No matter the mind, no matter the heart, no one is perfect.

Whether Zhou Minghan, the old patriarch of the Zhou family, will become a man of all means like Cao Wenjin and the ancestors of the Chen family, one cannot jump to conclusions before things happen.

As a junior, Zhou Yang was unwilling to speculate about his elders with malicious intent.

But after thinking about this, he found that he suddenly didn't hate Cao Wenjin and the ancestors of the Chen family so much.

In a sense, these two senior monks with high cultivation bases are also pitiful people.

If they were not forced by the bad environment, these two people would definitely still be willing to become seniors who everyone admires and admire, rather than tyrants and villains that everyone despises.

Of course, it is impossible to say that he agrees with the actions of the two, sympathizes with and forgives the actions of the two.

Even if he had the chance, he would never be merciless to trick these two people and make them pay for what they did!

You can harm me, but I also reserve the right to fight back against you. This is Zhou Yang's truest thought.

The ten-day waiting time passed quickly, and Cao Wenjin finally appeared in the sight of Zhou Yang and others after ten days of dispatching troops.

Cao Wenjin appeared alone outside the General Affairs Hall, glanced at the people outside the hall, and then fell on the ancestor of the Chen family, and said with a smile: "I kept you waiting for a long time, now please squeeze the Daoist Daoist Chen together with the old man." Building a boat, Chen Daoyou will not mind if the old man takes a boat with the wind, right?"

It's fake to take a ride with the wind, but don't worry, the people here are the real ones.

Zhou Yang and the others were as clear about this as Ming Jing, so no one said anything, but looked at the ancestors of the Chen family.

The ancestor of the Chen family was watched by Cao Wenjin, Zhou Yang and others, but he didn't feel any nervousness in his heart.

During the ten-day waiting time, he had already figured it out. Even if he fell during this trip, the Chen family with Chen Pingan in charge was still the Zifu family, and the family inheritance was not afraid of being cut off.

So at this time, he bowed his hands to Cao Wenjin with a calm expression and said: "It is my honor to be able to take the same boat as Senior Cao. Is there any reason why this junior would not want to?"

After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and let go of his empty boat, and then made a gesture of invitation to Cao Wenjin: "Senior, please come aboard."

Cao Wenjin wasn't too polite, and even moved into the building boat.

Afterwards, Zhou Yang and the others followed silently onto the upstairs boat, and sat down by themselves looking for a seat inside.

After everyone boarded the boat, the ancestor of the Chen family directly drove the boat out of the mountain gate of Huangshamen under the signal of Cao Wenjin.

At the same time, another air travel boat was also under the control of Li Zhengnan, a monk on the ninth floor of Huangshamen Purple Mansion, carrying more than a hundred monks of Huangshamen and flew out of Huangshamen closely behind Zhou Yang and the others. .

In this expedition to Xijiaozhou, apart from Zhang Yunpeng and Jiang Yuyan who stayed at the gate of Huangshamen, the other four Zifu monks Li Zhengnan, Guo Shuyun, Luo Yunqing, and Xu Kaishan participated in the expedition. It accounts for 70% of the monks in the Huangshamen's current foundation period!

These four Zifu monks, plus the five vassal Zifu monks including the ancestor of the Chen family, are nine monks of the Zifu, including Li Zhengnan and the ancestor of the Chen family, the two ninth-level monks of the Zifu.

In this way, including the seven fourth-order puppet beasts prepared by Huang Shamen for this battle and those "beast soul charms", the total fourth-order combat power of Huang Shamen's side in this battle will not be less than two. ten.

Such a force, even in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, is not too small.

"Boy Zhou, you shouldn't have come. The old man's call-up order didn't mention your name. It's already given you a chance based on past friendship. Why are you still involved in this matter?"

On the Kongxinglou boat, Zhou Yang was resting his eyes with his eyes closed, when Cao Wenjin's cold voice suddenly sounded beside his ear.

This was the first time he received a separate voice transmission from Cao Wenjin after he was summoned to Huang Shamen.

"If the junior says that he came here because he believed in Senior Cao, the senior will definitely not believe it, so the junior can only say that all of this is God's will. This junior is born to work hard in this life!"

Zhou Yang responded to Cao Wenjin's question with a self-deprecating tone, feeling extremely depressed in his heart.

He had to admit that he dared to come here this time because he had an unusual relationship with Cao Wenjin, thinking that Cao Wenjin would not deceive him.

The result was obviously that he lost, and he lost badly!

Lucky heart kills people!

Zhou Yang could only sigh like this at this time.

But if he said he had no regrets in his heart, he definitely didn't.

If he didn't jump into this pit of fire, it might be his father Zhou Xuanzhen and the old patriarch Zhou Minghan who came in.

In contrast, he would rather come in by himself.

However, after Cao Wenjin heard his answer, he said in a solemn tone:

"The old man has checked your resume in detail, and you have encountered dangers of narrow escapes several times, but in the end you were able to survive safely and reap great benefits. This is a natural protection of great luck!"

"If you really can survive this time, I will give you and your Zhou family a big gift later!"

Judging from his tone, it seems that he thinks that Zhou Yang has a great chance of surviving.

