Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 265 Don't bully the sky! 【Four Thousand Character Chapter】

Zhou Yang was successfully promoted to the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment and passed through the customs. This is definitely something that made all the monks of the Zhou family extremely happy.

Zhou Yang is not Zhou Minghan, he is only one hundred and three years old, and he still has a great chance to open up the Zifu.

And even the stupid Zhou family monks know what it means once Zhou Yang succeeds in opening up the Purple Mansion.

That not only meant that Zhou Yang himself had been promoted to become a cultivator of the Purple Mansion and joined the ranks of high-ranking monks, but it also meant that the Zhou family would also become a Zifu family with the cultivators of the Purple Mansion sitting in charge and protecting them from now on.

Once the Zhou family becomes the Zifu family, it will definitely occupy a larger territory and more cultivation resources. At that time, they, Zhou family monks, will naturally benefit from it.

Zhou Xuanzhen, who had gone to Haoyang Mountain for inspection, heard the news and hurried back to meet him.

"Father, have I retreated for these years, has any major event happened?"

In the Purple Cloud Cave, Zhou Yang met his father Zhou Xuanzhen and chatted for a few words before asking him about what had happened in these years of retreat.

"There are only a few big things, but a lot of small things happened."

Zhou Xuanhao organized his language, and immediately told the major events that happened during Zhou Yang's retreat one by one.

When he heard that Huang Shamen defeated Guo Shuyun, Zhou Yang's expression was unmoved. This was something he had guessed before retreating.

However, when he heard that Cao Wenjin died on the front line, causing the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World, which was about to calm down, to fall into turmoil again, his face finally changed color.


He let out a long sigh, feeling a lot of emotions about Cao Wenjin's death.

He could almost imagine Cao Wenjin's reluctance before his death.

Time, as long as Cao Wenjin is given another three to five years, he will definitely be able to lead the Huang Shamen to quell the rebellion and allow the sect to transfer power completely.

It's a pity that God's will is like this, and it cannot be restored by humans.

After sighing in memory of Cao Wenjin, the senior, Zhou Yang restrained his expression, looked at his father Zhou Xuanhao again and said, "Now, father, please talk about those small things."

"The first thing is that when the brothers and sisters of Guangxiang followed Huang Shamen to suppress the rebellion, they seized a large number of inheritances of martial arts and the inheritance of cultivating immortals. These inheritances may not be valued by Huang Shamen, but let us Zhou Jiadan, tools, talismans, The inheritance of formation, spirit planting, and beast control has all been promoted to the third level, according to what Guangxiang said, within ten years, he will be promoted to a third-level array mage!"

"The second thing is that Huang Yi returned to the family alive after you retreated for five years. Because you are in retreat, you dare not let him come to Chihu Ridge as a father, but let him go to Haoyang Mountain first. Sit down and practice."

"The third thing is that during the past few years of your retreat, when the monks of the family explored in the desert around Red Fox Ridge, they discovered a copper vein. According to the exploration results, it is a small rich mine."

"The fourth thing is that Ying'er's Lingzhifu skills were successfully promoted to the third level when she transplanted the elixir and spirit wood of the Yang family, and she became the first third-level Lingzhihusband since the establishment of our Zhou family, and she is now The success rate of refining third-tier low-grade spirit pills has reached more than four floors, and we are preparing to attack third-tier mid-tier alchemists."

"Fifth thing, the spirit talismans you entrusted Yuan Chen to make at the beginning were sent to the family after Yuan Chen finished making them three years ago. There are a total of fifty-seven third-level low-grade spirit talismans and four hundred and thirty-two second-level high-grade spirit talismans. , These things are all your personal possessions, and you still need to distribute them yourself."

"Sixth thing, the number of elders in the ninth floor of the family's Qi training has increased to fifteen, and it is expected to increase to twenty in the next ten years. Is this number too much?"

Zhou Xuanhao told each of the things that he thought were worth mentioning, so that Zhou Yang would know what to say.

Zhou Yang listened to each item without interrupting Zhou Xuanhao's narration, and only after he finished speaking did he lower his head and start thinking.

After contemplating for a while, he raised his head and said, "It's a good thing that Guangxiang wants to attack the third-tier formation master. No matter what help he needs to attack the third-order formation master, as long as our Zhou family can do it, father, you can let him provide it." Come out, we must do it for him."

"With Huang Yi, before I go to Huang Shamen, I will go to see him, and then we will talk about the arrangements for him."

