Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 244 Aura soars to the sky (reward plus more)

In the valley where the "Thunder Rhinoceros" inhabits, the most valuable things are naturally the two third-rank "Oak Thunder Trees". These objects are combined with the skull and rhinoceros hide of the "Thunder Rhinoceros" that Zhou Yang had obtained before. There is a complete set of materials for refining the third-order lightning attribute array.

In addition to the two "oak thunder trees", Zhou Yang also found a second-order spiritual fruit tree in the valley that also had the aura of thunder, and collected dozens of mature spiritual fruits.

Generally, this kind of spiritual fruit with the breath of thunder has the effect of quenching the mana of the immortal cultivator's physical body, and it is also a very useful spiritual thing.

In addition, after Zhou Yang searched the entire valley, he also found more than 20 elixir plants, including two tier-3 elixir plants. The harvest was not insignificant.

After searching the valley, he didn't stay any longer, and immediately released the flying sword and flew to the next place.

This Xijiao Island is a super-large oasis, and there must be more than one third-order spiritual vein on it. Of course, he must take this opportunity to search it carefully.

It's just that he had just flown away, when a shocking explosion sound suddenly came from the direction of the "Holy Mountain", and at the same time, there was also a destructive aura wave.

"That's...then it must be Jin Dan who blew himself up!"

Zhou Yang's complexion changed, and he seemed to be familiar with this scene.

When he was outside the oasis where the ruins of the Yin Puppet Sect was located, when Xue Youming blew up his golden core, he also felt such destructive aura fluctuations.

"The one who blew up the golden core will definitely not be the old ancestor Cao, then it can only be the remaining [Golden Horned Rhinoceros]. I didn't expect this monster to be so strong. !"

Monster beasts can condense demon cores from the fourth level, so most of the fifth-level monsters' demon cores are actually things that have been condensed by them for thousands of years of hard work.

It is not easy to make up your mind to give up this kind of thing that is related to your life and has been with you for thousands of years. It can even be said to be more difficult to accept than death.

If a Jindan cultivator chooses to lose all his cultivation and die, he would definitely choose death!

Ordinary high-ranking officials in the secular world feel worse than death after tasting the taste of power and losing it, let alone a cultivator with great power.

The wisdom of a fifth-level monster is close to that of a normal adult, and it knows how to think and learn. Although the animal instinct in the body is still there, it is suppressed by wisdom just like humans.

So they also care very much about their own power, the power to gain wisdom for themselves, and many times they would rather die than lose this power.

Zhou Yang didn't know what made the "Golden Horned Rhinoceros" decide to explode the demon core. He only knew that with the "Golden Horned Rhinoceros" detonating the demon core, the war should come to an end soon.

As long as Cao Wenjin is not so severely injured by the self-explosion of the demon core that he cannot do anything, otherwise, with his strength in the late stage of the golden core, freeing up his hands to deal with those fourth-order monsters is no more difficult than cutting melons and vegetables.

"It seems that we can only go back first!"

With a long sigh, he resolutely dismissed the idea of ​​continuing the treasure hunt, and decided to go back to "report" first.

Compared with the possible harvest on Xijiaozhou, leaving a good impression on Cao Wenjin is obviously more important.

When he goes back now, even if he is found to have temporarily left the battlefield, he can still find several reasons to perfectly explain it.

But if he waited until the war over there was completely over before going back, unless he stabbed himself and said that he was seriously injured and fled to recuperate, it wouldn't make any sense.

However, he had just returned about half the distance when he suddenly stopped his sword light and looked towards the northwest sky in shock.

All of a sudden, there was a beam of colorful aura in the sky above the sky in the northwest. The beam of light rose into the sky, exuding extremely strong aura fluctuations.

He looked at the seven-colored aura beam in shock, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "The aura is soaring into the sky, and the color is seven-colored. Either a rare treasure was born, or someone discovered the Lingshi mine!"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes flashed, and without saying a word, he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the Gryphon, then stepped on the Gripen's back, and ordered the Gripen to go to that place with all its strength.

Originally, Zhou Yang was only a few hundred miles away from the location of the colorful beam of light. Under the flight of the Gryphon, it only took two quarters of an hour to drive Zhou Yang to the scene.

At this time, after the seven-color beam of light was released for a quarter of an hour, the spiritual energy in it had completely dissipated, and the sky returned to normal.

And when Zhou Yang arrived at the scene, he saw a hole several feet wide leading to the ground in an empty grassland. The pure aura overflowing from the hole proved that the beam of colorful aura just now emanated from this place. out.

He looked at the entrance of the cave that was constantly exuding strong aura, resisted the thought of plunging in, and said in a high-pitched voice: "I'm Xia Yuquan, Zhou Yang, the patriarch of the Zhou clan. I wonder which fellow Taoist is in it?"

It's a pity that after his words fell for a while, there was no response from the inside, and the other party seemed to ignore his meaning at all.

This made Zhou Yang's face darken, and he couldn't help shouting in a cold voice: "Since Fellow Daoist refuses to say anything, don't blame Zhou for being rude."

Before he finished drinking, he grabbed the Gryphon and plunged into the cave.

It is worth mentioning that in any Lingshi mine, there will be a special force field that suppresses the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator.

