can be discarded, such as reputation and friendship, and choose to use drastic and extreme means to protect the sect and the family. Family interests!"

A gleam flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and he quickly figured out the whole story.

Then, as if he remembered something, his face suddenly turned ugly.

Gai because he suddenly thought of Zhou Minghan, the old patriarch of his family. Zhou Minghan, who used to support the family with his own strength, was also a person who believed in the family's interests first.

If the Zhou family faced the same situation as the Huangshamen and the Chen family today, would the old patriarch Zhou Minghan choose to do the same thing as Cao Wenjin and the old ancestors of the Chen family?

Zhou Yang didn't want to think about it any more.

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