Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 270 Confess the truth

As the saying goes, riches and honor do not return to their hometowns, like a night walk in brocade.

Once Zhou Yang succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion, he became one of the high-ranking monks, and he was also the number one figure in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

In this way, he naturally wants to let people know the news.

So after he left the Yinpuppet Sect ruins, his first stop was not going back to Ziyun Cave in Chihu Ridge, but to Baisha River Oasis.

At this time, the Baisha River Oasis seemed a bit depressed because of the great war more than ten years ago. Although the square market was reopened, there were not many shops open, and not many monks traded in it.

But when Zhou Yang came outside Fang City as a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Period, it still caused a huge commotion.

At any rate, Zhou Yang was considered a celebrity in the world of cultivating immortals in Baisha River before. As long as he was a monk who had stayed on the oasis of Baisha River for a period of time, no one would not know his name.

It's not a secret that he has eight levels of foundation building.

It has only been more than ten years now, and he has suddenly changed from an eight-story foundation-building monk to a Zifu period monk. How can this not shock those monks who know his situation.

The Chen Family Foundation Establishment cultivator who lives in Fangshi naturally recognizes Zhou Yang, who once fought side by side.

At this time, seeing Zhou Yang appearing outside Fangshi, they did not dare to easily break the rules and let Zhou Yang enter Fangshi without being notified in advance, and they were afraid that they would neglect the newcomer by leaving Zhou Yang outside. A monk in the Zifu period.

At the moment, we can only discuss with a few people, first inform Chen Pingan who is practicing in Baituofeng, and then send a representative out of the formation to entertain Zhou Yang.

"Junior Chen Pingxu, I met Senior Zhou."

"The rule is, you can't invite seniors to enter Fangshi to rest, and ask seniors to ask for forgiveness."

Chen Pingxu walked out of the formation, looked up at Zhou Yang for a while, then quickly lowered his head, and apologized to him respectfully.

The two used to be referred to as fellow daoists, and his actual age was about the same as that of Zhou Yang's father, Zhou Xuanhao.

But in the world of cultivating immortals, those who are masters are always respected, Zhou Yang is not a descendant of his Chen family, his age is in front of Zhou Yang, not only can't show the advantages of the elders, but it makes him feel ashamed.

Think about Zhou Yang, who opened the Zifu at the age of 105, and he is 150 or 60 years old, but stays on the fifth floor of the foundation. There is really no comparison, and the gap cannot be reflected!

Facing Chen Pingxu's salutation and apology, Zhou Yang just laughed and said: "Hahaha, you are too polite, Daoist Chen, you and I are old acquaintances, how can Mr. Zhou not understand the rules of Fangshi? This time Mr. Zhou is not invited Zilai, just came back from Huangshamen, passing by the Baisha River Oasis on the way, and wanted to come and have a look."

Why stop by and have a look?

I think you came here deliberately to show off!

Chen Pingxu was cursing secretly in his heart, but he could only say with a smile on his face: "So that's the case, but the younger generation is so abrupt."

After the two chatted for a while, Chen Pingan, who received the news, rushed here as quickly as possible.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist Zhou succeeded in the Purple Mansion at such a young age, and the golden elixir can be expected in the future! The golden elixir can be expected!"

As soon as Chen Pingan landed on the sword light, he congratulated Zhou Yang with a face full of surprise.

He also heard about Zhou Yang's high-profile going to Huangshamen to retreat to open the Purple Mansion at that time. He only tried twice before opening the Purple Mansion. He was actually not optimistic about Zhou Yang's eagerness to open the Purple Mansion.

However, he never imagined that Zhou Yang succeeded in one attempt, and the speed was still so fast.

"Chen Daoyou is absurd, Zhou has just opened up the Zifu, how dare to think so much, but Chen Daoyou's cultivation is so fast, I haven't seen it in more than ten years, Daoyou's cultivation has improved a level, it is really enviable !"

Facing Chen Ping's congratulations, Zhou Yang's attitude was completely different from before, and he was very humble.

Chen Pingan opened up the Purple Mansion decades earlier than him, and with the help of some elixirs refined by the ancestors of the Chen family, his cultivation has already reached the third floor of the Purple Mansion in the past few decades. In the purple mansion period, it is really good.

On the contrary, if he can't go to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals after reaching the Zifu period, if he wants to improve his cultivation in the future, he really can only rely on himself bit by bit.

"Since Daoyou Zhou has been promoted to the Purple Mansion, what are your plans for the future?"

Chen Pingan and Zhou Yang exchanged some polite words, and finally looked serious, and asked him about his future plans.

With the success of Zhou Yang's promotion and opening of the Zifu, the Zhou family will definitely be promoted to the Zifu family. By then, the resources of the Baisha River Oasis will not be enough for the two Zifu families.

So even if he had received hints that Zhou Yang would move his family to other places, he still had to ask clearly at this time.

"Since Fellow Daoist Chen asked about this, Mr. Zhou will not hide it from Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou has already negotiated with the head of Zhang. The Huang Shamen will give the Chihu Mountain Oasis to the Zhou family as a new foundation. In return, Mr. Zhou In the future, the family will only follow the lead of the Huang Shamen, and will advance and retreat with the Huang Shamen in every aspect!"

Zhou Yang had a faint smile on his face, but he no longer concealed the whereabouts of the Zhou family.