The strength of this special force field is closely related to the reserves of the spirit stone mine. The more spirit stone reserves there are, the greater the suppression of the spiritual consciousness of the cultivators.

It is said that in the super-large spirit stone mine with hundreds of millions of reserves, even the Nascent Soul stage monks are in it, and the spiritual consciousness cannot be placed thousands of meters away from the main body.

So generally speaking, after the immortal cultivators discover the Lingshi mine, they will call a large number of low-level Qi training monks to work as miners to mine the mine.

As for why a monk in the Qi training period should be a miner, one reason is that the rocky sand in the Lingshi Mine has been enriched by the rich spiritual energy for a long time. The hardness is comparable to that of steel, and it is difficult for ordinary miners to mine in it.

The second reason is that even if the monks in the qi training period cannot leave the body in the spirit stone mine, they can still use the "celestial eye technique" to observe the strength of the spirit energy, and it is easier to dig the spirit stone in the mine.

But don't think that being a miner is a hard and embarrassing thing.

In fact, being a miner in the Lingshi Mine is hard work, but the abundant spiritual energy in the Lingshi Mine is also extremely attractive to many low-level casual cultivators who do not have a fixed practice place.

Therefore, whenever the Lingshi mines controlled by Huang Shamen want to recruit miners, the casual cultivators who sign up can beat their heads in order to compete for a spot, and even many casual cultivators will give favors to the recruiters for a spot. bribery.

Zhou Yang has never been to the Lingshi Mine, but he is very clear about the existence of special force fields in the Lingshi Mine.

So after entering the cave, he found that his spiritual consciousness was suppressed, and his face was not surprised but happy.

After he released his spiritual sense with all his strength, he couldn't help but whispered to himself: "The strength of my spiritual sense is already comparable to that of a cultivator in the Zifu period, but now I was suppressed to less than three years after I entered the cave. The level of hundreds of feet, it can be seen that this spirit stone mine is definitely not that kind of miniature spirit stone mine, at least it is a small spirit stone mine with millions of reserves!"

A small spiritual stone mine not only represents millions of spiritual stone reserves, but also shows that there must be high-grade spiritual stones in it.

If he could dig out a high-grade spirit stone, even if there was only one piece, Zhou Yang's trip to Xijiaozhou would be profitable even if he had nothing else to gain.

Even if you can't dig high-grade spirit stones, digging more middle-grade spirit stones will be a waste of money.

As for whether or not Cao Wenjin should hand in the spirit stone after digging it up later, Zhou Yang never thought about it.

As long as Cao Wenjin is not really crazy, it is impossible to do such a thing.

After all, how do you tell if the spirit stone in someone's storage bag is just dug out, or someone already has it?

And if there is no accident, this spirit stone mine will definitely be occupied by Huang Shamen in the end.

In such a situation where he eats meat by himself, if he refuses to even give the person who discovered the Lingshi mine to drink the soup, then the appearance of eating will be more than just ugly.

It was precisely because of these thoughts that Zhou Yang rushed here without hesitation after discovering the vision of spiritual energy soaring into the sky.

The immortal cultivator rushed over to check the situation because of "the birth of a strange treasure", which is a reason no one can blame.

Of course, Zhou Yang did not forget the existence of the person who actually discovered the Lingshi Mine.

So after he entered the underground mine not too deep, his eyes flashed, and instead of following the mine to go deeper, he used Feijian to open another mine on the wall of the cave and started digging.

In doing so, firstly, he had no intention of making enemies for nothing, and secondly, time was precious. Rather than wasting time fighting with others, it would be better to dig up a few more spirit stones before Cao Wenjin arrived.

Presumably the person inside thought the same way, so he didn't even bother to respond to his previous words.

The sword light danced, and the hard soil and rocks in the Lingshi Mine were easily cut open like tofu by the edge of the third-level flying sword.

Although Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness was severely suppressed, it was not completely impossible to release it from his body, so he didn't have to worry about the spiritual stone buried in the mud and sand in front of him being damaged by himself.

While digging the mine tunnel with his spiritual sense and sword, he kept using the "photographing technique" to put the excavated spirit stones into the storage bag.

These excavated spirit stones are of different sizes, and they need to be cut before they can be turned into pieces of common standard spirit stones.

But Zhou Yang certainly wouldn't waste his time doing this now, or in other words, if it's just a low-grade spirit stone, it's not worth it for him to do so.

Even if the low-grade spirit stones were handed in, the loss would not be too great, so he would not waste time doing such things at such a time.

And while Zhou Yang was playing a guest role as a miner digging in the Lingshi Mine, Cao Wenjin was also taking a precious fourth-grade high-grade healing elixir, and after suppressing the injuries caused by the "Golden Horned Rhinoceros" self-exploding demon pill, Started to clean up the remaining fourth-order monsters.

After he cleaned up all the fourth-order monsters, nearly an hour had passed since the spiritual beam of light appeared in the world.

"Zhengnan, you are in charge of leading people to clean up the remaining monsters and collect the spoils. The old man will go over there first to check the reason for the soaring aura!"

With a weary look on his face, he glanced at the direction in which the aura beam of light appeared. Cao Wenjin took a deep breath to boost his spirits, and directly handed over the finishing work to Li Zhengnan to preside over it. Then, with a movement of his body, he flew to the location of the Lingshi mine. .

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