The mine tunnel of the Lingshi Mine collapsed suddenly, causing all the monks who were digging in it to be buried deep in the ground.

Because the incident happened suddenly, although there are people like Zhou Yang who made timely and correct responses to save their lives, there is no shortage of unlucky ghosts who happened to be crushed to death by hundreds of millions of sand and buried in the ground.

And even the survivors didn't dare to stay underground any longer, and escaped to the ground one after another to learn more about the collapse of the mine tunnel.

It's just that these people had just escaped from the ground, and before they had time to take a look at the outside world, they were immediately killed by a thunderbolt that fell from the sky on the spot.

Jin Peng's body hangs thousands of feet high in the sky, his eyes are fixed on the ground, as long as a human monk rises up, he will be immediately killed by a thunderbolt from it.

After killing seven or eight monks who escaped from the ground in a row, finally no one came forward again.

"Is there only so few people? This doesn't match the number of entrances to those mines!"

It looked at the charred corpses on the ground that had been blasted by the thunder, and a thoughtful look flashed in its eyes.

With its wisdom, by comparing the entrance of the mine previously exposed to its eyes, it naturally knows that the number of people in the Lingshi mine must not be limited to the few people who died under its own hands just now.

However, there is a special force field in the Lingshi Mine. Even with its cultivation, it cannot sense where the underground people are hiding, and even if they want to strike at a fixed point.

So after thinking and thinking, it finally muttered to itself with regret in its eyes: "Forget it, even if there are a few gophers hiding below, don't even think about digging up the spirit stone in a short time. There's no point in wasting your precious time for them, these gophers!"

After finishing speaking, it immediately waved its claws at the corpses on the ground, put away all the storage bags on the corpses and swallowed them into its stomach, then flapped its wings, and returned directly to the Broken Cloud Mountain Range.

In this way, after three or four days, some monks who survived by luck quietly escaped from the ground.

These people fled to the ground, and when they saw the corpses of the monks who had been chopped into charred corpses by the thunder, they all showed lingering fear on their faces, and then quickly left the place without daring to wait for a moment.

Zhou Yang waited for seven days before escaping to the ground.

After encountering the collapse situation before, he actually wanted to escape to the ground immediately to understand the situation.

But when he thought about it later, he felt that this matter was inappropriate.

Even if he fled to the ground and understood the situation, so what?

Regardless of whether it was a human cultivator or a monster attacking the mine tunnel, they must have malicious intentions towards those mining people. He went up to find out the situation, and a battle was inevitable.

If that's the case, it's better to stay underground for a few days to let the matter cool down.

At this time, he escaped from the ground, and after seeing those charred corpses, he didn't know that he had escaped a fatal disaster because of this!

"The road to practice is really dangerous every step of the way!"

He let out a long sigh with joy on his face, and was ready to leave this place of right and wrong immediately even if he threw the flying sword.

However, at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, he suddenly looked somewhere behind him and shouted: "Who is watching Zhou over there?"

Before he could finish his drink, the flying sword he threw in the air turned around and shot towards where his eyes were looking in an instant.

Suddenly, a crimson flying sword flew out from the ground, blocking Zhou Yang's flying sword.

Then a yellow light flashed, and two more figures appeared in Zhou Yang's sight.

"It's you!"

Zhou Yang looked at one of the two, the pupils in his eyes shrank, and he couldn't help shouting in surprise.

It turned out that one of the two peeking at him was the yellow-faced middle-aged man who discovered the Lingshi mine that day.

And after he was surprised, his face darkened, and before the yellow-faced middle-aged man opened his mouth, he looked at the two of them coldly and asked, "What do you two friends mean by this? Why are you spying on Zhou in secret?"

Hearing his shouting and asking, the two couldn't help but look at each other, and then the yellow-faced middle-aged man turned grim, and shouted loudly: "Boy, since you found out, we won't talk nonsense to you anymore. , hand over the high-grade spirit stone you dug from the spirit stone mine, and we will let you live, otherwise don't blame the two of us for being rude!"

"Oh, do you know that Mr. Zhou has a high-grade spirit stone in his hand?"

Zhou Yang's expression froze, and he looked at the yellow-faced middle-aged man in astonishment, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

The ferocious look of the yellow-faced middle-aged man was obviously not deceiving him, but he really did not know how to confirm that he was carrying a high-grade spirit stone, which made him very curious.

You must know that his high-grade spirit stone is in the storage bag, and it is still stored in a jade box.

Coupled with the fact that this kind of treasure's own spiritual power is restrained and does not reveal the slightest breath, it stands to reason that even some Jindan stage monks who have practiced special pupil magic powers may not be able to see through it in person.

"Hmph, it's Mr. Guo who is asking you now, will you hand over the top-grade spirit stone?"

The yellow-faced middle-aged man was obviously unwilling to tell Zhou Yang how he knew he had a high-grade spirit stone on him, so he gave him an ultimatum with a cold snort.

