Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 269: Natal Artifact! 【Subscribe】

The natal magic weapon, as the name suggests, is a magic weapon that is closely related to the life of the immortal cultivator.

This kind of magic weapon has many advantages. For example, the grade and power of the magic weapon can be improved with the improvement of the cultivator. The spirituality of the magic weapon is far superior to that of ordinary magic weapons of the same level. It can even explode with power far exceeding the level of the magic weapon itself under the urging of the immortal cultivator's consumption of blood.

Of course, there is no perfect thing in the world. Although there are many advantages of the natal magic weapon, there are also disadvantages that cannot be ignored.

The disadvantage of the natal magic weapon is that it is closely related to the life of the immortal cultivator. If the natal magic weapon is damaged, even if the immortal cultivator does not fall with it, he will fall to the realm, and his vitality will be seriously injured, which will directly affect his future practice.

At the same time, the spirits used to refine the natal artifacts are also some rare and rare spiritual objects. The more powerful the natal artifacts, the rarer and harder to find the refining materials.

Generally speaking, when cultivating immortals, they will choose the magic weapon that matches their own skills when they refine their natal magic weapon.

Usually, some high-level exercises that can be cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage will come with one or several refining methods of the natal magic weapon. After the immortal cultivator reaches the Jindan stage, he can search for materials and refer to the refining methods recorded on the exercises to refine them by himself. Natal magic weapon.

However, it is difficult to find the refining materials for the natal magic weapon, and it is rare for a monk who waits to condense the golden core before considering finding materials to refine the natal magic weapon.

After opening up the Zifu, most monks will start to pay attention to collecting the materials for refining the natal magic weapon. If they can complete the collection before the golden core is condensed, then they can start refining the natal magic weapon immediately after the golden core is condensed.

As for the golden core stage monks, the earlier the natal magic weapon is refined, the stronger the power of the natal magic weapon will be in the future.

A newly refined natal magic weapon, no matter how extraordinary its refining method and how rare its materials are, if it does not have enough time to accumulate, it will definitely not be able to compete with those who have been cultivated by Jindan stage monks for hundreds of years in terms of power. Compared with the natal magic weapon of the year.

"Qianyang Immortal Scripture" was created by the true immortal "Qianyang Zhenren" in the period of crossing the catastrophe. When this expert created this exercise, he used many magic tools and treasures to create a total of four matching exercises. The natal magic weapon.

These four natal instruments are "Qianyang Golden Lantern", "Qianyang Orb", "Qianyang Golden Pagoda", and "Qianyang Precious Mirror".

Among them, "Qianyang Orb" Zhou Yang has one in his body, and this treasure was refined by "Qianyang Daoist".

However, no matter how powerful the natal magic weapon refined by others is, after the death of the original owner, it will be difficult for other people to exert 30% of its true power.

Because each of the four natal artifacts has magical functions, Zhou Yang didn't know which natal artifact he should choose to refine.

Therefore, he could only secretly write down the refining materials required for the four natal magic tools, and he would refine whichever natal magic weapon he needed to find the refining materials first in the future.

Originally, at this time, Zhou Yang should continue to retreat and practice the four magical powers.

But because of time constraints, he could only temporarily suppress that thought and leave the level first.

Calculating the time, it took him half a year to study the experience of those senior monks, it took him a few months to retreat and open the Purple Mansion, and it took him more than a year to improve his mana. The agreed period is only a little over three years.

This amount of time is enough for him to cultivate at most one of the four magical powers, and even if he cultivates the most powerful "Qianyang Shenlei", it is impossible to kill Luo Yunqing by the sword with this supernatural power.

Therefore, he had to find something he could really rely on.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou left so soon? Mr. Zhang thought that Fellow Daoist Zhou was going to retreat for a few more years!"

Huang Shamen, when Zhang Yunpeng arrived after receiving the news that Zhou Yang was leaving the customs, he said this without hesitation as soon as he saw him.

He is also someone who has experienced it, so of course he knows what the monks will do after they first open up the Purple Mansion.

Back then, he had just succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion, and for the first ten years, he stayed in the Zongmen Cave Mansion and practiced spells and supernatural powers.

Facing Zhang Yunpeng's probing questions, Zhou Yang replied with a smile on his face: "Since the Purple Mansion has been successfully opened, is it the same where it is retreated? It is better for Zhou to go back to the family to report the safety of the people."


Zhang Yunpeng stared at Zhou Yang's handsome face that had become much younger again after his longevity was extended, and he naturally didn't believe his explanation in his heart.

But Zhou Yang didn't want to tell the truth, so he naturally wouldn't force him, after all, Zhou Yang is now a cultivator in the Purple Mansion just like him.

He took a deep look at Zhou Yang, nodded lightly and said, "Since this is the case, please invite Zhou Daoyou and Zhang to come, and we will complete the plan that the old man and Daoist made in front of Master's portrait. Make a deal!"

Immediately, Zhang Yunpeng took Zhou Yang to the Patriarch Hall of Huangshamen, and then in front of Cao Wenjin's portrait, he took out the blood contract that Cao Wenjin personally sacrificed half of his soul before his death, and handed it to Zhou Yang hand.

Zhou Yang took over the blood contract and glanced over. The above contract was indeed exactly the same as what he had negotiated with Cao Wenjin.

Seeing this, he didn't hesitate, Dang even dripped blood on the blood contract and signed his name.

