Yellow sand door.

Compared to when he could only get someone to pick him up the mountain secretly, this time Zhou Yang came to Huangshamen, and he didn't have any intention of hiding his whereabouts at all.

Now he no longer needs to be afraid of exposing his relationship with Huang Shamen, because no matter whether this relationship is exposed or not, he and Luo Yunqing are eternal enemies.

Since this is the case, of course he will not do things that make people laugh after they know it.

"Friend Zhou came so fast!"

Unlike the last time he received Zhou Yang in a side hall, Zhang Yunpeng received Zhou Yang directly at the main hall where the head of the sect practiced daily.

Such specifications are generally only available to monks of the Zifu period, and it is not the treatment that ordinary monks of the Zifu period can enjoy.

And because Zhou Yang had asked Chen Pingan from the Chen family to notify Zhang Yunpeng of the relevant news before Zhou Yang set off, so Zhang Yunpeng would only say this after seeing him at this time.

"You can't hurry up, the time left for the juniors is running out!"

Zhou Yang looked out of the hall and said, his eyes seemed to be able to travel thousands of miles to see the enemy who lived on Luofeng Mountain.

This is of course an illusion, but as the date of the Dao Heart Oath approached, he did feel a sense of urgency in his daily practice.

He knew that this was his own soul warning him, reminding him not to forget the Dao Xin oath.

"It seems that Zhou Daoyou is really ready."

Zhang Yunpeng stared at him carefully for a few times, then nodded slightly and said: "Since fellow daoist has already made up his mind, then Zhang will naturally not violate the agreement between master and fellow daoist. This jade slip records that my Huang Shamen Daoist friends can study the experience of more than a dozen Zifu monks who opened up the Zifu, and the [Purple Heart Chalcedony] will be sent to Daoist friends in a few days."

After Zhang Yunpeng finished speaking, he first handed the jade slips to Zhou Yang, and then took out a token and handed it to him, saying: "This token is the entrance and exit token of the cave specially prepared by my Huangshamen for the monks who opened up the Purple Mansion. From now on, Zhou Daoyou will temporarily live in it."

"Senior Zhang is here."

Zhou Yang took the jade slip and the token, and cupped his hands to express his gratitude.

Opening up Zifu in retreat in the mountain gate of Huangshamen, of course, Cao Wenjin was afraid that he would run away after using "Purple Heart Chalcedony" to open up Zifu.

But on the other hand, this is a fifth-level high-grade spiritual vein after all. If he opens up the Purple Mansion here, it will save him at least a year or two of practice after he advances.

However, Zhou Yang was not in a hurry to go to the cave to retreat immediately to study the experience of the senior monks in the jade slip. Instead, he first visited his clan brother Zhou Yuanchen to express his family's gratitude for his help in making the talisman.

"Ninth brother, your cultivation talent is really beyond the envy of my brother!"

"To be honest, Brother Wei was very unconvinced when his great-grandfather chose you to take the Foundation Establishment Pill. He thought it was because of his uncle that he favored you!"

"But now I know how ridiculous my original thoughts were! It's my great-grandfather who takes a long-term view. He should have seen your potential long ago, so he chose to use the strength of the whole family to train you .”

"And you really did not disappoint great-grandfather and his old man. Under your leadership, the Zhou family has indeed become more and more prosperous year by year, and now they are almost promoted to become the Zifu family!"

"I am inferior to you! Far inferior!"

In Zhou Yuanchen's cave, in the face of Zhou Yang's visit, the "Yuan" brother of the Zhou family warmly entertained him with good wine and dishes.

It's just that after the two of them ate and drank for a while, Zhou Yuanchen looked at Zhou Yang with emotion, and sighed for a while, as if he had opened up a chatterbox.

As he himself said, when he was in the Yellow Shamen, he was actually very unconvinced when he heard the old patriarch Zhou Minghan identify Zhou Yang as the "foundation seed" of the Zhou family.

Because he is the eldest brother of the "Yuan" generation, and he has the middle-grade spiritual root qualification of the thunder attribute, he didn't have this kind of treatment at the beginning, so he had to join the Huang Shamen at the age of twenty to fight.

It's hard to explain whether his decision to attack the Foundation Establishment Level even without the Foundation Establishment Pill was partly because of his anger, wanting to prove to the old patriarch Zhou Minghan and the family elders that he was no better than Zhou Yangchao.

But what happened later, especially the things that Zhou Yang did since he took over as the head of the Zhou family after he established his foundation, gradually made him realize that he was indeed inferior to Zhou Yang, no matter in which aspect.

Now, at the age of 103 years, Zhou Yang has cultivated to the ninth floor of the foundation building, and is about to open up the Purple Mansion.

And he, Zhou Yuanchen, who was in his twenties older than Zhou Yang, was still at the fourth level of foundation building, which already explained a lot of things.

It’s just that he can say this, Zhou Yang obviously can’t think so himself, even if he cupped his hands very modestly and said: “Brother Yuan Chen is absurdly praised, but the younger brother is only a bit talented in cultivation. This cultivation is inseparable from the cultivation and support of great-grandfather and the elders."