Hearing this, Zhou Yang immediately sneered and said, "Since you know that it is a high-grade spirit stone, don't you think your question is ridiculous?"


The complexion of the yellow-faced middle-aged man changed. It seemed that he didn't expect Zhou Yang's answer to be so arrogant, and he was so angry that he couldn't finish his sentence for a while.

And at this time, another monk beside him who had never said a word, that is, an old man with a goatee who released a red flying sword to block Zhou Yang's flying sword, suddenly looked at him with dissatisfaction and said:

"Look, the old man told you before that since you decide to do this kind of thing, you shouldn't hesitate to take chances!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and end this kid, so we can continue to guard the next person!"

Before the voice fell, the old man with the goatee made a gesture with both hands, and directly threw a third-level mid-level spell "Fire Dragon Art" towards Zhou Yang.

Being able to release a third-order middle-grade spell in just a few breaths of time, the strength of this goatee old man can be seen.

In fact, the cultivation of the goatee old man is indeed as high as the ninth floor of the foundation building, and he is not someone like Zhou Minghan who has just reached the ninth floor of the foundation building, but a powerful character who has stayed in this realm for more than 20 years .

It was also with the backing of this old man with a goatee that the yellow-faced middle-aged man dared to threaten Zhou Yang, a monk with a seventh-level foundation, with his sixth-level foundation-building cultivation.

Seeing the old man with the goatee make a move now, the yellow-faced middle-aged man also turned hard, and then sacrificed a big yellow ax magic weapon and slashed at Zhou Yang.

It's a pity that these two people obviously don't know how powerful they are facing.

Seeing the two strike first, Zhou Yang felt no scruples in his heart. With a wave of his sleeves, he sacrificed the old patriarch Zhou Minghan to protect himself with a defensive magical shield made from the material of the "gold-eating beast". Then he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the Gryphon as well.

"Third-rank high-grade monster!"

As soon as the Gryphon appeared, the powerful aura of the third-rank top-rank monster severely frightened the two people who were attacking on the opposite side, and the yellow-faced middle-aged man's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help but let out a loud exclamation.

The goatee old man's eyes flashed with surprise, and he shouted again and again: "The idea is difficult, withdraw first!"

After finishing speaking, he made a fist with both hands, and with a flash of yellow light on his body, he was about to use the "earth escape technique" to escape.

The strength of a person who can subdue a third-tier top-grade monster with a foundation-building seven-level cultivation base as a spiritual pet must not be judged by the superficial cultivation base.

The old man with the goatee knew this deeply, so when he saw that things had changed, Dang even resolutely gave up the idea of ​​killing people to seize the treasure, and wanted to go first.

It's just that although he acted decisively, he still underestimated the enemy's means.

Now that Zhou Yang has made a move, how can he let people escape?

His eyes widened, and the invisible needle of spiritual consciousness pierced into the goatee old man's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, and then the "Earth Dungeon Technique" that was supposed to be activated on him dissipated in an instant because he lost the control of the master's consciousness.

At the same time, when the old man with goatee yelled "Ah", holding his head and screaming, the Gryphon had obeyed the master's order, and directly spit out a wind blade and cut off the neck of the old man with goatee.

In the blink of an eye, a foundation-building nine-story monk whose cultivation base was only one step away from the Purple Mansion fell silently under the hands of Zhou Yang's master and servant.

This scene stunned the yellow-faced middle-aged man.

"You, you, you, you... are you really a foundation cultivator?"

He pointed at Zhou Yang with horror on his face, and asked the question in his heart in a trembling voice.

Before meeting Zhou Yang, he and the old man with the goatee had teamed up to kill several foundation-building monks who were also mining in the Lingshi Mine. He couldn't be more clear about the powerful strength of the old man with the goatee.

However, he never thought that the extremely powerful old man with a goatee would be so easily killed by Zhou Yang in seconds, and he didn't even have time to escape!

While this horrified him, he couldn't help but wonder if he was delusional. The handsome young man in front of him was not a foundation-building cultivator, but a purple mansion cultivator in disguise.

"If Zhou is a cultivator in the Purple Mansion, how can Old Ancestor Cao not see it? Stop talking nonsense, and tell me the reason why you know that Zhou has a high-grade spirit stone on him. Zhou will only abolish your cultivation and spare your life. Otherwise, stop blaming Zhou for being ruthless!"

Zhou Yang looked at the yellow-faced middle-aged man with cold eyes and said, he didn't show any pride because he killed a foundation-building nine-level cultivation base in seconds.

No one knows his own strength better than himself. During the foundation building period, he is almost invincible in one-on-one battles!

Now as long as he doesn't face the siege of four or five late-stage monks at the same time, at this level, he can almost walk sideways.

When the yellow-faced middle-aged man heard Zhou Yang's words, his complexion changed, and then he looked at him angrily and said angrily: "It's a good one who only abolishes cultivation! Then you might as well kill me!"

After speaking, his face turned hard, and he suddenly reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist.

That's right, I just came back from the broken chapter class (狗头)

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