It was not the first time he had signed the "Ghost Blood Contract", but this was the first time he had seen such a high-level "Ghost Blood Contract" signed.

After he signed his name, that blood contract immediately ignited raging blood flames, and then the blood flames condensed into a string of blood-colored runes and quickly got into the **** of him and Zhang Yunpeng, directly imprinting on their souls .

In an instant, Zhou Yang knew that he must not violate the blood contract signed today, otherwise he would suffer disaster.

He raised his hand and gently touched his forehead, then looked at Zhang Yunpeng and asked, "Okay, the blood contract has been signed by Mr. Zhou, I don't know when the head of Chihushan Oasis will fulfill the agreement and hand it over to our Zhou family? "

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yunpeng immediately replied: "If Fellow Daoist Zhou is in a hurry to move there, you can do it now, but Mr. Zhang suggests that it's best to wait for the situation to stabilize before you move the family foundation there."

"Sect Leader Zhang's suggestion will be considered by Mr. Zhou. If the Zhou family is really planning to move there, they will definitely notify the Sect Leader first."

Zhou Yang nodded in satisfaction, quite satisfied with Zhang Yunpeng's straightforwardness.

Then he didn't say much, and directly arched his hands and said: "In this case, Zhou will leave first. Three years later, Zhou will take all the Zhou family's foundation-building monks and a group of Qi-training monks to Luofeng Mountain Help Fellow Daoist Jiang, and we will meet again at that time!"

Hearing his words, Zhang Yunpeng clapped his hands with joy and laughed loudly: "That's really great! With the help of Fellow Daoist Zhou, the traitors will definitely be eradicated by then, and the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea will be restored to peace!"

Saying goodbye to Zhang Yunpeng, Zhou Yang originally wanted to visit his clan brother Zhou Yuanchen, but Zhou Yuanchen had already been transferred to the front line of Luofeng Mountain, so he could only regret leaving Huangshamen.

After leaving Huangshamen, Zhou Yang first flew towards the oasis of Baisha River for a certain distance. After confirming that no one was following him, he turned around and flew to the oasis where the ruins of the Yin Puppet Sect were located.

He is now at the Purple Mansion stage, and the Blood Nether Treasure at the Yin Puppet Sect ruins can finally be used.

Back then he dared to make an oath of Taoism, threatening to kill Luo Yunqing by the sword within fifteen years, but what he really relied on was those hidden treasures.

That was the relic treasure of the two golden core stage monks "Golden Light Master" and Xue Youming, and there must be a fifth-order magic weapon inside.

As long as he could get those fifth-order magic weapons, even if he didn't find any other treasures that could help him defeat Luo Yunqing, he could still take the fifth-order magic weapons to Huang Shamen to exchange for fourth-order puppet beasts.

At that time, he only needs to exchange for two or three fourth-order puppet beasts, and place the top-grade spirit stones he dug in the Xijiao Island Oasis. Isn't he afraid that he won't be able to kill a mere Luo Yunqing?

Regarding the location of the ruins of the Yin Puppet Sect, the Zhou family has collected relevant information over the years to find out clearly. Zhou Yang flew with his sword at the cultivation base of the Zifu period, and it only took two or three days to arrive at the oasis of the ruins.

After he arrived at the place, he first found the place where Xue Youming blew up the golden core, and then searched the surrounding area based on the memory fragments of Xue Youming he had obtained, and finally managed to find the treasure location after spending half a day.

Because the situation was relatively urgent at that time, Xue Youming didn't have much time to cover up anything. He just used a magic weapon that could cover up the aura of treasures, wrapped up two storage rings and threw them on the ground.

This magic weapon that can hide the aura of treasures is a silver-white handkerchief, which was originally a third-rank top-grade magic weapon used by immortal cultivators to hide their own aura.

Based on his memory, Zhou Yang found this silver-white handkerchief magic weapon with his naked eyes, opened one, and saw two storage rings wrapped by it.

Of these two storage rings, one is pale gold and is the one worn by "Master Jin Guang", and the other is blood red and belongs to Xue Youming himself.

Regardless of the different colors, Zhou Yang knew that the refining materials of the two storage rings were both refined from the fifth-order spiritual object "Kongming Stone".

Although this "King Ming Stone" is not as precious as the "Mysterious Crystal Stone" that can be used to arrange teleportation arrays, it is also a very rare space attribute material, and a piece as big as a fist is worth tens of thousands of spirit stones.

Generally speaking, only Jindan stage monks would be willing to buy a storage ring made from the "Kongming Stone".

Even if the cultivators of the Zifu period have spirit stones, they will save them to buy spiritual objects to assist in forming alchemy in the future. How can they be willing to spend tens of thousands of spirit stones to buy such a storage magic weapon whose function overlaps with the storage bag.

If Zhou Yang hadn't picked up these two storage rings for nothing now, he would not be willing to spend this spirit stone.

With an excited expression on his face, he put the two storage rings on his fingers and rubbed them for a while, then he looked at the two rings, one gold and one red, and muttered to himself:

"Although my consciousness should be enough to erase the imprint of the Jindan cultivator's consciousness in the two storage rings, the time it will take will definitely not be too short, so Zhang Yunpeng will find out the abnormality, so let's go to the Baisha River Oasis to show his face first. It won't be too late to open the two storage rings after returning to the family."

I can't finish two chapters, so I will update one chapter first, and the rest will be updated tomorrow during the day!

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