Rhinoceros Island.

Not to mention the result of the confrontation between Cao Wenjin and Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, but it is said that after Zhou Yang entered the Lingshi Mine to dig, it took seven or eight days to dig.

In seven or eight days, he worked three times and one day off, mining for three hours and resting for one hour.

After continuing to dig like this for seven or eight days, the length of the mine tunnel he dug has reached thousands of feet.

It’s just that after digging for so long, Zhou Yang still hasn’t dug up the high-grade spirit stones he wants, but he has dug a lot of middle-grade spirit stones. After cutting, there may be more than a hundred pieces, and there will be more low-grade spirit stones. At least Four or five thousand yuan.

Of course, Zhou Yang could not be satisfied with this harvest. After all, Xijiaozhou is not a good place now, and every extra day of stay will bring more danger.

"Could it be that my digging direction is wrong?"

Judging from the number of medium-grade spirit stones excavated, this spirit stone mine must be a small or larger spirit stone mine, so there will definitely be high-grade spirit stones.

Zhou Yang dug for so long but failed to find a high-grade spirit stone, which made him wonder if he dug in the wrong direction.

It's a pity that although everyone knows that high-grade spirit stones can be produced in spirit stone mines, how to dig out such treasures from spirit stone mines has always been a mystery.

Even those great sects with tens of thousands of years of inheritance cannot accurately dig out all the top-grade spirit stones in a spirit stone mine. They can only be obtained by slowly digging and mining by casting a wide net.

Zhou Yang had previously thought that the higher-grade spirit stones were more likely to exist in the direction that suppressed his spiritual consciousness more strongly, but now he has doubts about this speculation, and suspects that he dug in the wrong direction.

So after his eyes flickered for a while, he suddenly changed the direction of digging, and started digging in the direction that caused the spiritual energy to soar into the sky.

After two more days of digging like this, Zhou Yang, who was digging with his divine sense and sword, suddenly sensed an incomparably pure aura wave appearing from the front, which made him happy, and quickly accelerated the digging speed.

After a while, he dug out a khaki spirit stone the size of a human head.

The aura exuded by this khaki-colored spirit stone is extremely pure, far more pure than that of ordinary middle-grade spirit stones, but Zhou Yang himself does not believe that such a large piece of spirit stone is a top-grade spirit stone.

"Could it be that the real high-grade spirit stone is hidden inside this spirit stone, and the spirit stones outside are just its companions?"

He looked at the spirit stone in his hand, his eyes sparkled, as if he had thought of the inside story.

Then after he pondered for a while, he held the flying sword in his hand and carefully input mana to cut the spirit stone.

After a cup of tea, Zhou Yang finally peeled off all the "cloak" covering the real top-grade spirit stone, and obtained the first top-grade spirit stone in his life.

This top-grade spirit stone is about one finger long, three fingers wide, and half an inch thick. It is golden in color like the finest jade, exuding a dazzling aura.

Compared with middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones, although the spirit power of top-grade spirit stones is many times purer and thicker, there is no spirit energy emitted, and the spirit power is completely restrained.

This kind of restrained spiritual power is the biggest feature that distinguishes top-grade spirit stones from middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones. For this reason, even if top-grade spirit stones are placed in storage bags for thousands or ten thousand years, their spiritual power will not be lost or degraded. Become a middle-grade spirit stone.

As for the top-grade spirit stone above the top-grade spirit stone, it is said that not only will it not lose its spiritual power, but if it is placed in a place with rich spiritual energy, it will actively absorb spiritual energy to supplement the consumed spiritual power, reaching the level of infinite recycling!

"This is the top-grade spirit stone!"

"I don't know if this high-grade spirit stone is equivalent to two or three in terms of the number of spirit stones? It is impossible for such a large spirit stone to be counted as one piece!"

Zhou Yang played with the spirit stone in his hand fondly, his eyes were full of excitement.

Although he had never seen a high-grade spirit stone before, and he didn't know how to divide the volume standard of a high-grade spirit stone, he also knew that with the size of the high-grade spirit stone in his hand, it was definitely impossible to count it as a high-grade spirit stone with a standard volume. Lingshi.

With just this piece of high-grade spirit stone, all his hard work these days was worth it.

After playing with the high-grade spirit stone in his hand for a while, he carefully put it in a jade box and put it in the storage bag, and then put the middle-grade spirit stone wrapped with the high-grade spirit stone in a separate jade box. to the side.

These middle-grade spirit stones wrapped with high-grade spirit stones, although the concentration of spiritual power is completely incomparable with high-grade spirit stones, they are also much better than ordinary middle-grade spirit stones.

In the future, whether it is used to replenish mana in battle, or used as a power source for third-order puppet beasts, the effect will definitely be better than using ordinary middle-grade spirit stones.

After putting away these spirit stones, Zhou Yang continued digging deeply with his Feijian full of vigor.

On the other hand, it is said that after Jinpeng returned to Xijiao Island, he plunged into the cave that originally belonged to the "Golden Horn Rhinoceros" to recuperate.