Zhou Yang was confused by his words.

From Cao Wenjin's words, it is not difficult to hear that he has no malice towards himself and the Zhou family, and is even very willing to be kind to himself and the Zhou family, or to sell himself well.

But since this is the case, why didn't he remove himself and the Zhou family from the expedition team, and why did he also include Zhou Yuanchen, who was in the Huangsha Gate of the Zhou family, into the expedition team?

"Don't think too much, the living have the value of investing and making friends, the dead can only be buried in the soil and wait for reincarnation!"

As if he knew what was going on in his heart, Cao Wenjin said the reason in an ice-cold voice.

This reason immediately left Zhou Yang speechless.

Obviously, he has been reduced to a "experimental product" during this expedition.

Cao Wenjin wants to use this "experiment" to confirm whether he is worth investing in and making friends with.

Frankly speaking, Zhou Yang didn't have much resentment towards Cao Wenjin treating himself as an "experimental product", because he himself agreed with what Cao Wenjin said just now.

The most obvious example is that he came to "experiment" Huang Yi in the same way.

It's like making friends. Sometimes it's very simple to confirm whether a friend is worth making with your heart. That is, after you lend him money, will he repay the loan, and will he repay the money on time as promised.

The kind of person who borrows money and refuses to repay it, obviously no one wants to make friends with this kind of person sincerely.

And sometimes it's not too bad to be able to test out a person's nature with hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Cao Wenjin is now going to use this expedition to "test" whether Zhou Yang really has great luck to protect him, and whether it is really worth investing his own capital to make friends.

After thinking about this, he couldn't help but replied with a wry smile: "Senior is really calm, this junior has been educated!"

"Give yourself a little refreshment, the old man's words stop here, everything depends on your own performance!"

Cao Wenjin said a few words coldly at the end, then cut off the voice transmission directly.

No one knew about the voice transmission conversation between the two, because at this time in the Kongxinglou ship, many people were talking with someone through voice transmission with their mouths slightly moving.

When Zhou Yang did this, others would only think that he was talking to a familiar monk, and who would have known that the person he was talking to would be Cao Wenjin, a Jindan stage monk!

And after talking with Cao Wenjin, a monk of the golden core stage, Zhou Yang became a little bit looking forward to the next expedition.

Cao Wenjin, as a monk in the golden core period, was at a special juncture not far from the end of his lifespan. At this time, he said that he would give himself and the Zhou family a big gift. How big would it be? What kind of gift will it be?

Undoubtedly, Cao Wenjin gave him and the Zhou family a big gift because he valued the potential of him and the Zhou family. Help maintain the inheritance of Huang Shamen.

In that case, the gift is too light, obviously it is impossible for him to do so.

Although immortal cultivators value human affection, they are very clear about the weight of human affection.

It is very unrealistic to expect people to desperately repay their kindness by giving small favors and favors.

As time passed day by day, the patriarch of the Chen family drove the Kongxinglou ship to fly and stop under Cao Wenjin's command. After flying for nearly twenty days, he finally arrived at the thousands of miles away from Xijiao Island that Cao Wenjin said.

The reason why it took so long was that during the flight, several extremely severe sandstorms were encountered several times, so the ancestors of the Chen family could only lower the airship to rest temporarily.

Of course, sandstorms cannot pose a threat to the ninth-floor cultivators of the Purple Mansion like the ancestors of the Chen family, but in such extremely harsh sandstorms, the consumption of mana will be ten times that of a large flying magic weapon such as a flying boat under normal circumstances. Several times, the ancestors of the Chen family were of course unwilling to do this, so they could only lower the airship and wait for the sandstorm to pass before taking off.

At this time, after the two air travel boats stopped thousands of miles away from the so-called Xijiaozhou, Cao Wenjin asked all the monks to disembark and rest, and talked about the plan to attack Xijiaozhou.

"For this attack on Xijiaozhou, Chen Daoyou and Zhengnan will restrain one [Golden Horn Rhino], and the old man will try to kill the other [Golden Horn Rhino] in the shortest possible time, and then go to help."

"So in order to create a chance for the old man and the other three to kill [Golden Horned Rhinoceros], you and the rest of the cultivators from the Purple Mansion, as well as some of the ninth-level foundation-building monks, must hold back those fourth-order monsters on the oasis."

"As for the rest of the foundation-building monks, your task is to deal with those third-tier monsters and prevent them from helping the fourth-tier monsters to deal with our purple mansion monks."

"In the end, it's inevitable that some people would flee after the battle. Before the battle, you should each take a few drops of blood and leave them in these jade bottles for the old man's safekeeping!"

In the vast sea of ​​sand, Cao Wenjin glanced at hundreds of monks including Zhou Yang, and said his battle plan in a deep voice.

Then with a big wave of his hand, the white jade bottles fell in front of Zhou Yang and the others one by one, waiting for everyone to present the "Certificate of Voting".

As long as everyone's blood is in their hands, anyone who wants to run away must first think about whether he can escape the pursuit of the "thousand miles chasing soul technique"!

In order to prevent you from guessing the answer, I thought about it and finally came up with a way to arrange for the ancestors of the Chen family. At present, no one should have guessed it.

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