Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 268: The Four Great Abilities! (Third watch please subscribe!)

The so-called invisible things of immortal cultivators are not tiny microorganisms invisible to ordinary people, but the laws of the great way.

This can be said: Tao is invisible.

The so-called inaudible sound by immortals is not the inaudible infrasound wave, but the sound of the great way.

This can be described as: the Tao is inaudible.

The so-called unobservable things by immortals are also not ghosts and ghosts that ordinary people cannot see with naked eyes, but invisible avenues.

This can be described as: the Tao cannot be named.

These invisible things, unheard sounds, and undetectable things all involve the laws of the Dao, which are far beyond the reach of monks below the Nascent Soul stage.

Even monks in the Nascent Soul stage should be careful when they touch these things, otherwise they will encounter disasters.

Therefore, when opening up the Purple Mansion, when cultivators come into contact with these things due to special circumstances, they must stick to their hearts and avoid any temptation to pursue and study these things.

This is somewhat the same as the "Spirit Consciousness Pass" of the three foundation building passes, but it is also different.

The hallucinations experienced by "Shen Consciousness Pass" are all illusory and non-existent things, and they do not exist in essence.

And those things that Zhou Yang has come into contact with now are the real Dao laws.

He may not really look like what he is in contact with now, but it does exist, and it is something that can be touched and comprehended by high-level beings.

Of course, no matter what, for Zhou Yang at this moment, what he has to do is to stick to his heart, stick to his heart, keep his mind on what he doesn't see and don't hear, and concentrate on continuing to work in the Shenting acupoint. The soul builds a residence.

After such a long time, a majestic palace rose from the ground in his divine court.

In front of the palace is a stone statue of a green dragon and a white tiger to protect each other, on the top of the palace is a red bird spreading its wings, and inside the palace is a town house with Xuanwu carrying a stele.

There is a famous hall in this Dao Palace, which is called "Four Spirits Protecting Dao Palace", which is a kind of superior Zifu residence.

The Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu four spirits are not only good-looking, but also have the power to protect the way.

Zhou Yang's soul resides in it, and if he encounters a high-level monk who seizes his house, or is possessed by a powerful ghost, or is attacked by someone using a secret method to attack the soul, these four spirits can protect him to a certain extent.

At this time, as soon as the "Four Spirits Guardian Palace" was built, Zhou Yang's soul instantly turned into a golden light and submerged in it, and then a mysterious and mysterious feeling quickly rose from Zhou Yang's consciousness.

His consciousness suddenly rose infinitely. He was obviously in the cave that isolated everything, but he quickly saw the scene outside the cave, Zhang Yunpeng who was protecting him outside the cave, and the practitioners who were practicing in other caves on the mountain. Brother Huang Shamen saw the monks coming and going on the mountain to do business.

He tried to recall the confusion and bottlenecks he encountered when he was practicing "Da Yan Jian Jue", and found that those things that he couldn't understand before, now he can understand them when he thinks about them.

Originally he was busy with his practice, but he only understood the first five of the nine basic sword formations recorded in "Da Yan Jian Jue", and the sixth "Liuhe Guiyi Sword Formation" was still a long way from learning it.

But now, not only did he quickly comprehend the secret of the "Liuhe Guiyi Sword Formation", he also quickly comprehended the "Seven Stars Accompanied by the Moon Sword Formation", and directly promoted the progress to the "Bamensuo Immortal Sword Formation". The ninth basic sword formation "Nine Palaces Sword Formation" has a certain understanding.

Then he tried to think about refining weapons, thinking about his own failures in refining weapons, and thinking about some experiences recorded by the old patriarch Zhou Minghan on his experience in refining weapons.

In an instant, many mistakes and things I didn't understand that I couldn't find before were naturally discovered and understood.

He felt that if he refined that magic weapon again at this time, he would definitely not fail.

He originally wanted to think deeply, but at this moment, he suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something, and he had a bad feeling.

Before he could think about what was going on, a searing pain suddenly hit him, and then he suddenly yelled "Ah", and came back to his senses.

Zhou Yang came back to his senses, and saw his spirit sitting on the body of Xuanwu in the Zifu of the Taoist Palace with a dispirited expression on his face. The golden flame on the spirit's body was shining brightly and burning blazingly.

At this moment, he still didn't understand what happened just now.

"Huh, it's really dangerous!"

"If it weren't for the spirit to ignite the real fire to warn me, I would almost be intoxicated in the world of mysteries and unable to extricate myself!"

Zhou Yang exhaled with fear on his face, and quickly took out a piece of "Requiem Grass" from the storage bag and put it in his mouth, using the effect of this spiritual thing to nourish the soul.

And outside the cave, when Zhou Yang successfully opened up the "Four Spirits Protecting the Dao Palace", his soul was submerged in it, and his consciousness was infinitely high. When he saw the situation outside the cave, Zhang Yunpeng, who was protecting him outside, had already opened his eyes. Eyes opened.

"Wandering around the world? It seems that Zhou Daoyou has succeeded, but I don't know if he can pass this last level, which is also the most dangerous level!"

Zhang Yunpeng opened up the Purple Mansion for many years, and now he has reached the ninth level of the Purple Mansion through his combined practice with Jiang Yuyan, who has been trained as the "Heterogenetic Golden Elixir" and left the customs.

