The content of this family meeting was quickly spread throughout the Zhou family along with the word of mouth of the participants, and the news revealed by Zhou Yang at the meeting did have an immediate effect on stabilizing people's hearts and boosting morale.

At the meeting, Zhou Yang also issued several orders, that is, let the monks of the whole family start to strengthen their combat preparations, and start hoarding spirit grains and monster meat, and at the same time vigorously refine magic weapons, magic pills, magic charms and other things.

The war will start!

This is the enlightenment that many Zhou family monks had after seeing the family's actions.

Then they soon discovered that it was not that war was about to break out, but that war had already come.

In Baisha River Oasis.

Luo Yunqing suddenly led nearly forty foundation-building monks and more than four hundred late-stage Qi training monks to the outside of the Baisha River Oasis, threatening that the Chen family and all the immortal cultivating families in the Baisha River Oasis would be punished if they did not fall to their side. destroy rebellion.

Chen Ping'an had just accepted Zhang Yunpeng's mediation to reconcile with the Zhou family. At this time, he must be reluctant to fall to Luo Yunqing's side.

Moreover, he was not optimistic that people like Luo Yunqing could succeed.

The most important thing is that even if he joins Luo Yunqing's side, he may not get much benefit.

Luo Yunqing might not be able to give what he wanted, and he might not need what Luo Yunqing promised.

That's the reality.

Therefore, after receiving Luo Yunqing's ultimatum, while delaying the time in vain, he used the summoning circle established by the Huang Shamen to send summons orders to the Zhou family, the Yang family and other families, and at the same time to Zhang Yunpeng of the Huang Shamen. call for help.

Zhou Yang was planning to go back to Chihu Ridge Ziyun Cave to retreat and attack the eighth level of foundation building. At this time, he received an emergency summoning order from the Chen family. He could only suppress this plan temporarily and discuss with the old patriarch Zhou Minghan to deal with it. Of the policy.

"Under the overturned nest, there are no eggs? The Chen family asks for help. Unless our Zhou family wants to fall to Luo Yunqing, we must support it!"

"But the current situation is that we don't know whether Luo Yunqing's personnel strength brought this time is really only what he has exposed so far, and there is no guarantee that after he finds out that the Chen family cannot be destroyed, he will not change his target to attack us The spiritual mountains of these Foundation Establishment Clans!"

"So we can support, but at the same time, the defense of the family cannot be relaxed."

As the patriarch, Zhou Yang was the first to express his opinion at this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old patriarch Zhou Minghan nodded in agreement and said: "Xiaojiu, you are right, we really need to be prepared. From my point of view, we can support the Chen family while supporting the Chen family. Let most of the low-level monks of the family go to Chihu Ridge to take refuge, so that even if Luo Yunqing really leads people to attack our Zhou family, we will at most temporarily hand over the oasis to them!"

"The oasis is here, and no one can take it away. Even if Luo Yunqing occupies this place, it is impossible for him to condescend to sit here as a dignified monk from the Purple Mansion. After he leaves, this oasis will still belong to our Zhou family sooner or later!"

Abandoning the two third-order spiritual veins of Yuquan Peak and Haoyang Mountain is of course a great loss for the Zhou family.

But Zhou Minghan knew that these losses were only temporary. After Zhou Yang succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion, the Zhou family would not only be able to easily regain the two spirit mountains, but also bite off a large piece of meat from Luo Yunqing's hands.

Be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to give up!

Zhou Minghan has lived for more than two hundred and thirty years, how could he not understand this truth.

His opinion coincided with what Zhou Yang thought in his heart.

In fact, Zhou Yang wanted to say this just now, but he was worried that the old Zhou Minghan would not be able to accept this opinion, so he didn't raise it right away.

Now it seems that he took it for granted.

Although Zhou Minghan is old, his mind is still clear and he can distinguish the serious from the serious.

So he said happily: "Grandson fully agrees with your great-grandfather's opinion. As for the transfer of personnel to Chihuling, I will ask you, great-grandfather. For the matter of supporting the Chen family, let my grandson take Guangxiang there!"

Zhou Minghan couldn't help but change his face when he heard his words, and looked at him with frowned eyebrows.

After staring straight at Zhou Yang for half a cup of tea, he just nodded slightly and said, "Okay!"

"Then it's settled, grandson will report to the Chen family, and then go to Chihuling to pick up Guangxiang."

Zhou Yang's eyes slightly avoided Zhou Minghan's gaze, and he made a quick decision to settle the matter.

On the other hand, after receiving the Zhou family's reply, Chen Pingan was also overjoyed.

If they could unite the power of the entire Baisha River Oasis cultivating immortals, and with the help of formations, Luo Yunqing, a powerful dragon who came from afar, might not be able to suppress them, a local snake.

But not long after he smiled, his face gradually darkened again.

Because after the Zhou family returned the message, none of the other families that received his message, including the Jinquangu Yang family, sent an accurate reply that they would support the Chen family.

It wasn't until nearly a day after he sent the summons that two or three families replied that they would send people to support them, but among these families, there was still no Jinquangu Yang family.

"Okay, okay, it really is Lu Yao who knows horsepower, and sees people's hearts after a long time!"

