Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 254 You are here!

Haoyang Mountain.

Zhou Yang stayed on Yuquan Peak for less than a day, and went directly to the Lingmai of Haoyang Mountain to meet his father Zhou Xuanzhen.

Since he hadn't received any news before, Zhou Xuanzhen was very pleasantly surprised when he saw his son's safe return.

Compared to the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, as a father, he was naturally more concerned about his son's safety. During the period before Zhou Yang returned, he was worried all day long, and he couldn't even calm down in his practice.

Now that Zhou Yang has finally returned safely, one can imagine the joy in his heart.

Zhou Yang stayed in Haoyang Mountain for three days, roughly shared his experience of his trip to Xijiaozhou with his father Zhou Xuanhao, and then went to Chihu Ridge to meet Taoist Xiao Ying.

When Zhou Yang went to Xijiaozhou, if anyone cared about him the most, it was definitely Xiao Ying.

In fact, if Zhou Minghan, Zhou Xuanhao and other Zhou Family Foundation Establishment cultivators had not been persuading her many times, Xiao Ying, who is eager to see her husband, could not help but leave the Zhou Family and embark on the road of finding her husband!

Seeing Zhou Yang's return at this time, she was so excited that words could no longer describe it.

"Woooooh, Zhou Lang, you're finally back, I miss you so much!"

The girl threw herself into the arms of the Taoist couple, tightly hugged the Taoist couple's waist with her hands, tears of lovesickness spilled on her cheeks.

"Ying'er doesn't cry because it's not good for her husband, and Ying'er is worrying you."

Zhou Yang hugged the Taoist couple tightly, while bowing his head and kissing the Taoist couple's smooth and fair forehead, while comforting the Taoist couple in a low voice.

He could understand Xiao Ying's pain of missing him.

Xiao Ying, who left her hometown and followed him to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, needless to say about her attachment to him. Now that he has been away for a year and a half, and there is no news from him, how can this prevent Xiao Ying, who is extremely attached to him Ying is very anxious and depressed.

At this time, saying nothing was useless, Zhou Yang just lifted Xiao Ying's head, lowered his head and kissed deeply, using this direct way to let the Taoist companion feel his existence.

In Chihu Ridge, Zhou Yang stayed for a total of seven days. During the seven days, he was always by the side of Taoist Xiao Ying. Even when sleeping, he acted as a humanoid pillow for Xiao Ying to lean on his arms. Asleep.

This kind of heart-warming company really benefited Xiao Ying, who was extremely insecure, and soon her mood completely returned to normal.

During this period, Zhou Yang also met Zhou Guangxiang brother and sister who were practicing on Chihu Ridge, and gave Zhou Guangxiang the formation technique experience he had gained from the yellow-faced middle-aged man to help him become a third-order formation master.

At the same time, Zhou Yang also gave all kinds of elixir obtained from his trip to Xijiaozhou to the Taoist companion Xiao Ying for her alchemy, and also gave the Taoist companion Xiao Ying the "golden-eyed spirit mouse" that had been tamed by him. Ying feeds.

Although this "golden-eyed spirit-seeking mouse" is low in rank, it is extremely human, and it is also very afraid of death and gluttony.

At that time, Zhou Yang tamed this little guy by refining a collar with the tendon of "Iron Armored Rhinoceros" mixed with black iron wire, and put it on the little guy's neck, and then deliberately gave him a chance to escape.

When the little guy thinks he has found a chance and escapes, he will quickly activate the magic weapon to imprison him, and then catch him back and give him various small punishments.

After repeating this cycle for more than a dozen times, the little guy accepted his new master resignedly, and no longer always thought of running away.

And at this time, Zhou Yang took out the third-order "Jing Yuan Pill" that was originally used as food for the Gryphon and fed it to the little guy, letting the little guy know that it is reasonable to follow him to eat meat.

The third-order "Jingyuan Pill" can only be refined by using the flesh and blood of a third-order monster. Even the original owner of the "Golden Eyed Spirit-seeking Mouse", the yellow-faced man, paid great attention to the cultivation of this little guy and fed him a lot. It's a good thing, but it's impossible to feed this little guy casually like a jelly bean snack like Zhou Yang.

So under the attack of Zhou Yang's "sugar-coated cannonballs", the little guy quickly forgot about his original master, and ate and drank with his new master with all his heart.

Of course, Xiao Ying also understood the importance of the "golden-eyed spirit mouse". She was moved and delighted that Zhou Yang gave her this precious squirrel as a pet.

In the world of cultivating immortals, many high-level female cultivators would keep some beautiful and spiritual low-level monsters as pets to relieve loneliness.

The "golden-eyed spirit-seeking mouse" that Zhou Yang got, no matter how much he cherishes the rare magical talent, just because of its appearance, it also fits the definition of a pet.

The white soft fur and golden spiritual pupils are fatally attractive to many female cultivators.

Xiao Ying fell in love with this little guy almost at the first sight, and after learning from Zhou Yang that this little guy likes to eat pills and spirits, she immediately took out some second-order panacea and some spirits that she refined. The result was fed to this little guy.

In addition, the little guy "Golden Eyed Spirit Mouse" is extremely human, knowing that the relationship between Xiao Ying and his new master is very unusual, so he quickly accepted Xiao Ying as the mistress.

After handing over the "Golden Eyed Spirit Mouse" to Xiao Ying's care, Zhou Yang went to see the "Flying Leopard" who had also been under Xiao Ying's care for more than a year.

This "flying panther" has been taken care of by him every day since it was born, and has long remembered his smell. Although more than a year has passed, it has never forgotten who is its real owner.

As soon as Zhou Yang appeared in front of it, it jumped on Zhou Yang excitedly and wanted to hug him.

