Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 258: Painting Cakes

"Patriarch Mingjian, my Zhou family now has one hundred and fifty-seven monks, including six monks in the foundation building period, twenty-nine monks in the late stage of Qi training, sixty-three monks in the middle stage of Qi training, and forty monks in the early stage of Qi training. Five people……"

"Among the family monks, there are two top-rank spiritual root monks, twenty-four middle-rank spiritual root monks, and the rest are low-rank spiritual root monks."

"Among these family monks, there are one third-rank top-rank alchemist, one third-rank middle-rank alchemist, two third-rank low-rank alchemists, two second-rank high-rank alchemists, one second-rank high-rank formation mage, and second-rank high-rank Two talisman makers, two second-level high-level animal trainers, four second-level high-level Lingzhi husbands, and one second-level winemaker... In total, there are twenty-two people who have practiced all kinds of immortal cultivation arts and reached the second level! "

"In addition, my Zhou family now has twenty-three monks from relatives, including one monk who established the foundation, five monks in the late stage of Qi training, thirteen monks in the middle stage of Qi training, and the rest are all monks in the early stage of Qi training."


On Yuquan Peak, a small-scale family meeting is being held in the Zhou family's meeting hall.

The meeting was proposed by Zhou Yang. The participants were either the elders of the Zhou family, or the elders and stewards. Ordinary members of the Zhou family were not invited to the meeting.

Zhou Yang's purpose for holding this meeting is also to intuitively understand the current basic situation of the family, and at the same time to enhance his own sense of existence, and to draw closer to himself and other clansmen.

After all, at his level, it is no longer possible to go to the residences of various clansmen one by one, chatting about family affairs one by one.

So he can only use this form of meeting to let the people know that he, the patriarch, still cares about the family and the development of the family.

At this time, after listening to Zhou Yuanyu, the current great elder of the Zhou family, he immediately nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Very good. The number of monks is an important indicator to measure the strength of a family. Only when the number of monks in a family is large enough can there be more geniuses emerging and the various industries of the family running normally."

"So our Zhou family's policy of encouraging monks to have children in the future must continue, and the childbirth subsidy fund must continue!"

For an ordinary Zifu family, the number of monks must be three to five hundred to be considered qualified. For a family like the Chen family that has been passed down for more than eight hundred years, it is normal for the number of monks to be over a thousand.

It won't be long before the Zhou family will be promoted to the Zifu family, and they will also get a large oasis.

At that time, not to mention more than a hundred monks, even more than a thousand monks, the Zhou family can afford to support them.

"What about the family property? Seventh sister, you are now in charge of the family finances. Please tell me what sources of financial income the family has and what expenses they have."

Zhou Yang turned his gaze, looked at the seventh sister Zhou Yuanchun and asked.

Zhou Yuanchun was a few years older than him, and now he is close to a hundred years old. The beautiful woman who was as beautiful as a flower in those days is now the mother of three children.

Her luck is much better than that of her own mother Zhou Xuanyu. Among the three children, two of them have spiritual roots, even though they are all low-grade spiritual roots.

At this time, she heard Zhou Yang ask about her family’s financial situation. She, who had succeeded the previous generation of Zhou’s elders in charge of the Zhou family’s finances for seven or eight years, immediately replied: “The family now has three third-level spiritual mountains, namely Yuquan Peak. , Haoyang Mountain, Chihu Ridge, and the three second-order spiritual mountains of Qingping Mountain, Qingniu Mountain, and Heimu Peak. The total value of the annual output of spiritual valleys, elixir, spiritual fruits, and spiritual trees on these spiritual mountains alone , it reached 4,200 spirit stones."

"At the same time, the family now owns one Chiyan Iron Mine, one Refined Iron Mine, and one Bright Jade Mine. The annual output of the three mines is worth more than three thousand spirit stones."

"Before the closure of the other two Fangshi stores in the family, the actual annual income was more than 4,000 spirit stones."

"At present, the family's largest expenditure on spiritual stones lies in the purchase of various alchemy materials. The annual purchase cost in this area alone exceeds two thousand spiritual stones."

"The rest, such as the expenses of [Fengyue Building], the distribution of childbirth subsidy funds, and the purchase of some other spiritual objects, cost about 1,500 to 2,000 spirit stones."

Since the Zhou family had two third-level alchemists, Xiao Ying and Zhou Xuanhao, they have been making great efforts in alchemy. Most of the various second-level alchemy pills they refined were supplied to the family monks.

At present, those monks in the Qi training period of the Zhou family, middle-grade spiritual root monks still have a glimmer of hope for foundation establishment, and they will restrain themselves when taking the spiritual pill to improve their cultivation, and wait for the "erysipelas" every once in a while. Take a new panacea after removing it completely.

But those low-rank spiritual root monks, because they no longer had hope for foundation establishment, did not care so much about the existence of "erysipelas" when they took the elixir for improving their cultivation.

These people generally want to quickly advance their cultivation to the middle or late stage of Qi training, so that not only will the number of family welfare offerings they receive every year increase, but they can also go out to practice earlier to earn spirit stones and family contribution points.

As Taoist couples, Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying knew these things very well, so he wasn't surprised when he heard Zhou Yuanchun mention that the cost of purchasing elixir became the biggest expense of the family.

