Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 248: Cao Wenjin's Hole Card

It is not easy for a monster to speak human words before the sixth level, and it must be personally helped by the sixth-level monster king or Yuanying monk to help it refine the "horizontal bone" in its body.

Generally speaking, only the bloodline descendants of the sixth-level demon kings are worth the mana and time spent by the sixth-level demon kings to help them refine the "horizontal bone" before the sixth level.

Jinpeng was able to get the help of the demon king to refine the "horizontal bone" at the fifth level, which shows that it must be a trusted and valued confidant of a certain demon king.

This reminded Cao Wenjin of the legend that the ancestor of the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle clan in the Duanyun Mountain Range was the imperial mount of a sixth-rank demon king.

It's a pity that even though he is a Jindan stage monk, he only knows about this legend, but he doesn't know anything about the name of the demon king, and he doesn't even know that the golden-winged Thunder Eagle in front of him has another name called "Jin Peng" ".

His heart moved, and he immediately asked: "Your Excellency is able to speak people's words, and he must not be an unknown person among the many monsters in the Duanyun Mountain Range. I don't know why he came here from a long distance to get rid of Duanyun. The [Golden Horn Rhinoceros] in the mountains take revenge?"

Hearing his words, Jin Peng's golden eyes rolled, and he couldn't help shouting strangely: "Quack quack, why did I tell a dead man this?"

Cao Wenjin's strength improved through foreign objects and explosive secret techniques will definitely not last long, and now it is only a breath of time to be able to delay for a while. Jin Peng, who has always been called the "wise man" among monsters, is of course willing to use wisdom to do things that can only be done with strength .

It's a pity that it's just a flat-haired animal that hasn't taken off its demon body. Even if it has lived for thousands of years, in terms of playing tricks, compared with Cao Wenjin, a Jindan stage monk who has been in charge of a sect for hundreds of years, It's also a trick of the class, which is extremely ridiculous.

Cao Wenjin saw through Jin Peng's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't tell the truth after seeing through. Instead, he pretended to be angry and followed Jin Peng's words and shouted angrily: "Your Excellency is too arrogant. Although the old man is not your opponent, he is still a late-stage Golden Core cultivator. If you can kill the old man, aren't you afraid that the old man will blow himself up and be buried with Your Excellency Jin Dan?"

"Self-exploding golden core? This trick may be useful for other monsters, but you don't see what kind of monster this seat is? In front of this seat, you self-exploding golden core is just asking for death!"

A sneer flashed in Jin Peng's eyes, and his words were full of sarcasm.

There is nothing false about what it said!

With its speed, even if Cao Wenjin really blew up the Golden Elixir, it would be able to escape from the center of the explosion in time, and it would be impossible to be dragged along to be buried with it.

Of course, it said this in order to scare Cao Wenjin, lest Cao Wenjin really blow up the golden core and fight it desperately.

You must know that although it is not afraid of Cao Wenjin's self-exploding golden elixir, it wants to kill Cao Wenjin and eat Cao Wenjin's golden elixir.

The golden core of a human monk is a great supplement to monsters. If one can eat the golden core of a late-stage golden core monk, the possibility of it being promoted to the sixth-level demon king in the future will definitely increase a lot.

" are too deceitful, the old man will fight with you!"

Embarrassment and anger flashed on Cao Wenjin's face, as if he was really irritated by Jin Peng's mocking words, he urged the flying sword to turn into a strand of sword thread and pierced towards Jin Peng.

After his cultivation reached the ninth level of the Golden Core, the ability of "flying swords turning into silk" was also mastered and used by him without a teacher.

The sword thread pierced through the air and appeared in front of Jin Peng in a flash.

It's a pity that although Jiansi's speed is fast, Jin Peng's talent "Thunder Dungeon" is even faster.

There was a flash of lightning on its body, and its figure instantly disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it was already in another sky thousands of meters away.

However, at this moment, something Jinpeng never expected happened!

Cao Wenjin stretched out his hand hidden in his sleeve, and a picture scroll appeared in his hand, and then he poured mana into the scroll, and the scroll unfolded automatically, revealing a lifelike landscape painting.


With a throw of Cao Wenjin's hand, he let out a low shout, and he threw the landscape map in his hand to Jinpeng thousands of feet away.

The landscape map is obviously not flying fast, but Jin Peng, who is as fast as lightning, now finds that it is difficult for him to even flap his wings.

An invisible force suppressed it in place, and it could only watch helplessly as the landscape map descended on its head, and then instantly enlarged to envelop itself into the map.

"It's the power of space confinement!"

This is something that Jinpeng only wanted to understand after being included in the landscape map.

The power of space, or the law of space, is a power that only monks in the Nascent Soul stage are qualified to comprehend and control.

Some famous supernatural powers mastered by monks in the Yuanying period, such as "shrinking the ground into an inch", "world in the palm", "cosmos in the sleeve", "space teleportation" and other magical powers, can only be learned after comprehending the laws of space master.

The landscape map used by Cao Wenjin is actually a kind of space treasure refined by special materials and techniques after monks in the Nascent Soul Stage comprehended the laws of space.