At this time, twenty-one months have passed since the birth of this "flying leopard". After nearly two years of growth, the little leopard, which was only the size of an ordinary domestic dog, is now as big as an ordinary tiger. , also reached the first-order top-grade.

If Zhou Yang hadn't been a cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, with his powerful arms, he might not be able to hug this big guy.

Even so, he was thrown back by this big guy and took several steps back to stabilize his body.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ying couldn't help pursing her lips and chuckling, "Zhou Lang, Xiaoqing is very smart. I still remember you after you've been away for so long."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang said proudly, "That's right, it was raised by me alone, how could it not remember me? But Xiaoqing's name is too delicate, it doesn't suit this kid, it is the future township of our Zhou family Spirit beast, how can I get such a name."

No way, who made him think of a certain green snake girl when he heard the word "Xiaoqing"?

Of course Xiao Ying didn't know what was going on in his mind, so she couldn't help asking curiously after hearing the words: "Then Zhou Lang, what name do you think sounds nice?"

"Xiaotian, we will call it Xiaotian from now on!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Zhou Yang's mind, and he suddenly thought of a very suitable name.

After he said the name, he couldn't help but patted the head of the leopard who was sticking out his tongue and licking his trousers, and murmured: "Xiaotian, Xiaotian, don't insult this name in the future, you must become a powerful spirit beast !"

The blood of this "Flying Panther" is very extraordinary. According to what Xiao Ying said, it is less than two years old, and it can hunt and kill first-rank top-grade monsters of the same rank by itself.

Judging from its performance, as long as the Zhou family is willing to spend the capital, it will have almost no problem becoming a third-tier monster in the future, even if it has a chance to be promoted to a fourth-tier monster.

If it can be promoted to a fourth-level monster, based on the lifespan of a tiger and leopard fourth-level monster at least a thousand years, this leopard will be able to protect the Zhou family for at least six or seven hundred years in the future.

After resting in Chihu Ridge for a few days, Zhou Yang finally rode the Gripen to Huang Shamen.

But when he got outside the oasis where Huang Shamen was located, he didn't rush into the oasis. Instead, he sent a message to his clan brother Zhou Yuanchen, asking him to help him convey the news of Zhang Yunpeng and his wife's arrival.

At this time, Jiang Yuyan was still cultivating the "Heterogenetic Golden Elixir" in seclusion, and Zhang Yunpeng, the head of the Huang Shamen, handled all the affairs of the Huang Shamen.

Because of Cao Wenjin's original confession, Zhang Yunpeng no longer dared to underestimate Zhou Yang, the junior who made him laugh at him.

After receiving the news from Zhou Yuanchen, he even let a trusted foundation cultivator quietly go outside the oasis to meet Zhou Yang, and then secretly brought the changed Zhou Yang to Huangsha The mountain gate of the gate.

Zhou Yang couldn't help it. With Huang Shamen's situation now, if he came to visit Cao Wenjin openly, Luo Yunqing, Guo Shuyun and others would probably receive the news within two days.

He didn't believe that there would be no eyeliner planted by those two people and other families in this huge yellow sand gate.

But with the current strength of him and the Zhou family, they couldn't bear the revenge of these Zifu monks.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, please wait here for a while. Master Zhang has already notified you, and there will be a reply in a while."

In a side hall on the mountain gate of Huangshamen, Zhou Yang, who had arrived here hiding his identity, waited for a while, and Zhang Yunpeng, who is now in charge of the entire Huangshamen, walked in.

"Please trouble Senior Zhang, this junior is very grateful."

Zhou Yang got up and saluted, but looked at Zhang Yunpeng with a slightly strange look.

According to the information he has learned, Zhang Yunpeng's lifespan should only be more than four hundred years old now, and with the lifespan of a monk in the Zifu period, he should be considered a mature man at this time.

But now Zhang Yunpeng has white hair on his head, and his complexion is much older than when he saw him more than ten years ago, just like a mortal man in his sixties.

This abnormal situation, of course, caught his attention.

"If it wasn't for him to use some secret method to damage life, it should be caused by too much pressure during this period!"

He secretly guessed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show any strangeness on his face.

After all, Zhang Yunpeng is a cultivator of the Purple Mansion and the current head of the Huang Shamen. Even if he has an unusual relationship with Cao Wenjin, he would not dare to despise this person, even though the two had had some unpleasantness before.

And after Zhang Yunpeng learned that Zhou Yang had a relationship with a Nascent Soul Realm, he didn't dare to underestimate him at all.

When the two were talking, Zhou Yang could even faintly feel that the other party was deliberately ingratiating, which made him, who didn't know what he was doing, quite puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't talk for long before they received a reply from Cao Wenjin, and then Zhou Yang went to Cao Wenjin's cave to meet him under the leadership of Zhang Yunpeng himself.

When he got outside the cave, Zhang Yunpeng saw Zhou Yang enter the cave, and he personally guarded it outside the cave.

At the same time, Zhou Yang, who walked into the cave, also quickly saw Cao Wenjin's figure.

It's just that when he saw Cao Wenjin at this time, his complexion changed drastically, and he almost cried out in surprise.

"The old man has been waiting for you for more than a year, and finally I have you here!"

When the millennium cold jade fell, Cao Wenjin smiled slightly, but he let out a satisfied sigh without paying attention to the change in Zhou Yang's face.

It seemed that the reason why he became like this was entirely to wait for Zhou Yang.

Mamma Mia, I really worked my ass off today! I was really tired from going to work during the day today, and I felt like throwing up when I turned on the computer after work at night, but thinking that I haven’t written today’s update, I can only grit my teeth and keep writing! Fortunately, fortunately, before midnight, I finally finished writing! Really tired!

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