Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 255 Three Conditions

Cao Wenjin's changes are not insignificant.

So old that when Zhou Yanggang saw him, he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was really the ruthless and decisive Cao Patriarch.

The original Cao Wenjin, although his hair is as gray as an old man in the sunset, his energy and spirit are still at the level of the golden core stage, which makes people dare not be underestimated.

But now, even though his appearance has changed to that of a handsome young man, his aura and aura have plummeted to the level of the Purple Mansion.

Take home!

This was the first thought that came to Zhou Yang's mind after seeing Cao Wenjin's current appearance.

As a person who survived the seizure of the house by the Golden Core cultivator, Zhou Yang was naturally extremely disgusted with the behavior of taking the house, so when he saw Cao Wenjin's appearance for the first time, his face changed drastically.

At the same time, it was only at this time that he realized why Cao Wenjin still had no intention of taking action to quell the chaos outside.

The feeling now is not that he doesn't want to take action to quell the chaos, but that he no longer has the ability to quell the chaos!

Looking at Cao Wenjin's current appearance, it is obvious that even if he succeeds in seizing the house, he will not be able to restore his cultivation to the golden core stage in a short time.

Even Zhou Yang doubted whether his remaining lifespan could support him until he regained his Golden Core Stage cultivation.

After all, although seizing a body can give a seriously injured Jindan stage monk a new chance to practice, but his lifespan will not increase because of seizing a young and fresh body, and it would be good if his lifespan is not lost.

If Cao Wenjin hadn't suffered an irreversible injury to his body, he would certainly not have chosen to prolong his life by the method that has been criticized and hated by others.

If this news gets out, I'm afraid that those family forces that are still vacillating will immediately turn to Luo Yunqing and others.

"Although it may make you feel unacceptable to say this, the old man still has to say, if the old man hadn't waited for you to come back, the old man would have been dismissed by now, instead of choosing to seize the house, which is repugnant and disgusting. The method continues to linger on!"

Cao Wenjin looked at Zhou Yang whose complexion changed drastically, and said the words that made Zhou Yang frown in a very flat tone.

Zhou Yang really couldn't accept his explanation. If he really accepted Cao Wenjin's explanation, wouldn't it mean that he was the "culprit" who caused Cao Wenjin to seize the house?

This joke is not funny at all!

He said in a muffled voice with an ugly face: "How can this junior be able to let senior do this? Senior really has something to explain to junior. You can leave a letter and hand it over to Senior Zhang and his wife. Why do you do that!"

"Others relayed it, how could it be more sincere for the old man to explain it to you in person?"

Cao Wenjin shook his head, but he didn't take Zhou Yang's words seriously, then he waved his hands and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about these things, let's get down to business!"

After finishing speaking, he looked serious, looked at Zhou Yang with a straight face and asked: "Before I get down to business, I have a question to ask you. When you were in Xianyang City back then, you could obviously go to Xuanyang Xianzong with the old man." You participated in the Nascent Soul Ceremony of Senior Master Qingyang, but you didn’t go there in the end, is it because Senior Master Qingyang had someone secretly pass on the decree to you?”

Cao Wenjin actually wanted to ask this question when he was in Xianyang City, but he refrained from asking.

Because it involved a real person of Yuanying, if he inquired about it rashly, he would be suspected of offending a real person of Yuanying, which obviously did not conform to Cao Wenjin's usual style of doing things.

But now, he is about to sit down, so he doesn't have so many scruples and worries.

When Zhou Yang heard that he was asking this now, his face was also slightly taken aback, and then he seemed to understand something, nodded with a look of surprise on his face and said: "That's right, back then in Xianyang City, Senior Master Qingyang It is true that I was a guest at the junior’s Dongfu, and gave the junior two spirit peaches, and explained that the junior does not need to attend the Nascent Soul Ceremony of the old man.”

"What? Master Qingyang personally went to the cave where you practiced!"

Cao Wenjin's face was startled, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Then his face brightened, and he muttered to himself with joy: "This is better, this is even better, and this old man will feel more at ease!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Yang with flickering eyes and asked, "Your cultivation base is not far from the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment. I wonder what preparations you have made to open up the Purple Mansion?"

"That's not true. You know the situation of the junior family, senior. If you want to open up the Purple Mansion, you can only rely on the younger generation's own efforts. The help that the family can provide is really limited." Zhou Yang shook his head and said very simply.

"It's the same as the old man thought."

Cao Wenjin nodded, and then suddenly said: "If the old man can provide you with the treasures and experience in opening up the Zifu, and after you open up the Zifu, I will give you and your Zhou family a large oasis, and at the same time provide You offer the [Hidden Spirit Fragrance] needed to go to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou in exchange for your three promises, would you be willing?"

Zhou Yang was shocked by Cao Wenjin's words even though he had already made some mental preparations.

