Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 257 Because of you, it's my dream

But it is said that after Zhou Yang left Huangshamen, he did not directly return to Yuquan Lake Oasis or Chihuling, but went to Baishahe Oasis.

He went to Baisha River Oasis, of course, to meet Chen Ping'an at Baituofeng.

Now that the ancestor of the Chen family died at the hands of monsters, and the Zhou family received the oasis of Chihu Mountain as a gift from Cao Wenjin as a foundation, the source of conflict between the Chen family and the Zhou family actually no longer exists.

Moreover, the Chen family is now one of the only two Zifu families in the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sand sea.

When Zhou Yang left Huang Shamen, Zhang Yunpeng also hinted to him openly and secretly that it would be best for Chen and Zhou to resolve their conflicts and belong to the camp of Huang Shamen.

For this reason, Zhang Yunpeng also personally wrote a letter, and Zhou Yang forwarded it to Chen Pingan on his behalf, expressing his willingness to be a witness of the two repairs.

Zhou Yang also agrees with the repair of the Chen family.

The grievances between the Zhou family and the Chen family are actually tied to the ancestor of the Chen family. Now that the ancestor of the Chen family is dead, there is really no need for the two families to continue fighting.

So now he has to personally meet Chen Pingan, the current Patriarch of the Chen family, and let him see the sincerity of the Zhou family, so as to resolve the conflicts between the two parties.

"Junior Zhou Yang, I met Senior Chen."

On the white hump, when Chen Pingan flew out of the cave after receiving the news of Zhou Yang's visit, he saw Zhou Yang who was outside the formation and saluted him from afar.

As soon as he saw Zhou Yang's respectful attitude, his heart was moved, and he had some understanding.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, finally he nodded slightly, and replied politely: "Patriarch Zhou, you are polite, Mr. Chen is not far away from welcoming a distinguished guest, and I hope Patriarch Zhou will forgive you."

Seeing his attitude, Zhou Yang immediately knew that his purpose of coming here today should not be difficult to achieve, so a smile appeared on his face and said: "It is the younger generation who took the liberty to visit and disturbed the senior's practice."

After being courteous for a while, the two entered Chen Ping'an's cave together under the watchful eyes of many Chen family monks.

After arriving in the cave and no outsiders were present, Zhou Yang directly took out the handwritten letter Zhang Yunpeng gave him and handed it to Chen Pingan.

"Senior Chen is clear, the purpose of this junior's presumptuous visit, Senior Zhang has already stated it in this handwriting, please have a look at it."

Chen Pingan took the handwritten letter and looked at it with his spiritual sense, his expression changed slightly.

But after he read it slowly, his complexion gradually returned to normal, and even later, there was a bit of joy that could not be concealed. I don't know what benefits Zhang Yunpeng promised him in it.

In this way, Zhou Yang waited for about a quarter of an hour. After Chen Pingan read Zhang Yunpeng's handwriting and thought about it for a while, he heard him say: "There is really no need for the dispute between Chen and Zhou. Since the head of Zhang is willing to come forward Speaking of Xiang, the Zhou family is willing to move their family roots away from the Baisha River oasis to cultivate immortals, so of course the Chen family doesn't want to be villains anymore."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang immediately bowed his hands and said: "Senior Chen really understands righteousness, and this junior admires it."

"Don't be too busy expressing your thanks. Of course Chen can promise not to suppress the Zhou family anymore, but you have to answer Chen's question honestly."

Chen Ping waved his hand, then looked at Zhou Yang sharply and asked in a deep voice, "Chen Fangli, did you kill him?"

Zhou Yang's face was stunned, and he was obviously stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect Chen Pingan to ask this question at this time.

However, he didn't stand still for a long time, and he nodded quickly and said: "That's right, it was indeed the younger generation who killed him."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Chen Pingan to say anything else, he slapped the storage bag and took out the photo beads he had recorded the video at the beginning and handed it to the other party.

Chen Pingan was silent for a while after watching the video recorded by the photo beads, and then calmly said after a while: "Let's leave this matter at that."

After speaking, he crushed the photo pearl in his hand.

This result was not what Zhou Yang expected.

He didn't say anything more, and after discussing some things with Chen Pingan, he returned directly to Yuquan Lake Oasis.

Back at the family, Zhou Yang was the first to meet the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, and told him everything about the deal between himself and Cao Wenjin, as well as the repair with the Chen family.

"Okay, okay, okay, hahahaha..."

After Zhou Minghan heard Zhou Yang's words, he couldn't help being excited, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, apart from the simple word "good", there is no other words to describe Zhou Minghan's current mood.

He didn't know how long it had been since he was so happy. The last time he was so happy was when Zhou Yang succeeded in building his foundation and awakened his "Qianyang Treasure Body".

But even that time, he was not so happy that he completely lost his composure like today.

Indeed, whether it is a large-scale oasis that can be used as the foundation of the family for thousands of years, or a "purple heart chalcedony" that can help the monks who established the foundation to open up the purple mansion, for Zhou Minghan, it is something that only dared to do when he was dreaming. Something to imagine a little bit.