"The copper produced in the copper mine is a high-grade refining material. The monks of the family who discover it should be rewarded heavily. As for the mining, father, you and the elders of the family should be responsible."

"The talismans made by Brother Yuanchen were originally prepared by my child for the monks of the family. Father, you can put them all in the family treasure house and let the monks of the family exchange them freely. The contribution points obtained from the exchange will be temporarily deposited in my name."

"As for the increase in the number of elders in the family, my son understands what you mean, father, but this matter should not be changed for the time being. Let's talk about it after my son opens up the Purple Mansion!"

After talking about the results of his disposal one by one, Zhou Yang paused again, and in a low voice informed his father Zhou Xuanhao of the transaction he had made with Cao Wenjin.

Originally, to keep this matter a secret, only he and the old patriarch Zhou Minghan knew about the entire Zhou family.

But now that Zhou Minghan has passed away, and he has already reached the ninth floor of foundation building, there is no need to keep this matter so tight.

After he finished talking about this matter, before Zhou Xuanhao recovered from the shock and distraction brought about by the news, he continued: "The boy will go to Huangshamen to open up the Purple Mansion in a few days, so father, you are also You can start organizing the migration of mortals, and when the baby returns successfully, it will be the time for my Zhou family to take off!"

"Could it be too urgent? You have just been promoted to the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment, so you don't need to wait for another year or two!"

Zhou Xuanhao came back to his senses, and expressed his opinion with a face that was seven points excited and three points worried.

The news revealed by Zhou Yang certainly made him extremely excited. After all, the person who is going to open up the Purple Mansion is Zhou Xuanzhen's son.

Once Zhou Yang succeeds in opening up the Purple Mansion, he, Zhou Xuanzhen, will be the father of a cultivator in the Zi Mansion, and this alone is enough for him to brag about it for the rest of his life.

But as a cultivator, he knows that when he breaks through the realm, he should avoid impulsive progress.

Zhou Yang has just raised his cultivation level to the ninth floor of the foundation building, and he is eager to open up the Zifu immediately. Isn't this impulsive?

As a father, it is of course necessary for Zhou Xuanhao to remind his son on this matter, lest he make a big mistake on the spur of the moment!

"No hurry at all!"

Zhou Yang looked at his father with worry in his eyes, and said firmly, "Father, have you forgotten? At the beginning, my boy vowed to kill Luo Yunqing by the sword within fifteen years. Now that ten years have passed, if my boy If we don’t open up the Purple Mansion, once the oath period is over, I’m afraid there will be no hope for the Purple Mansion in this life!”


Zhou Xuanhao's expression changed, and he was speechless.

The degree of binding force of such things as Dao Xin oath on monks depends entirely on whether a monk still has the desire to make progress.

If it is the kind of monk whose cultivation base has stagnated for many years and has completely lost hope for the next realm, it is fine even if he does not abide by the Taoist oath he made.

But for a talented young monk like Zhou Yang who still has infinite possibilities, the binding force of this Dao Heart Oath is no worse than that of the "Netherworld Blood Contract".

And once this kind of Taoist oath is made, it must be concluded by oneself.

If you deliberately ask others to help you, first of all, you have violated your own Dao heart.

People can deceive others, but not heaven!

Zhou Yangdao is determined, so he naturally disdains to do things that deceive himself and others, and try to deceive the sky.

Seeing the change in Zhou Xuanhao's complexion, he immediately comforted him: "Don't worry, Father, since the child dares to make an oath, he will naturally have the confidence to fulfill the oath, so don't worry about it!"

"Well, in terms of practice, you are indeed ahead of my father. My father can no longer help you in this regard. I only hope that you can be careful in everything and think twice before acting!"

Zhou Xuanhao sighed bewilderedly, and nodded his head, which seemed to agree with Zhou Yang's statement.

He has always been very self-aware, and never meddles in areas that he is not familiar with. In terms of cultivation, he has long been unable to teach Zhou Yang things, and he is very clear about this.

Moreover, every immortal cultivator has his own independent will. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger and purer the will.

Any thoughts and practices that attempt to interfere with the will of others will arouse resentment and disgust from others, even between father and son, and husband and wife.

Zhou Xuanhao is not stupid, of course he will not rely on his father's status to forcibly interfere with Zhou Yang's will.

After Zhou Yang had a good talk with his father, Zhou Xuanhao, he only stayed on Chihu Ridge for a month to accompany his relatives, and then left Chihu Ridge for Yuquan Lake Oasis and Haoyang Mountain.