"The family's prosperity is also the result of everyone's joint efforts, and you, Brother Yuanchen, have contributed to it, but it's not just the younger brother's work alone!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yuanchen reached out and grabbed his wrist, shaking his head again and again, "Ninth Brother, you don't have to be so modest, between us brothers, there's no need to be so polite, what's the truth, Brother Wei is very clear-eyed, you are indeed The pride of our Zhou family is also proud of having a brother like you!"

Zhou Yang was silent for a while.

He could feel Zhou Yuanchen's complicated mood at the moment. He probably heard that after he was going to retreat in the Huangshamen and open up the Purple Mansion today, what this clan brother had been pursuing so hard for a long time collapsed. Express your thoughts.

"Brother, you drank too much."

In the end, he just grabbed Zhou Yuanchen's wrist and said such a dry sentence.

Zhou Yuanchen let him hold on, didn't deny it, just looked at him fixedly and said: "You must succeed! You must succeed!"

Without waiting for Zhou Yang to respond, he murmured to himself again: "After you succeed, brother can rest assured to marry a wife and have children in the sect, and leave a blood inheritance!"

Marry a wife and have children, and then let the descendants with spiritual roots return to the Zhou family to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors. This is what he promised when the Zhou family sponsored him to build the foundation.

It's just that in these years, he was busy improving his cultivation and improving his talisman making skills, so he didn't have time to think about it.

Secondly, he also held his breath unwilling to admit defeat, wanting to compete with Zhou Yang again to see who is more talented and who has contributed more to the Zhou family.

But now, he has no such thoughts.

As long as Zhou Yang succeeded in opening up the Zifu and the Zhou family was promoted to become the Zifu family, he, Zhou Yuanchen, would have no reason to do so.

And he is indeed not young, if he intends to leave offspring, now is the best time.

"Brother, don't worry, little brother will succeed, definitely!"

Zhou Yang finally stopped being modest, and just grabbed Zhou Yuanchen's wrist tightly, letting this clan brother feel his firmest determination and will.

Next, after Zhou Yang bid farewell to Zhou Yuanchen, he went directly back to the cave arranged by Zhang Yunpeng for retreat, and devoted himself to comprehending the experience left by the senior monks.

Naturally, there is no need to mention how much these experiences and experiences in opening up the Purple Mansion will help a monk who is about to open up the Purple Mansion.

If Zhou Yang hadn't made such a deal with Cao Wenjin, if he wanted to open up the Purple Mansion, he would really have to do it on his own.

And when he was in retreat, Jiang Yuyan at Luofeng Mountain also asked someone to bring back the "Purple Heart Chalcedony" left to him by Cao Wenjin and hand it over to him. There are two other spiritual creatures that are slightly helpful in opening up the Purple Mansion.

These two kinds of spiritual things are "Incense for Yinshen" and "Grass for Requiem".

Among them, the "spirit-inducing incense" was lit when the Zifu was opened, and the fragrance was helpful to attract the souls hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness, thus helping the monks find the correct location.

As long as one piece of "Requiem Grass" is taken in the mouth, it can have the effect of calming the mind and soul.

These two spirits are also the most helpful spirits that the foundation-building monks in the boundless sand sea and immortal world can buy with spirit stones when they open up the Purple Mansion.

But for Zhou Yang, only the "Requiem Grass" might be useful for these two spirits.

His sea of ​​consciousness has been expanded by more than half after the incident of the blood ghost seizing the house, and he can clearly sense and find his own soul without the help of the "spiritual incense".

As for the "Requiem Grass", it was prepared for the weak-willed, but his Dao heart was extremely firm.

Therefore, together with the "Purple Heart Chalcedony", he put these things into the storage bag, and prepared to leave them for the Taoist companion Xiao Ying to use when opening up the Purple Mansion.

That's right, Zhou Yang never thought of using "Purple Heart Chalcedony" to help open up the Purple Mansion.

It was precisely because of this that he bargained with Cao Wenjin on the exchange of "Purple Heart Chalcedony" for "Jade Liquid Golden Pill".

In fact, in his heart, accepting this "Purple Heart Chalcedony" is still selling Cao Wenjin's face.

Otherwise, if he really wants this thing, he only needs to go to Liuyun Island to cultivate immortals after opening up the Zifu, and he can buy one for less than 300,000 spirit stones for safekeeping. "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir"!

"It just so happens that the [Purple Cloud Fruits] in Ziyun Cave will mature in another 30 to 40 years. At that time, some [Purple Cloud Pills] will be refined and let Yinger use these spirits together. Root's qualifications, the probability of opening up the Zifu can reach at least 60%!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang smiled slightly, and continued to study the experience left by those senior monks.

In this way, after half a year of retreating and studying these experiences in the cave mansion, he finally had a clear understanding of the various precautions and process of opening up the purple mansion.

It wasn't until this time that he sent a message to Zhang Yunpeng, Feijian, to inform the other party that he was going to formally attack the Zifu.

It’s too late to post the two chapters together. Post one chapter first, and post another chapter or two chapters during the day tomorrow. Please subscribe for support, please!

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