Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 261: My Eyes Are Cracking!

"I heard that it was Daoist Yang who brought someone to my Zhou's house. I feel disappointed and relieved at the same time!"

"Yang Daoyou and the old man have known each other for hundreds of years. Although they are their own masters now, the friendship must still be there."

"This old man is two hundred and thirty-five years old, and there are very few lifespans left. Originally, at this age, I will take one or two of you fellow Taoists to the Netherworld, and you will not be lonely on the road to Huangquan!"

"It's just that the old man dies! But I'm worried that all the fellow Taoists will be angry at those innocent mortals of the Zhou family because of the old man's act of burning everything together. After thinking about it, I decided to kill myself, and I will use the credit of all the fellow Taoists!"

"For the sake of Zhou Minghan's sincerity, fellow Taoist Wanwang Yang and fellow Taoists abide by the rules of war between us monks and don't harm ordinary people."

"If Fellow Daoist Yang can take the sake of past friendship and not destroy the cemetery of the Zhou family's ancestral hall and Yuquan Peak Lingshan, Zhou Minghan will still be grateful for the kindness of Daoist Fellow even though he is dead!"

At the top of Yuquan Peak, after Yang Xingyan inspired the photo beads held in Zhou Minghan's hand, he saw Zhou Minghan standing on the top and looking in the direction of Baisha River Oasis, and recorded such words.

After listening to Zhou Minghan's words, he looked at Zhou Minghan's sincere face in the video, and muttered to himself with emotion on his face: "Brother Minghan is so righteous, Yang is ashamed, I'm ashamed of myself!"

After the words fell, he glanced at the nine foundation-building monks who were traveling with him, and asked in a deep voice: "You have also heard Zhou Minghan's last words, what do you think?"

The nine foundation cultivators couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, but no one answered.

Seeing this, Yang Xingyan frowned, and suddenly looked at the white-haired old man who said that Zhou Minghan was lifeless, and asked by name: "Zhang Daoyou, do you think I should grant Zhou Minghan's last wish?"

When the old man surnamed Zhang heard him directly calling his name, his face immediately turned a little ugly, and he couldn't help saying: "Your cultivation base is the highest, Yang Daoyou, and you are the leader appointed by Senior Luo. This matter should be decided by you."

Hearing this, Yang Xingyan couldn't help but look deeply at the old man surnamed Zhang and the other Foundation Establishment cultivators and asked, "Then, will you all obey Yang's decision?"

"Zhang has no objection."

"I have no opinion either."

"Me too."

None of the nine Foundation Establishment cultivators wanted to take responsibility, and expressed their positions one after another.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll take Zhou Minghan's body back and let Senior Luo decide how to deal with it. As for this Yuquan Peak, if you want to make a little money, you can use the spirit trees and medicines on the mountain. Take it yourself!"

After Yang Xingyan finished speaking about his decision, Dang even flicked his sleeves and put Zhou Minghan's body into the storage bag, and then flew directly out of Yuquan Peak without moving any plants or trees on the mountain.

But he can not be tempted by the spiritual creatures on the mountain that the Zhou family can't take away in a short time. It is obviously impossible for other foundation cultivators to do this.

Although these people had a tacit understanding and did not touch the ancestral hall and cemetery of the Zhou family, they cut down all the spiritual trees including the "dragon scale tree" on the top of the mountain and put them into storage bags. The elixir used as medicine was also pulled out and taken away.

By the time these people all left Yuquan Peak, there was not a single eye-catching spiritual thing on the mountain.

When Yang Xingyan saw this situation outside, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He knew very well that if he and Zhou Minghan hadn't known each other for hundreds of years, if this was not Zhou's family, but some other monk family Lingshan he didn't know well, he would definitely not be polite.

In this way, the group returned to Baisha River Oasis to report to Luo Yunqing after they had scraped the ground three feet to collect enough benefits.

And outside the White Hump, Luo Yunqing did not stop attacking the mountain guard formation because of the lack of a dozen foundation-building monks, but still urged his monks to continue the onslaught.

But this time he personally blocked Zhou Yang's attack. With him, a cultivator from the Zifu, it would be very difficult for Zhou Yang to gain anything.

Two more days passed like this, and after Yang Xingyan and his party returned, Luo Yunqing ordered to suspend the offensive just because he wanted to know the result, and asked his monks to retreat a few miles to rest.

"...Senior Luo clearly learned that this is what happened."

Outside the white hump, after Yang Xingyan truthfully reported the experience of his group going to Zhou's house in Yuquan Lake, he suddenly reached out and patted the storage bag, and released Zhou Minghan's body that he had put away, together with the photo bead. Handed it over to Luo Yunqing.

Zhou Yang and the others on the white hump naturally couldn't hear them clearly.

But Zhou Yang, who lives in a high place, can clearly see their movements.

Therefore, when Zhou Minghan's body was taken out by Yang Xingyan, Zhou Yang on the white hump was instantly stunned.


"No! It's impossible!"

"Great-grandfather, he has already left Yuquan Peak!"

"Fake, that must be Yang Xingyan's trick!"

He stared at this scene with wide eyes, and let out a low growl like the roar of a wild animal, with an indescribably ferocious expression on his face.

He didn't want to believe it was true, he didn't want to believe that the motionless old man in his eyes was really his beloved great-grandfather!