Now that "a dream has come true", the joy in his heart cannot be described in words.

"God bless the Zhou family, God bless my Zhou family!"

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, the most correct thing this old man has done in his life is to choose you to be the patriarch of the Zhou family!"

"Our Yuquan Zhou family will definitely be famous in the entire Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation World because of you in the future, and you will definitely become the best and most outstanding patriarch of our Zhou family!"

Zhou Minghan grasped Zhou Yang's arm tightly with great excitement, and the expression on his face was indescribably excited.

Originally, he chose Zhou Yang to be the "foundation seed" of the Zhou family, but he just hoped that Zhou Yang could take over his burden so that the inheritance of the Zhou family could continue.

Later, when he found out that Zhou Yang was pregnant with the "Qianyang Treasure Body", he had more expectations for Zhou Yang, hoping that Zhou Yang could lead the Zhou family to regain its glory and return to a prosperous period.

Later, when he saw Zhou Yang's cultivation speed was extremely fast, and there were many opportunities and adventures, he hoped that Zhou Yang could lead the Zhou family to prosperity and become the Zifu family.

Now, these expectations of his are about to be fulfilled by Zhou Yang, how can he not be ecstatic.

He held Zhou Yang's arm tightly, and laughed wildly: "It's worth it! This old man is worth it in this life! I can see Xiao Jiu, you lead the family to this step, even if the old man falls now, the old man will die without regret. !"

Zhou Yang had lived for nearly a hundred years, and it was the first time he saw the prudent old patriarch of Sulai lose his composure. For a while, he was a little dazed and didn't know how to respond to the old man.

For the excitement shown by the old man at this moment, he only vaguely understood, without the kind of deep empathy.

But he knew that with the old man's xinxing cultivation base, this gaffe should not last long.

Sure enough, while Zhou Yang watched and waited silently, Zhou Minghan's wild laughter only lasted less than half a quarter of an hour, and then gradually returned to normal.

He looked at Zhou Yang with piercing eyes and said with a chuckle, "Hehehe, the old man lost his temper in excitement just now, but Xiaojiu made you laugh."

Zhou Yang smiled politely yet awkwardly, and was not good at answering the question.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghan couldn't help but continued: "But I'm really not afraid of Xiaojiu making fun of you. What I said just now is all from the heart of my heart. Xiaojiu, you may not even know how important you are to the Zhou family! "

Zhou Yang is no longer the young man who would be very happy after a few compliments from the elders. Although he still looks like a young man now, his mentality is already very mature and stable.

So when Zhou Minghan said this, not only did he not show any happy smile, but he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Great-grandfather, you are serious. If you hadn't supported and cultivated him back then, how could grandson be where he is today?" ? Maybe he died in the foundation building level long ago!"

After speaking, he bowed deeply to the old man and said: "Grandson is deeply loved by you and the family. Now that he is capable, he should repay the family within his ability. This is what should be done, but you can't do it explain!"

"No, no, you deserve it!"

Zhou Minghan waved his hands again and again, supported him with both hands, and said solemnly: "You have done something that generations of our Zhou family have not done, so you are fully worthy of it. The old man is proud of you, and other monks of the Zhou family are also proud of you." Proud to have a patriarch like you, you are the pride of the Zhou family!"

You are the pride of the Zhou family!

Zhou Minghan's words are worth a thousand words of praise.

"I am the pride of the Zhou family?"

"Yes, I will definitely be the pride of the Zhou family!"

Zhou Yang muttered to himself, with a happy smile on his face.

Originally, as his cultivation base gradually increased, he actually didn't care as much about family affairs as before.

For example, he has not asked about the situation of the low-level monks in the family for a long time, and he doesn't even know how many monks there are in the Zhou family.

If this situation continues, the connection between him and the Zhou family will become weaker and weaker.

Until one day, he couldn't stand the burden of the family on him, and ran away from home angrily, completely drawing a line with the family.

This kind of thing has not never happened in the world of cultivating immortals, and it can even be said to happen from time to time.

But now, Zhou Minghan's heartfelt words made Zhou Yang regain his previous feeling of striving and contributing to the family.

He suddenly remembered a famous saying from the sages in his previous life that has been passed down through the ages - if you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world

He may not be able to do it in his life, but he can only take care of the family, can't he?

"It's hard for a single tree to grow into a forest, and it's hard for one person to accomplish anything. Right now, the family may not be able to keep up with my progress, and taking care of the family may hinder my practice. Hundreds of years later, the family should be able to repay me."

"Outsiders like Master Qingyang and Cao Wenjin are still willing to invest in me and support me when I am weak."

"The members of the Zhou family and I have the same blood, so why can't I invest in them and support them?"

Thinking of this in Zhou Yang's mind, he suddenly became enlightened like pulling out the clouds to see the sun, and his mood suddenly became completely different from before.

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