After he was going to inspect these two spiritual mountains, he went directly to Huangshamen to retreat and open up the Zifu.

At this time, because the monks of the Zhou family had not yet moved back, Yuquan Peak looked somewhat desolate. There were only a dozen or so low-level monks who took care of the Lingtian in the entire Lingshan to practice on it.

Zhou Yang met with the monks of the Zhou family who were practicing on the mountain, and after saying some words of encouragement, they went to the cemetery in the back mountain.

The ashes of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan had been buried in the cemetery. Zhou Yang stood in front of the tombstone engraved with "Tomb of Zhou Minghan, the third-generation patriarch of the Yuquan Zhou family" for half an hour, but said nothing. Just turned around and left.

He will come back again, and next time he comes back, he will use the blood of his enemies to dye a white cloth red and wrap it around Zhou Minghan's tomb, fulfilling his promise to this elder.

After leaving Yuquan Peak, Zhou Yang went to Haoyang Mountain again, and met Huang Yi who was practicing there.

He only knew from Huang Yi's mouth that although Huang Yi's attack from the fifth-level top-grade Golden Winged Thunder Eagle had shocked Huang Yi's whole body, but he relied on the powerful defense and recovery ability of the "Golden Body Art of Guarding the Land" to hang on. He took a breath and didn't let go.

Later, after the monster left, he buried himself directly in the ground, slowly absorbing the energy of the fifth-order spiritual vein of the earth to recover and heal his injuries.

After spending more than seven years in this way, he not only recovered from his injuries, but also raised his cultivation level to the third level of foundation building due to a blessing in disguise, and the defensive recovery ability of the "Golden Body Guarding Earth" has been greatly improved by several percent.

Knowing this, Zhou Yang also had to lament the luck of this person.

Although Huang Yi didn't say it clearly, he knew that besides the unexpected effect of "Shoutu Jinshen Jue", the reason for being able to survive such a situation was Huang Yi's firm will and never gave up. .

It's a pity that this person's heart is not in the Zhou family, otherwise, Zhou Yang would definitely not hesitate to use the best resources to train this person.

"As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. You should have benefited a lot when you came out after staying in Xijiao Continent for seven years, right?"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he suddenly looked at Huang Yi and asked.

Hearing his words, Huang Yi's expression changed, and he quickly said: "The patriarch misunderstood, when he came out after healed, there were already some ape monsters and giant rat monsters who didn't know where they came from. beasts, and even a fifth-order monster occupying the cave where the [Golden Horned Rhinoceros] lives."

"With these monsters here, how dare I stay there longer? Let alone looking for some treasure!"

"Oh, there are ape monsters and giant rat monsters appearing in Xijiao Continent?"

Zhou Yang's expression froze for a moment, his mind was full of thoughts, and soon he remembered the Lingshi mine.

Thinking of this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked: "Do you know what those monsters are doing on Xijiao Island?"

"Naturally, it is to mine spirit stones!" Huang Yi replied with an unnatural expression.

Zhou Yang said "Sure enough" in his heart, not surprised by Huang Yi's answer at all.

When Huang Yi said earlier that there were ape-like monsters and giant rat-like monsters, he thought of the behavior of the fifth-level top-grade golden-winged Thunderhawk attacking the Lingshi mine, and he almost guessed these things.

It's just that when he really got the exact news, he still felt unavoidable in his heart.

You must know that he has a lot of ideas about the Lingshi Mine and even the super-large oasis of Xijiaozhou itself. He originally thought about whether he could go there to see if he had a chance to occupy it after he succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion in the future.

Now it seems that his idea cannot be realized at least before he condenses the golden core.

It's just that if he condenses the golden core, the spirit stone mine will probably be dug up long ago. At most, he will occupy that super-large oasis and use it as the new foundation of the Zhou family.

"Okay, I know about this matter, don't worry, no matter what treasures you get on Xijiao Continent, you bought them with your life, and the family will not ask you to donate them because of this."

"However, what I want to tell you is that I will retreat and open up the Purple Mansion in a few days, and if I succeed, you will know what it means!"

"During this period of time, you can continue to stay here and practice. By the way, think about what I just said. I still appreciate your perseverance!"

Zhou Yang took a deep look at Huang Yi, but he didn't mind revealing some information to let the other party know.

Then he didn't look at how Huang Yi's face changed after hearing what he said, and immediately let out his flying sword and flew towards the gate of Huang Shamen.

He has said everything that needs to be said. If Huang Yi doesn't get on the road, he will miss his chance.

The second update!

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