And behind him, Zhou Guangxiang, who also got a rest time because Luo Yunqing and others stopped attacking the mountain protection formation, also exclaimed with a dull face.

"How did this happen? How did this happen? The old patriarch wrote back clearly that he had left Yuquan Lake Oasis! Why did this happen!"

Only the monks of the Zhou family can understand how high Zhou Minghan's status is in the hearts of the Zhou family.

Now that Zhou Minghan, the old patriarch whom he admired and admired since he was a child, turned into a cold corpse and fell into the hands of the enemy, how could Zhou Yang and Zhou Guangxiang, the two monks of the Zhou family, accept this fact.

But no matter whether the two of them accept the result or not, the fact is the fact, and it will not change because of the attitude of the two of them.

As an enemy, Luo Yunqing didn't care what the two of them thought.

I saw that he first inspired the photo pearl to look at the image, and couldn't help but snorted heavily: "Hmph, you are all deceived by this old thing! He doesn't even have a storage bag on him, obviously he doesn't want to die , a body of treasures was obtained by you, so what can he use to hold you back?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly waved his sleeves, and a flash of sword light flashed across, instantly beheading Zhou Minghan's head.

Then he fired a ball of real fire, which burned Zhou Minghan's headless body to ashes in the blink of an eye!

After finishing all this, he couldn't help but waved his hand and said: "Go, give this head to the boy from the Zhou family on the white hump, and say that Luo will give him a big gift in advance for opening up the Purple Mansion!"

Immediately, a Huang Shamen Foundation Establishment cultivator released a first-order puppet wolf beast and ran towards the white hump with Zhou Minghan's head in its mouth.

But on the white hump, Zhou Yang and Zhou Guangxiang, who had witnessed all this with their own eyes, suddenly felt tearful!

"Luo Yunqing!!!"

Zhou Yang watched the body of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan turn into ashes in the fire, and watched the old man's head being held by the puppet beast and walking towards him, his face and eyes instantly turned red.

As soon as he moved, he couldn't help but want to go out of the mountain to retrieve the head of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, and go to find Luo Yunqing desperately!

But as soon as he made a move, a huge pressure fell on him, making it difficult for him to even move in an instant, but Chen Pingan, who had never made a sound, made a move with the help of the formation.

"Friend Zhou, calm down!"

"If Fellow Daoist Minghan is still alive, he must not want Fellow Daoist to be in danger to avenge him!"

"Luo Yunqing is nothing but a despicable and shameless traitor, Zhou Daoyou ruined his career for such a villain, it's not worth it!"

Chen Ping relied on the power of the formation to hold down Zhou Yang's body, looked at him earnestly and tried to persuade him, for fear that he would be caught by Luo Yunqing's provocative method on impulse.

Zhou Guangxiang who was on the side heard Chen Ping'an's words at this time, and he also came to his senses and suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Zhou Yang's arm, trying to persuade him: "Yes, Uncle Ninth, you must calm down! The old patriarch is here There is a spirit in heaven, I definitely don't want to see you in danger for him!"

"Let's not care about this old thief Luo Yunqing first. After you open up the Zifu, let's use the strength of the whole family to kill this old thief's den, kill all the disciples and descendants of this old thief, and let this old thief The thief will repay his crimes today a hundredfold!"

Zhou Yang originally only made such an extreme move when his anger and blood rushed to his brain. After Chen Ping controlled the force of the large formation to suppress him, he had already recovered.

Therefore, after hearing the persuasion from Chen Pingan and Zhou Guangxiang, he quickly calmed down.

I saw the mana surging in his body, and quickly suppressed the blood that rushed to his forehead, and said in a cold voice: "Thank you, Senior Chen, for your persuasion, this junior understands what to do!"

Hearing this, Chen Pingan immediately let go of the force of the formation that was pressing on him, nodded slightly and said, "It's good that Zhou Daoyou understands, among mortals, there are still gentlemen who take revenge, ten years is not too late, not to mention our long lifespan The immortal cultivator? As long as Luo Yunqing is still alive, are you afraid that you will not have the chance to take revenge in the future, fellow Daoist Zhou?"

Zhou Yang did not respond to his words, but stared at Luo Yunqing who was outside the mountain formation, and then sternly shouted: "Luo Yunqing, I, Zhou Yang, hereby swear with my heart that within fifteen years, I will kill you by the sword !"

I swear with my Dao heart, I will kill Luo Yunqing by the sword within fifteen years!

This is Zhou Yang's promise to the dead old patriarch Zhou Minghan, and it is also the shackles he put on himself.

If he can't successfully open up the Purple Mansion within fifteen years and kill Luo Yunqing under the sword, his heart will be dusted, and he will have no progress in his cultivation in the future!

He was going to fight with his back and not leave a single retreat for himself.

It's just that his words full of determination, not only didn't scare Luo Yunqing, but made him laugh out loud: "Hahaha, you said it yourself, then Luo is waiting for you, waiting to see what you do Kill Luo within fifteen years!"

He didn't believe that Zhou Yang could really kill him within fifteen years.

In fifteen years, even if Zhou Yang was able to successfully open up the Purple Mansion, it would only be at the first level of the Purple Mansion.

Luo Yunqing did not believe that Zhou Yang, who was on the first floor of the Zifu, could kill himself at the sixth level of the Zifu.

You must know that defeating and beheading are two completely different concepts!

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