Time flies, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the eyes of the defending monks on the white hump and the attacking monks outside the white hump, this year is undoubtedly extremely long.

The power of the mountain guard array on the white hump was stronger than Luo Yunqing expected.

Although he has successively transferred hundreds of Qi training monks and a dozen foundation building monks to join the attacking army during this year, the monks of the Chen family on the white hump also spared no effort to use their mana. Inject into the array to increase the power of the array.

Such a one-year attack on the mountain, not to mention the loss of Luo Yunqing's manpower due to the counterattack of the monks on the white hump, and the consumption of spirit stones just to replenish mana was as many as 70,000 to 80,000!

Of course, the Chen family on the white hump suffered even more.

The aura of the white hump's spirit veins could not supply the continuous consumption of the mountain guard array as early as three months after the attack on the mountain. The rest of the time can be sustained, all relying on the spiritual power in the Chen family's spirit stone and the monk's mana to replace the spirit veins Spiritual energy stimulates the formation.

It is conservatively estimated that after defending this year, the number of spirit stones consumed by the Chen family has exceeded 150,000 spirit stones, which is almost double that of the monks attacking the mountain!

Fortunately, the Chen family didn't just pay for the spirit stones. Zhang Yunpeng of Huang Shamen had clearly promised in the communication that Huang Shamen would bear half of the Chen family's defense consumption afterwards.

However, during this year, Zhou Yang never showed up, but borrowed a quiet room from Chen Pingan to practice hard work.

After a year of painstaking practice, with the help of the elixir, his cultivation base was successfully promoted to the eighth floor of foundation building, which was a big step closer to opening up the Purple Mansion.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, there is news from Sect Leader Zhang today that in order to take us down completely, Luo Yunqing has persuaded Tiezhangweng and Cangyunsou to come to Baisha River Oasis for support."

"The strange thing is that under such circumstances, he told us not to worry, that someone will come to support us, and also told us to play by ear and prepare for battle."

"Do you know what kind of medicine he sells in this gourd?"

On this day, Zhou Yang, who had just been promoted to the eighth floor of the foundation building, was suddenly called out of the retreat room by Chen Pingan, and then he heard him say these words with a confused face.

After hearing Chen Pingan's words, his mind was full of thoughts, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he understood something, a mysterious smile appeared on his face and said: "Since the head of Zhang said so, there must be no falsehood, Senior Chen only needs to pass on his order!"

Seeing him like this, Chen Ping frowned slightly, and said with an unhappy expression: "You Daoist Zhou seems to know what Master Zhang means. I don't know why you don't want to tell Chen? Don't tell me you can't trust Chen!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang shook his head quickly and said: "Senior Chen misunderstood, this junior has absolutely no intention of hiding from Senior Chen, but this junior is just guessing now, and dare not jump to conclusions, in case the meaning of Zhang Zongmen is different from what this junior thinks , the junior speaks out now, isn’t it misleading the seniors!”

"Well, since this is the case, then Chen will convey the meaning of the head of Zhang!"

Chen Ping took a deep look at Zhou Yang and nodded, but did not pursue the matter further.

But Zhou Yang waited until Chen Pingan left, but he looked outside the white hump with piercing eyes and muttered to himself: "Is Senior Cao finally ready to make a move? I don't know how much strength he has recovered now!"

Jiang Yuyan is still refining the "Heterogenetic Golden Elixir" in retreat, and it will take at least half a year before she can leave the customs. This is what Zhang Yunpeng has said in several replies.

So Zhou Yang knew that apart from Cao Wenjin who had been hiding in the cave for retreat after the seizure of the house, even if Zhang Yunpeng came himself, he would not dare to say that he would be able to solve the siege of Baituofeng.

As long as Cao Wenjin made a move, even if his cultivation base had not recovered to the golden core stage, he would definitely not be able to match the two casual cultivators of Zifu and Luo Yunqing.

At this time, Luo Yunqing didn't know that Cao Wenjin, who he had always thought was seriously injured, had already seized his body and had the strength to do it.

He was overjoyed because two casual cultivators from Zifu came to help.

"The two fellow daoists are willing to help out, and Luo is very grateful. Please rest assured, as long as the white hump is broken, the treasure house of the Chen family and the treasures of the monks on the mountain will be left to the two fellow daoists to choose five pieces first." !"

Outside the white hump, Luo Yunqing looked at the two casual cultivators from Zifu, Tiezhangweng and Cangyunsou, who were invited to help out, and made a promise on the spot with a happy face.

Although the Tieshangweng and Cangyunsou are only on the fourth floor of the Zifu, they have been famous for many years and their skills are not weak.

If the two joined forces, Luo Yunqing would have to pay himself if he was on the match, most likely he would be defeated and retreat after a period of time.

With the addition of these two new forces, it is certainly impossible for the White Hump's mountain guard formation to continue.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is indeed straightforward, the old couple will thank you fellow Daoist first."

The gray-haired Tie Zhang Weng and Cang Yun old man looked at each other, and the old man couldn't stop smiling.

The two of them only agreed to come to help out at this time. They originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Now that Luo Yunqing is so "on the road", the two of them are of course satisfied.

