Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 243 Firescale Demon King

To advance is also to die, and to retreat is also to die.

How to choose, in fact, Cao Wenjin soon had the answer in his mind.

It's just that although he has made a good choice, it is not easy to achieve that step.

Even though the "Golden Horned Rhinoceros" was protected by the magic weapon refined by the Demon King, it was still no match for Cao Wenjin, but it also greatly delayed the time of defeat.

By the time Cao Wenjin used all means to break through the defense of the "Golden Horn Rhinoceros" and cut off its head, nearly two hours had passed since the start of the war.

At this time, after two hours of fighting, the soul beasts transformed by Huang Shamen's "beast soul charms" had already exhausted their soul power and were blown up by fourth-order monsters. The spirit stone energy is nearly exhausted.

However, Li Zhengnan and the old ancestor of the Chen family had risked their lives regardless of the loss of vitality in order to hold back the other "Golden Horned Rhinoceros".

When Cao Wenjin finally killed a "Golden Horned Rhinoceros" and came to support them, the two were as pale as if they had been fished out of the water, and they were covered in sweat.

But the two can't rest yet, because as the "beast soul talisman" and some fourth-order puppet beasts lose their effect one after another, some fourth-order monsters have no opponents, and they have already begun to help other companions besiege Guo Shuyun, Luo Yunqing and other Zifu monks , Even cultivators of the Zifu from vassal families have fallen under the attack of monsters.

"Did it finally work?"

Zhou Yang, who was hundreds of miles away, felt the breath of a fifth-order monster behind him suddenly disappear, and his heart was finally relieved.

In any case, if a fifth-level monster is killed, even if this expedition cannot be done to the fullest, it can be explained to some extent.

It's just that not long after he breathed a sigh of relief, his face suddenly changed again.

Because as time passed two hours, those third-tier monsters scattered outside finally began to rush back here in large numbers. In a short period of time, more than five third-tier monsters came here in his line of sight. There are even two rare "fire rhinoceros" among them.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Zhou Yang's complexion changed, and he quickly greeted Huang Yi with a low drink.

Secretly, he gave Huang Yi the order to retreat first if he was not low.

Since the start of the war, the number of Tier 3 monsters that have died under his sword has exceeded ten. Compared to his cultivation, this record is already very dazzling.

At this time, even if he is defeated and retreats, he can pat his chest and say that he has done his best, and he is not afraid to confront anyone.

At the same time, after Cao Wenjin beheaded the "Golden Horned Rhinoceros", on a certain peak reaching the sky in the depths of the Duanyun Mountains hundreds of thousands of miles away, a scaled demon bull with a body length of hundreds of feet suddenly opened its eyes. Two bull eyes the size of water tanks looked in the direction of Xijiaozhou.

"What's going on? Why did the soul card of that son of Brother Jinjiao suddenly shatter? Who killed it?"

"No, this king has to find out about this matter. Brother Jinjiao was kind to this king at the beginning. Although his son left my Duanyun Mountain with his spouse and tribe, he is still my nephew. This king can't let him die. It's unclear!"

The scaled demon cow looked at the direction of Xijiaozhou with glowing eyes and muttered to himself, the words that came out of his mouth turned out to be the language of humans.

In connection with the fact that it claims to be "the king", it is not difficult to guess its true identity.

This scale-armored demon bull is a sixth-order demon king who is as powerful as a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage!

At this moment, after the scaled demon bull made up his mind to find out the death of the "Golden Horn Rhino", Dang Lian opened his mouth to spit out a golden feather and whispered a few words to it, and then inspired the golden feather to turn it into a Jin Guang disappeared in front of him.

After a quarter of an hour passed like this, a stream of golden light suddenly descended from the sky not far in front of the scaled cow, and a giant golden eagle with a wingspan of 30 to 40 feet appeared.

After the golden giant eagle landed on the ground, it quickly folded its wings, bowed its head to the scaled demon cow, and said, "Jin Peng pays homage to King Huo Lin, but I don't know why King Huo Lin called Jin Peng to come here." What order do you need?"

"Jin Peng, you owed me a favor for asking for two [Enlightenment Pills] for your descendants. Now it's time for you to repay the favor."

The "Fire Scale Demon King" with crimson scales all over his body stared at the golden giant eagle in front of him, and said in a deep, thunderous voice: "Now you go to the Boundless Sand Sea and Rhinoceros Island, and give me a hand. The king investigates the fall of the descendants of King Golden Horn, if this matter does not involve other demon kings or human monks in the Nascent Soul stage, then I will bring back the murderer's head for this king!"

"Jinpeng understands, and will not disappoint King Huolin!"

The golden giant eagle responded sharply, then spread its wings, and its body quickly turned into a golden light soaring up into the sky, disappearing from the sight of the "Fire Scale Demon King".