This kind of treasure looks like a magic weapon but not a magic weapon, and a magic talisman but not a magic talisman. It is a special secret treasure between the magic weapon and the magic talisman.

Every time this special secret treasure is used, it will cause irreparable damage to the secret treasure. Once it is used too many times, or the trapped enemy is very strong, the service life of the secret treasure will be greatly shortened.

Cao Wenjin's landscape painting was not obtained by himself from a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, but was obtained by a certain patriarch of the Huangshamen in an adventure, and was passed down as the treasure of the clan.

Because this thing is too precious, and requires extremely high cultivation for the user, only the ninth level of Jindan can barely activate this thing.

Therefore, even when facing the demon Blood Nether, he was not willing to take out this thing.

This time he was also forced to use this thing when he had no choice.

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle is too fast, and he has a great advantage in fighting skills. If he doesn't use this kind of space treasure to limit his speed, no matter whether he runs for his life or fights for his life, he will not be able to escape in the end!

However, although the secret treasure of space trapped Jinpeng, Cao Wenjin knew from the records left by the ancestor that this treasure map only had the power to trap the enemy, but not to kill the enemy.

With Jinpeng's cultivation strength, he might be able to get out of it within a quarter of an hour!

"A quarter of an hour is enough! If you want to kill the old man, the old man will break your wings first!"

He looked at the golden-winged Thunder Eagle flying around in the landscape painting, his eyes flashed fiercely, and then all his mana poured into the landscape painting crazily.

Suddenly, because of the infusion of Cao Wenjin's massive mana, the confinement power in the landscape painting increased greatly. The golden-winged Thunder Eagle, which was flying around in it, crawled up slowly like a turtle as if its body was stuck in a quagmire.

At the same time, with a move of Cao Wenjin's consciousness, the flying sword that had been lost before suddenly slashed at the golden-winged thunder eagle flying at the speed of a turtle on the landscape map.


Although the landscape painting is a secret treasure refined by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, the material itself is not very hard. Cao Wenjin used the nine-level golden core cultivation base to use the flying sword to attack from the outside, and immediately fell on this inestimable treasure. There are irreparable cracks left on it.

However, Cao Wenjin still felt that it was not enough, and once again Yujian attacked the landscape map violently.

In this way, after several times of chopping with his sword, the whole landscape painting finally exploded with a "bang".

The landscape map was exploded and destroyed, and the golden-winged Thunder Eagle caught in it naturally quickly escaped.

But the price of getting out of trouble so quickly is that the golden-winged Thunder Eagle's whole body was scratched by the force of the space, and his whole body was bloody like a blood eagle.

"Humans, you deserve to die!"

An incomparably frightened roar resounded through the sky.

Jinpeng, who had just escaped from the trap, stared at Cao Wenjin with a pair of sharp eagle eyes, with murderous intent boiling in his eyes.

It never thought that one day it would be planted in the hands of a small golden core seven-level monk.

The landscape map was shattered just now, and under the violent power of space, it was almost dismembered into countless pieces!

This is a great shame for the proud it!

However, facing Jinpeng's monstrous killing intent, Cao Wenjin laughed and said: "Hahaha, a beast is a beast, even if it learns the human language, it is still a beast!"

Before the laughter fell, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his figure instantly turned into a streak of blood and disappeared on the spot.

"Where to go!"

Jin Peng was originally very angry because of being injured by Cao Wenjin, but when he heard Cao Wenjin's words, he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and the golden eagle eyes were instantly covered with red.

It roared angrily, and with a flash of lightning on its body, it wanted to use the "Thunder Escape Technique" to catch up.

Although the "Blood Escape Technique" is powerful, it cannot be used continuously, and every time it is used, it will seriously damage the vitality.

But its "Thunder Escape Technique" is not the case, it only consumes its own mana to cast this technique, as long as the mana is not exhausted, it can continue to cast it.

But what it never expected was that after a flash of thunder, its body suddenly fell from mid-air, and fell headlong into the sand below.

"Damn the power of space! I must become the sixth-order demon king, and I must master the laws of space!"

In the sand, Jin Peng pulled his head out of the thick sand, and let out a terrifying roar with bloodshot eyes.

All changes remain the same, any escapism, in the final analysis, is a kind of use of the law of space, the more powerful the escapism, the more so.

But Jin Peng was injured by the power of space just now, and now there is still some power of space left in his body that has not been eliminated.

These spatial forces can't kill it, but it will disturb its predetermined movement coordinates when it uses the "Thunder Escape Technique" to quickly travel through space.

Cao Wenjin had calculated this correctly, so he would take the initiative to destroy space treasures such as the landscape map, and attack it with the power of space when the treasure was destroyed, affecting it and creating opportunities for himself to escape.

In this way, the "Thunder Dungeon" was temporarily disabled and unable to be used, and the wings were cut by the force of space and the speed dropped sharply. Even if Jin Peng wanted to catch up with Cao Wenjin and smash him into thousands of pieces, he would lose that ability.

In the end, he could only curse and curse Cao Wenjin bitterly, and vowed to take revenge on Yun Yun after his injury healed, then he turned around and flew back to Xijiaozhou, planning to go there to heal his injury before returning to Duanyun The mountains returned to the Firescale Demon King.

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