The injuries on it looked serious, but in fact they were just flesh wounds. With the powerful body self-healing ability of its fifth-order top-rank monster beast, such injuries could be fully recovered after a few days of rest.

In fact, if it wasn't afraid that it would lose face if it was seen by other monsters when it returned to the Duanyun Mountains like this, it wouldn't even need to come to Xijiaozhou to recuperate.

After more than ten days of recuperation, the wounds on Jin Peng's body were all healed, and the feathers that had fallen off were replaced with a cluster of new feathers.

These newly grown feathers are certainly not as hard as the original feathers that have been tempered by its mana for a long time, but there is no problem in supporting flight.

And after these days of recuperation, it has completely expelled the remaining space power in the body.

After his body recovered, Jinpeng naturally no longer had any nostalgia for Xijiaozhou. Dang even flew out of the cave, ready to return to Duanyun Mountain to explain the situation to the Firescale Demon King.

It's just that it just flew hundreds of miles away, as if it remembered something, it turned back and patrolled the entire oasis.

Although Xijiao Island is big, at the speed of Jinpeng, it can fly around the oasis in less than an hour.

The eyesight of eagles is already very strong, and the eyes of the fifth-level top-rank monster golden-winged Thunderhawk can see through most of the illusions and magic array changes below the fifth level, and see through the effects of various qi-holding and breath-holding secrets. Clear the changing direction of the aura of heaven and earth, and even see through the mud and sand!

Jinpeng flew thousands of feet above the sky, scanning the oasis land below. Those monsters that looked huge and conspicuous, but had only Tier 1 or Tier 2 mana aura, were all ignored by it. Its target was not these low-level monsters. Class monsters.

After a while, a sneer flashed in its eyes, and it found its target.


There was only a thunderous explosion, and a foundation cultivator who built a basement to hide tens of feet deep was directly struck to death in the basement by a thunderbolt that fell from the sky.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of thunder, like the horn of death, soon sounded everywhere on Xijiao Island. After each thunder, one or more monks who were still hiding on Xijiao Island were blasted to death in their hiding places, without exception. .

In this way, after killing more than a dozen monks who were still on Xijiao Island, Jin Peng finally flew over the Lingshi mine.

Originally, if the Lingshi Mine had not been discovered, even with Jin Peng's eyesight, it would be impossible to see clearly that there was a Lingshi Mine from the sky.

But now, although Zhou Yang and the others intentionally sealed the entrance of the mine when they were digging, they couldn't seal the overflowing aura.

In the eyes of Jin Peng in the sky, the entrances of the mines below that radiate spiritual energy are as dazzling as bright lights in the dark night.

"Oh, there is actually a spirit stone mine here?"

Surprise flashed in its eyes, and it was a little surprised at the existence of the Lingshi Mine.

Ordinary fifth-tier monsters might not care about such things as spirit stone mines, because they can't use them at all.

But Jinpeng is different. Jinpeng has followed the demon king for a long time, and he vaguely knows that there are actually some secret transactions between his own demon king and some high-level monks in the world of human cultivation, and the demand for spirit stones is much greater than that of ordinary demon kings. .

There are also many spirit stone mines in Duanyun mountain range, but once those spirit stone mines are discovered, they will be hollowed out by monster kings who are good at digging.

Then the demon kings took the top-grade and top-grade spirit stones into their own hands, and the middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones imitated the practice of human monks, and directly used them to raise the level of certain spirit veins in their territories, or to create New spirit veins.

Therefore, Jin Peng felt that if he could tell his king about the existence of this spirit stone mine, maybe if the king was happy, he would be rewarded.

"It just so happens that my defensive magic weapon was damaged by that damned human monk. If the king has a reward, I will ask the king to refine another defensive magic weapon for me!"

Its eyes flickered, and when it looked down at the Lingshi Mine, it was already full of killing intent.

Now that he has made up his mind to dedicate the Lingshi Mine to the "Mountain Demon King" behind him, of course Jin Peng will not watch the human immortal cultivator "steal" things that belong to his own king.

As soon as it flapped its wings, golden thunderbolts condensed into thunderballs the size of human heads and fell towards the mine exits.


After a burst of earth-shaking explosions, all the mine tunnels in Lingshi Mine collapsed in pieces, and all the monks digging inside, including Zhou Yang, were buried alive in it on the spot.

Due to the sudden incident and the special force field in the Lingshi Mine that cut off the perception of the outside world by the monks inside, even Zhou Yang didn't have any sense before the mine tunnel collapsed.

Therefore, when the hundreds of millions of mud and sand were pressed down on his head, he only had time to activate the magical power of body protection "Golden Light of the Sun" and was buried deep in the ground.

Fortunately, he had the "Golden Light of the Dry Sun" to block the falling sand a little bit, and he used the "Earth Escape Technique" in time to shuttle through the sand and saved his life.

However, although he saved his life by relying on the "earth escape technique", due to the change of terrain caused by the collapse of the mine tunnel, it is impossible to open up a mine tunnel for excavation in a short period of time.

And a more worrying question for him is, who is attacking the mine?

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