The limit has increased by thousands of favorites, but there is no movement in the subscription, I panic, I really panic!

I have already consulted some author friends, and everyone said that if the new subscription is not ideal after the exemption, don't think about any recommendations in the future!

I want a recommendation, very much! Dream about it!

So, please subscribe, please those book friends who are free to read, can subscribe to the chapters I have read before, please please please please!

This book is now on an average order of 1400, as long as the average order can reach 2000, it will definitely be recommended by others, so I sincerely ask those book lovers who like this type of book to help the author!

Those who read the D version, I don’t ask you to subscribe all of them, but please, can you spend one or two yuan to subscribe to the chapters I update every day in the next week, so as to help increase the subscription?

In this way, the website operators may see the increase in follow-up subscriptions after the restriction and exemption, and they may think that my book has good potential and will give a recommendation.

And those book friends who have always supported the full subscription of this book, can you also subscribe to the chapter that was free yesterday, so that the subscription will not be so ugly!

Writing a book is really tiring!

Please forgive the author!

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