In fact, if the number of monks in the Zhou family is not small now, and they have obtained a large amount of refining materials and talisman-making materials through the development of the new oasis, the Zhou family's purchase expenses for refining materials and talisman-making materials will not be so small go.

If it wasn't for the purchase of these materials, the Zhou family's fine iron and red flame iron would not be able to sell.

This is the case in the world of cultivating immortals. Various sects and family forces can train alchemists, weapon refining masters, talisman masters, array masters and other people who have mastered all kinds of arts of cultivating immortals by investing resources, so as to achieve self-sufficiency in the production of end products.

But no sect or family can be completely self-sufficient in raw materials.

For those low-level raw materials, it’s okay to say that the territory occupied by the martial arts is large enough, so it’s not a problem to get them together, but it’s impossible for any sect to completely get all the raw materials for some middle and high-level materials.

The Zhou family would certainly not be able to do things that the big sects couldn't do, so it was impossible to save the cost of purchasing materials.

The Zhou family's current annual financial income and expenditure, after deducting the expenses, can still earn six to seven thousand spirit stones, which is already quite remarkable for a foundation-building family.

"Then how much is the balance of Lingshi in the family account now?"

When Zhou Yang asked this, he looked at the old patriarch Zhou Minghan.

Since the Zhou family held a family meeting last time, because there were too many spiritual stones in the family accounts, the old patriarch Zhou Minghan was afraid that the family elders in charge of finances could not resist the temptation and defected to the family with money, so he proposed to transfer 90% of the spiritual stones to the family. It is stored in his hands for safekeeping, and 10% is reserved for the daily operating expenses of the family. If some large-scale expenses are encountered, the elders of the family can apply for a special allocation from him.

So now, the Zhou family's real purse is actually held by this old man.

"The number of Lingshi in the family's current inventory is 144,367!"

Zhou Minghan glanced at everyone in the hall, and said in a deep voice the number that made everyone's hearts beat faster.

140,000 spirit stones!

Even a person like Zhou Yang with more than 100,000 spirit stones on his body, the corners of his eyes trembled when he heard this number.

This is really not a small number.

If it is in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, the Zhou family, which has so many spirit stones in stock, can already buy "Purple Heart Chalcedony" for the family's foundation monks to use to open up the Purple Mansion!

However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. If it is really in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, the effect of the Zhou family's contribution point system may not be as good as it is now.

You must know the family contribution points accumulated by the members of the Zhou family in the current account, even if the contribution points of Zhou Yang and the foundation-building monks are not counted, and the contribution points written off by those family monks after exchanging treasures from the family treasury are not counted, the total amount Add up to more than 80,000!

If these family contribution points hadn't been scattered among hundreds of monks in the Qi training period, the Zhou family's current contribution point system might be destroyed because they couldn't exchange enough foundation building pills.

If the contribution point system is destroyed, in order to appease the resentment of the clansmen, Zhou Yang can only use spirit stones to pay these clansmen one-for-one. By then, there will not be much left for the 140,000 spirit stones.

"Okay, very good, these spirit stones can be kept for now, and they will be of great use in the future. The source of our Zhou family's future Foundation Establishment Pills may all fall on these spirit stones!"

Zhou Yang was silent for a while, and then he continued to applaud.

Hearing what he said, except for Zhou Minghan, who already knew the inside story, all the monks in the temple had their eyes lit up, and looked at him with surprise on their faces.

If you talk about the Zhou Family's monks below the Foundation Establishment Period, who has the most contribution points, and these people who are now in the temple must be among them.

As the senior members of the Zhou family, they all know that there is only one Foundation Establishment Pill left in the Zhou family, so over the years, they have secretly tried every means to obtain more family contribution points. Gather up 20,000 contribution points to get this Foundation Establishment Pill.

It was also because of their secret wrestling that none of them would accept the other, that made the first Qi-training monk who made up 20,000 contribution points never appear.

Although they are all brothers and sisters of the same clan, it is obvious that no one is willing to give in to the other when it comes to the establishment of the foundation pill, and they can only compete based on their own abilities.

But the result of this is that these people are very pessimistic about the future in their hearts, and they are very afraid that the Zhou family will completely cut off the source of Jidan in the future, and all their hard work will be in vain.

Now Zhou Yang suddenly said that he could buy Jidan with spirit stones in the future, regardless of where he bought it from, it was equivalent to giving these Qi training monks a reassurance, letting them relieve their stress and secretly relax tone.

Zhou Yang saw the changes in the expressions of these people, stood up with a smile on his face, looked at everyone and said:

"Okay, I have a general understanding of the situation of the family. On behalf of the other members of the family, I would like to thank all the uncles, brothers and sisters for their dedication."

"Please rest assured, as long as I, Zhou Yang, am in charge of the Zhou family for a day, I will not treat any of the clan members who have made contributions to the family badly."

"Everyone will work hard for the family. When the family becomes stronger, not only will there be Foundation Establishment Pills, but there will also be spiritual things like [Purple Heart Chalcedony]!"

Why! I don't know if it's because of the weather, but I haven't been in a good state for the past few days, and I can't write a few words after sitting in front of the computer for a long time! Originally, the protagonist was about to go to the purple mansion, and it was a climactic plot, but he just couldn't get excited! ! !

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