"This golden-winged thunder eagle has been at the fifth-level top-rank for many years, and it is also the confidant of the [Mountain Demon King]. Its strength is much stronger than ordinary human Jindan ninth-level monks, and its speed is even faster. Even this king is hard to catch up to, this king sent it to investigate this matter, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it is worthy of the kindness of brother Jinjiao back then!"

The "Firescale Demon King" looked at the direction where the golden giant eagle figure disappeared and murmured a few words, then retracted his gaze, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep again.

After all, the "Golden Horn Demon King" has fallen for more than two thousand years. Even if he was kind to the "Firescale King" at the beginning, he also paid back most of it when he helped his descendants move away from the Duanyun Mountain Range. It's not worth his trip to pay for the rest of the kindness.

The scene that happened far away in the Duanyun Mountains was naturally unknown to many human monks on Xijiao Continent.

With the fall of a "Golden Horn Rhinoceros", the war on Xijiao Continent not only did not end, but became more intense.

The remaining "Golden Horned Rhinoceros" went crazy because of the death of its spouse, and immediately spit out the demon core as a weapon and bombarded it. Cao Wenjin was afraid of damaging the demon core, so he could only use defensive fighting to consume the demon core. Head "Golden Horn Rhinoceros" mana.

And because of the death of the "king" in the clan, those fourth-order monsters were full of hatred and hatred for the human monks who killed the clan king at the same time. A human monk who can see.

The mournful and angry roars of these high-level monsters spread, and aroused the resonance and echo of those third-level monsters.

All of a sudden, the entire Rhinoceros Island was in chaos.

All the monsters seemed to have been cast with the "Beast Blood Rage" spell, and they all launched desperate attacks on the humans in sight with red eyes. The madness of desperately wanting to bite people, even Zhou Yang's killer People who know how many monsters and beasts saw it were shocked.

He killed one monster after another, and when his magic power was less than 30%, he finally stopped blocking these monsters that were rushing forward frantically.

With a movement of his figure, he quickly flew out of the sight of the monster, and then dropped his sword light and landed on the ground. He used the "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique" to restrain his breath to the level of a Qi training monk, and successfully let himself out of the battle temporarily.

After getting out of the battle, Zhou Yang thought for a while, and instead of hiding and meditating to recover his mana immediately, he walked in the direction where the two "Thunder Rhinoceros" had come.

Cao Wenjin said before the expedition that all the things obtained on Xijiao Island can be taken back this time. Now the third-tier monsters on the entire oasis have been attracted here, and their lairs are empty. It is a good time for treasure hunting .

If you wait until the war is completely over before going treasure hunting, if you find any good treasure, you may not be able to get it so easily.

Of course, there must be more than one monk like Zhou Yang who has this idea.

However, many monks have not mastered the "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique" and other secret breath-holding techniques like him, so they can only choose to escape from the earth, or choose to fly with the sword to make a detour.

These two methods certainly cannot completely avoid the eyes and ears of third-order monsters like him, so if you encounter monsters like "Thunder Rhinoceros", whether you can escape successfully depends on your own ability and God's will.

After Zhou Yang also traveled hundreds of miles, he saw that the aura of the third-order monsters was getting less and less, so he released the "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique" and Yujian flew up.

He flew all the way, passing through several places where the spiritual energy gathered without stopping, until he found a valley where the spiritual energy was no less than a third-order spiritual vein, and then he stopped with a sword light.

This valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and faces water on one side. From the topography point of view, it is a geomantic treasure.

Such a treasure land where aura gathers, of course monsters are indispensable.

When Zhou Yang was in the sky, he saw that there were several rhinoceros colonies living outside the valley, and there were more than a dozen second-order rhinoceros monsters in the valley gathered together and howling in a low voice.

When these rhinoceros beasts roared, their eyes were frequently looking in the direction of the "Holy Mountain", obviously worried about the situation there.

After discovering that he, a human monk with a strong aura, had landed in the valley, these rhinoceros monsters, which were already in a state of nervousness and anxiety, immediately exploded like a ignited firecracker.

However, there were just a dozen firecrackers in the area, and they would explode if they exploded. It was impossible to hurt Zhou Yang in the slightest.

After he released the flying sword to slaughter all these dozen or so rhinoceros monsters, he seized the time to search the entire valley.

The place with the strongest aura in the valley is located in the southeast, where there are two third-order spiritual trees "oak thunder wood" that are more than 30 feet high.

From the two "Oak Thunder Trees", it can be seen that the third-order monster that lived in this valley before must be the "Thunder Rhinoceros".

Generally, where such thunder-type monsters inhabit, the ore plants and trees around them will be easier to transform into thunder-type minerals and spirit wood after they are promoted to spirit creatures because they have been contaminated with their breath all year round.

And these thunder-attribute minerals and spirit wood are excellent materials for refining thunder-attribute instruments, formation disks, and formation flags, and their value is usually several times that of ordinary five-element attribute minerals and spirit wood.

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