With his cultivation base and his personal experience of "Mind Traveling to Heaven and Earth", he is of course no stranger to this vision.

It was precisely because he knew the dangers involved that he was a little worried about Zhou Yang's success.

He no longer doubts Zhou Yang's talent now, but he is more aware of one thing, the more talented people are, the more dangerous they are sometimes when they are in the state of "wandering around the world".

Because those with high talents tend to last longer than those with low talents. Although this can allow them to gain more, it is also easier for them to become intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves. It can be said that rewards and dangers coexist.

After waiting anxiously for several days, Zhang Yunpeng finally waited for the sound transmission symbol sent by Zhou Yang from the cave.

"Great! This news must be told to Senior Sister immediately."

Zhang Yunpeng was also extremely happy to receive the news that Zhou Yang had successfully opened up the Purple Mansion, and quickly sent a message to Jiang Yuyan who was waiting for the news at Luofeng Mountain.

Then he looked back at the cave where Zhou Yang was retreating, the expression in his eyes changed, and he finally left here with a shake of his sleeves.

Zhou Yanggang succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion. Whether it was stabilizing the state and raising mana to the level that the monks of the Purple Mansion period should have, or practicing some magic and supernatural powers that only the monks of the Purple Mansion period could learn, it was not possible to complete it in a short period of time. Master, there is really no need to stay here all the time.

Of course, if Zhou Yang wants to leave the mountain gate of Huangshamen, it is absolutely impossible. He will definitely not let Zhou Yang leave before signing the "Netherworld Blood Contract".

Zhou Yang in the cave naturally knew nothing about the outside world.

After recuperating for half a month to recover his soul, he seized the time to improve his mana cultivation.

Opening up the Purple Mansion only made his realm reach the Purple Mansion stage, but his mana has not yet completed the transformation.

However, because the shackles that restrict the improvement of mana cultivation base are no longer there, it is not difficult at all to improve the mana cultivation base. You only need to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to refine it step by step.

Zhou Yang is now on the fifth-order spiritual vein. Of course, the richness of spiritual energy in this retreat cave cannot be compared with that of Cao Wenjin's cave on the top of the mountain, but it is not comparable to the ordinary fourth-order spiritual vein.

At this time, he was cultivating in the cave, and the dense spiritual energy that formed the spiritual mist in the cave suddenly swarmed into his body and was refined by him into his own mana.

In this way, after less than a year of practice, Zhou Yang officially raised his mana cultivation to the level that a first-tier monk in the Zifu should have.

Although he is only on the first floor of the Purple Mansion, his current mana is almost three times that of when he was on the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment, and his spiritual consciousness has also doubled.

Now, once his consciousness is released, every plant and tree in a radius of twenty li is as clear as the palm of his hand.

The coverage of this spiritual consciousness is only a little bit worse than that of the ninth-floor monks of the Purple Mansion like Zhang Yunpeng.

However, in the Zifu period, because of the existence of the Zifu Taoist Palace, every monk in the Zifu period has great resistance to the attack of spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, even with such a powerful spiritual consciousness, it is basically impossible to directly kill monks of the same level through the secret technique of "God-killing Needle" as he did when he established the foundation.

But there is no doubt about the benefits brought by a strong spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, after his cultivation reached the Zifu period, the "Qianyang Orb" in Zhou Yang's body about the "Qianyang Immortal Scripture" Zifu period exercises and some magical powers were officially released to him .

The information obtained this time is a bit much.

After reaching the Zifu stage, not only the power of "Golden Light of Qianyang" and "Heavenly Sword of Qianyang" that he had mastered before has been transformed and strengthened, but also the four fundamental magical powers recorded in "Qianyang Immortal Scripture" .

These four basic magical powers are "Lihuo Golden Eyes", "Rainbow Golden Escape", "Qianyang Golden Body", and "Qianyang Shenlei".

Once the "Lihuo Golden Pupils" are practiced, once the pupils are opened, one can see one's realm and cultivation level, one can observe the direction of heaven and earth's aura, one can see through false illusions, one can gain insight into the enemy's defensive weaknesses, one can capture people's hearts and souls, and one can exterminate ghosts!

"Rainbow Golden Escape" is an evasion technique, after practice, it only needs a flash of golden light, and when it reappears, it will be hundreds of miles away, it is really a must-learn technique for chasing the enemy and escaping for life.

"Golden Body of Qianyang" is a defensive spell. Once practiced and released, it can increase the strength of the body to the level that the fourth-order magic weapon is difficult to hurt in a short period of time. It is also an extremely practical magical power for protecting the body and life.

"Dianyang Shenlei" is an attacking technique. Once practiced, it can gather the energy of gold and fire between heaven and earth to form "Qianyang Shenlei".

Because "Qianyang Shenlei" is condensed from the gas of gold and fire, its attack power is at the first level among many thunder techniques, and it is not inferior to the famous "Tiangang Shenlei".

Zhou Yang used to occasionally feel that the "Qianyang Xianjing" only allowed him to master two kinds of magical powers during the foundation building period, which was a bit inaccurate.

But now after seeing these four kinds of magical powers, he immediately has no doubts about the skills created by the true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

What's more, in addition to the four magical powers, after he was promoted to the Zifu, he also obtained information about the natal magic weapon in advance.

ps: I've been trying my best to update, please give me a subscription, please? Big guys with a lot of cash, book them all, please!

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