Next, Luo Yunqing let the monks under him rest for two days to recharge their spirits and recover their mana.

Two days later, under the leadership of the three Zifu monks, dozens of foundation-building monks and thousands of Qi-training monks rushed towards the white hump.

"It's coming! Whether it's life or death, it all depends on this battle!"

On the white hump, Chen Pingan saw a large sword light flying in the sky, and his face suddenly became extremely serious.

The result of this battle will determine the future fate of their Chen family.

They have no way out!

There was nothing to say about the scene, what should be said, Luo Yunqing was tired of talking about it this year, so after he came outside the white hump, he directly sacrificed several magic weapons and hit the shield formed by the mountain protection formation.

Seeing this, the Tiezhangman and Cangyun old man also had a sinister smile on their faces, and each sacrificed their magical weapons to join the attacking array.

When the three Zifu monks worked together, the formation shield covering the entire white hump suddenly shook violently.

After those foundation-building monks and Qi-training monks also joined the attack array, the formation shield was attacked by thousands of spells and magic weapons, and only a shallow layer remained after less than a quarter of an hour.

"It can't be done, the formation can't hold it anymore!"

As the formation controller, Chen Ping's face was flushed red from the pressure because the mountain protection formation was close to collapse.

Generally speaking, the greater the power of the formation, the higher the cultivation requirements for the people in the main formation.

If the cultivation base of the people in the main formation is not worthy of the level of the formation, then when the formation is attacked by a powerful enemy, even if the shield of the formation is not broken, the people in the main formation will easily suffer backlash because they cannot withstand the formation. The power fell.

It is said that formations above the fifth level can use powerful magic tools to act as a support to replace monks.

However, the magic weapon that can suppress the formation must be at least a fifth-order magic weapon, and there can't be only one or two.

"Persist a little longer, Senior Chen, hold on a little longer, Sect Leader Zhang will never lie to us on such a big matter, people who will support us should be arriving soon!"

While Zhou Yang input mana into the formation to maintain the shield of the formation, he loudly transmitted voice to cheer and encourage Chen Pingan.

Now, they can only trust Zhang Yunpeng.

After persisting like this for another half a quarter of an hour, the change finally happened!

There was a flash of sword light, and a golden sword light suddenly flew from the direction behind Luo Yunqing and the others.

As soon as the golden sword light appeared, he went straight to Luo Yunqing and the other three Zifu monks.

"Where did this strange Zifu monk come from!"

Luo Yunqing looked at the golden sword light in astonishment, wondering about the origin of the unusually young monk in the sword light.

Judging from the aura, the aura emitted by the owner of the golden sword light is enough to reach the fifth floor of the Zifu.

A Zifu cultivator with such a cultivation base, and with such a young face, shouldn't have any impression on him.

But just when he was puzzled, the golden sword light stopped in the air, and then came out an old voice that made him almost fall off the flying sword: "Luo Yunqing, do you still know this old man?"

"Cao... old ghost Cao, you are old ghost Cao!"

Luo Yunqing cried out in surprise with his tongue trembling, and immediately put away the magic weapon and fled to the outside of the battlefield without saying a word.

The fear stemming from the bottom of his heart made him dare not even think about fighting Cao Wenjin, even though his cultivation seemed to be a level higher than Cao Wenjin.

How could Cao Wenjin let this traitor go so easily, even if he wanted to release his fifth-order flying sword to kill the traitor.

But at this moment, Zhou Yang's voice suddenly sounded from the white hump.

"Senior Cao will keep someone under his sword, and this person's head has been reserved for this junior, so please let this person live for a few more years!"

Cao Wenjin had also heard about Zhou Yang's Dao Heart oath. Hearing Zhou Yang's words at this time, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he immediately turned his sword light and killed the two loose cultivators from the Zifu.

Tiezhangweng and Cangyunsou were already frightened to death after hearing Luo Yunqing reveal Cao Wenjin's identity.

Seeing that Cao Wenjin had abandoned Luo Yunqing, a traitor, and came to kill them, the two of them were frightened out of their wits, and fled to the outside of the battlefield as fast as they could, neither having any intention of fighting Cao Wenjin.

It's just that if they want to escape, it depends on whether Cao Wenjin will give it or not.


Tie Zhang Weng, who was fleeing for his life, suddenly heard a cold and piercing snort in his mind, and then a sharp pain rose from his soul in the purple mansion, so painful that he couldn't help but hugged his hair and let out a miserable cry. Call.

Then before he could recover from the pain that came directly from the depths of his soul, a sharp golden sword light cut through the protection of the magic weapon and spell on his body, and chopped off his head on the spot.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of old man Cang Yun, he immediately had no doubts about Cao Wenjin's identity, and then the old man knelt down in mid-air without any backbone, begging for mercy repeatedly: "Senior Cao, please forgive me, junior, please forgive me!" Surrender, the junior is willing to surrender, and please forgive the senior..."

The golden sword light pierced the sky, instantly interrupting old man Cangyun's begging for mercy.

Cao Wenjin showed his attitude with practical actions.

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