"Who would have thought that when the time came to the crisis, the one who was really willing to share our adversity with our Chen family would be the Zhou family who had once been hostile!"

"Yang family, what a Yang family!"

Chen Ping muttered to himself with a gloomy face, his eyes flashed with terrifying murderous intent.

Including the former Zhou family, the Chen family is not unkind to these families.

Not to mention anything else, just say that when the ancestors of the Chen family were alive, every time the "Foundation Establishment Conference" was held, it was a great favor to those participating families.

Over the past two to three hundred years, the foundation-building families of the Baisha River Oasis Immortal Cultivation World have relied on the "Foundation Building Conference" to obtain foundation-building pills with at least ten people.

There are several families who have successfully continued the family inheritance because they obtained the Foundation Establishment Pill from the "Foundation Establishment Conference".

As a result, the ancestors of the Chen family have only been down for less than two years now, and those families who have benefited from the Chen family's great benefits immediately don't take the orders of the Chen family seriously, which makes Chen Pingan not gnashing his teeth.

With a cold face, he muttered to himself: "I, Chen Ping'an, have written down this matter. After this calamity is over, I will let you traitors who eat inside and out understand that since my Chen family can give you Jidan to help you Continuing the family inheritance can also take back these, destroying all of you!"

Luo Yunqing gave the Chen family three days to think about it, which was enough for Zhou Yang to go from Yuquan Lake Oasis to Chihuling, and then to Baisha River Oasis.

After he rode a Gryphon and led Zhou Guangxiang to the Baisha River Oasis, in order to prevent Luo Yunqing from using the tactics of "surrounding the spot and fighting for aid", the two of them used the "golden cicada hiding breath technique" to restrain their breath and pretend to be monks in the Qi training period to drive away on foot. Went to Chen's White Hump.

It just so happened that the Chen family was also summoning the scattered clansmen to return to the family at this time, and the two of them went to the White Hump at this time, which was not very conspicuous.

After arriving outside the white hump in such a safe way, Zhou Yangdang even sent a message to Chen Ping's flying sword to inform him of his whereabouts, and then Chen Ping personally asked someone to open the formation and let the two of them enter the white hump.

On the white hump, Zhou Yangdang looked directly at Chen Pingan and asked, "Senior Chen, do you have a reply from the Huang Shamen? How do you plan to fight this war?"

"Master Zhang still can't get away, but he has promised to send someone to bring a fourth-order puppet to support him. According to him, as long as we can hold on for a year or so, Mrs. Jiang should be able to formally train Cheng [Golden Elixir of Outer Ways] is out, and then he will be able to personally come over and help us defeat the enemy."

Chen Ping's eyes flickered, and he whispered Huang Shamen's reply.

After the first battle in Xijiaozhou, Cao Wenjin took back the fourth-order puppet beasts that were previously handed over to the monks of the Zifu period. Now that I think about it, this was the most correct thing he did at that time.

If this were not the case, apart from the Huangsha Gate, which is guarded by a fifth-order formation, no family could withstand the attacks of Luo Yunqing, a cultivator from the Zifu, and several fourth-order puppets.

"Are you standing still and waiting for help?"

Zhou Yang murmured to himself in a low voice, but there was no surprise.

After all, Luo Yunqing's cultivation was on the sixth floor of the Purple Mansion, and Chen Ping'an was only on the second floor of the Purple Mansion. With such a big difference in cultivation, even if Chen Ping's combat power was better than ordinary monks of the same rank, he would be able to draw with him. Not bad.

But don't forget that Luo Yunqing is not alone, he also has an accomplice, Guo Shuyun.

Who knows if Guo Shuyun is hiding in the dark right now, waiting for Chen Pingan to leave the protection of the formation and attack and kill him together with Luo Yunqing?

Moreover, as far as Zhou Yang knew, the few formerly low-key casual cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation Realm of the Boundless Sand Sea now showed up frequently and seemed to want to make a difference.

These people used to be the targets of Huang Shamen's jealousy and suppression. Now that they show up in this situation, it is hard to say whether they have reached any agreement with Luo Yunqing and Guo Shuyun, the two Huang Shamen traitors.

Zhang Yunpeng didn't dare to go out of the gate of Huangshamen, probably because he was afraid that Luo Yunqing and others were playing a trick of luring a snake out of the cave, luring him out of the gate of Huangshamen so that they could surround and kill him.

He knew this, so he was not surprised by Zhang Yunpeng and Chen Pingan's choice, but continued to ask: "Then, senior Chen, can you tell me, how much is our current defensive strength?"

Hearing Zhou Yang ask this, Chen Pingan's expression turned ugly instantly.

He replied in a low voice: "Based on the most optimistic estimate, our defense force this time will not exceed fifteen foundation-building monks, but there will be thousands of monks in the Qi training period."

After years of recovery, the Chen family's foundation-building monks have recovered to seven people. Adding the foundation-building monks of the four vassal foundation-building families on the Baisha River oasis, there are eleven people.

Adding these eleven people to the Zhou family, there are thirteen people.

After listening to Chen Ping'an's words, Zhou Yang didn't know what happened, and then his face darkened instantly.

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