With the previous conversation, it is not surprising that Cao Wenjin was willing to provide treasures to help him open up the Zifu, but Zhou Yang was shocked when he said later that he would present a large oasis to the Zhou family.

That's a big oasis!

What does a large oasis represent?

It represents at least one fourth-order spiritual mountain, a piece of land that can support millions of mortals, and the foundation of a Zifu family!

When Cao Wenjin said that he would give him a big gift, he had all kinds of guesses and expectations about this gift, but he never expected that he would be willing to pay such a big cost!

However, if you are polite to others, you must ask for something.

After Zhou Yang was shocked, his complexion changed for a while, but he didn't answer Cao Wenjin's question immediately. Instead, he asked: "Senior, can you explain in detail, for example, what is the treasure you provided to open up the Zifu? The large oasis you want to send to the younger generation. Which oasis is it? And what are the three things you want the younger generation to promise?"

Cao Wenjin didn't hide it, and even replied: "The old man still has a private collection of [Purple Heart Chalcedony], which was originally reserved for my daughter, but now it seems that she doesn't have it. Blessed!"

"As for the large oasis that the old man wants to send you, you are also very familiar with it. It is the Chihushan Oasis that you once stationed. Although there is not as many people as other large oases there, there is a fourth-level high-grade spirit mountain and three third-level spirit mountains. , and there are three proven spiritual mineral veins on and near the oasis!"


Zhou Yang's breathing suddenly became heavier, and the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

He had already seen the preciousness of "Purple Heart and Chalcedony" in Liuyunzhou, and Cao Wenjin was willing to use this treasure that was originally prepared for his daughter Cao Qian, which is evident in his sincerity.

And Chihushan Oasis is even more incredible.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, a large oasis with sparsely populated land and sparsely populated land is not as good as Baisha River Oasis, which has been developed by immortal practitioners for hundreds of thousands of years.

But if Zhou Yang had to choose, he would definitely prefer to choose Chihushan Oasis.

The reason is simple. With the land area of ​​the Chihu Mountain Oasis, after the Zhou family migrated there, no matter if they were mortals or monks, they would not have to worry about not having enough food or not enough Lingshan for hundreds of years.

If such a large oasis were all owned by the Zhou family, the value of various spiritual objects it could produce each year would be worth 10,000 to 20,000 spirit stones, or even more!

"Then what's the price? What's the price?"

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked out of breath.

Gains are always equal to sacrifices. Cao Wenjin gave him such a big benefit, and what he was asked to do would definitely not be easy.

So if he didn't ask this clearly, no matter how tempted he was, he wouldn't dare to let go and agree directly.

"The first promise, you have to promise this old man, no matter what level of cultivation you have reached in the future, no matter how powerful your Zhou family is, you will not spy on and rob my Huang Shamen's foundation, and you must not use various methods including infiltration control, etc. There is no way to seek the inheritance of my Huang Shamen!"

"The second promise, you have to promise this old man, if my Huang Shamen encounters a crisis of extermination, you must do your best to help my Huang Shamen survive the crisis, even if you ask Senior Qingyang Daoist!"

"The third promise, you must promise the old man that if your cultivation base reaches the golden core stage in the future, and my Huang Shamen does not have a golden core monk, you must find a piece of [Yuyejin gold] for my Huang Shamen. Dan] or an auxiliary alchemy treasure with the same effect!"

Cao Wenjin looked at Zhou Yang sharply, and stated his three conditions in a heavy voice.

After Zhou Yang heard his three conditions, there was no surprise on his face, only a wry smile and speechless expression.

Sure enough, although he had expected that the benefits offered by Cao Wenjin would not be easy to take, he still underestimated the difficulty of Cao Wenjin's conditions.

"Senior, these three conditions are too harsh. The first condition is okay. The junior can agree unconditionally, but the second condition is too harsh. If the junior agrees to this condition, it is the same as directly agreeing to join the Huang Shamen and become the Huang Shamen. What's the difference between monks?"

"There is a third condition, the price of [Jade Liquid Golden Elixir], you must be more aware of the price of the senior than the junior, you gave the junior a piece of [Purple Heart Chalcedony], but you want to get back a piece of [Jade Liquid Golden Elixir] , this is too good at doing business!"

Zhou Yang shook his head with a wry smile. Although he didn't explicitly refuse, the meaning in his words had already expressed his attitude.

If Cao Wenjin gave him favors only in exchange for a few favors so that he could help Huang Shamen in times of crisis, that would be fine.

But Cao Wenjin's current request is that he wants him to take care of Huang Shamen for the rest of his life, which is unreasonable.

Anyone can tell the difference between taking a few shots and taking care of her for a lifetime!

"Then what do you want to do? What do you think is the bottom line you can accept?"

Cao Wenjin narrowed his eyes, but he was not angry because of Zhou Yang's polite refusal, he just asked him what he thought.

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