I didn't talk about this before, firstly because it was not suitable for outsiders to know his relationship with Huang Shamen at that time, and secondly because he hadn't opened the Zifu after all, and the agreement hadn't been formally fulfilled.

Now that he has signed the "Netherworld Blood Contract", he can naturally announce the new whereabouts of the Zhou family to the outside world.

Sure enough, upon hearing his answer, Chen Pingan was startled first, then clapped his hands with joy and said, "Good, if the Zhou family moves to the Chihushan oasis, Chen and the Chen family will fully support it. If you need help from our Chen family, it’s okay to say it!”

"If Fellow Daoist Chen doesn't say anything about it, Zhou will have the audacity to ask for it."

Zhou Yang nodded with a smile, and then said: "There are hundreds of thousands of mortals in my Zhou family. Although these people can't all move to the Chihu Mountain Oasis, at least half of them have to move there to lay a foundation."

"However, with so many people migrating, and the distance is so far, it is difficult to do it with the strength of my Zhou family alone."

"Therefore, I also ask Daoyou Chen to promise to temporarily lend the Shatuo Beast domesticated by the Chen family to my Zhou family for a period of time to help my Zhou family complete the population migration work."

This, in fact, is the real purpose of his visit to Baisha River Oasis this time.

The Zhou family can move away from the Baisha River oasis to cultivate immortals, but the Chen family can't just sit around and do nothing.

Chen Pingan is also a sensible person. After hearing Zhou Yang's request, he immediately responded straightforwardly: "It's easy to say, my Chen family owns more than 500 Shatuo beasts, and Chen decided to temporarily lend 300 to the Zhou family. It has been used for three years, what do you think, Fellow Daoist Zhou?"

When Zhou Yang heard the words, he immediately said joyfully: "You Daoist Chen is really a straightforward person, then Zhou will thank you for being here first!"

Next, after the two chatted for a while, Zhou Yang took his leave first and left the Baisha River Oasis.

Half a day later, Zhou Yang, who had left the Baisha River Oasis, finally returned to Chihu Ridge.

There was no communication circle arranged by Huang Shamen on Chihu Ridge, and the members of the Zhou family didn't know that their patriarch had successfully opened the Purple Mansion, so when Zhou Yang came back, he was not welcomed by anyone.

Of course, Zhou Yang did this on purpose.

He can show off himself in front of the Chen family and other outsiders in order to intimidate outsiders, but there is no need to do this to his own family members.

However, after he came back, the news of the successful opening of the Purple Mansion quickly spread throughout the oasis, causing all the monks of the Zhou family who knew the news to cheer with excitement.

"Blessed by the heavens, blessed by our ancestors, my Zhou family finally has a cultivator of the Zifu period! My Zhou Xuanhao's son is a monk of the Zifu period!"

In the Purple Cloud Cave, after Zhou Xuanhao saw Zhou Yang returning with the Zi Mansion stage cultivation base, he burst into tears of joy, embraced him with joy and cheered endlessly.

Which father in this world doesn't want his son to become a dragon?

Zhou Xuanhao was no exception.

Now that Zhou Yang has really done it, what several generations of monks of the Zhou family have failed to do, and what has surpassed all his predecessors, how can he be unhappy? How can you not be excited?

Besides, among these family monks, which one doesn't have the idea of ​​"brilliant ancestors"?

Now that Zhou Yangxiu has reached the Zifu stage, the Zhou family will be promoted to the Zifu family because of him, and the idea of ​​"glorious ancestors" has become a reality. As his father, Zhou Xuanzhen is also honored, so how can he not do it for him? Feeling genuinely happy and excited?

"The Zifu is successful, and the life expectancy is five hundred. This matter should be celebrated on the tenth day of the Daqing. For my father, I will immediately send letters. No, for my father, I will personally send letters to the various families and invite their patriarchs to come. My Zhou family is my son's Zifu. Watch the ceremony!"

Zhou Xuanhao danced excitedly, impatiently wanting to let everyone know the news of Zhou Yang's success in opening up the Purple Mansion.

Zhou Yang understood his father Zhou Xuanhao's thoughts. After the son of a common man wins the Juren, he would like to let the whole city know that his son won the Juren.

And now he has been promoted from a monk in the foundation period to a monk in the Zifu, which means that he is much better than the scholar who won the exam.

But understanding is understanding, but he does not support this, at least not for the time being.

He raised his hand and grabbed his father Zhou Xuanzhen's wrist, and said softly: "Don't be impatient, Dad. Of course, we have to do the celebration, but there is no need to be so hasty. You have to wait for the boy to kill Luo Yunqing. His head will pay homage to his great-grandfather before doing this!"

"Kill Luo Yunqing? Yang'er, tell dad the truth, are you really sure you can kill him?"

Zhou Xuanhao's complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't help looking at Zhou Yang with a hint of worry in his eyes, and asked this question in a low voice.

He didn't care much about this issue before, because he understood the significance of Zhou Yang's Dao Xin oath under the circumstances at that time.

As the head of the Zhou family, as a person who has been cultivated by the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, Zhou Yang saw Zhou Minghan's head cut off and his body burned without knowing the truth at the time. If you deal with it, that is the real chilling!

But now, at the age of 105, Zhou Yang successfully opened up the Purple Mansion, and his future achievements are limitless. As his father, how could Zhou Xuanzhen not be worried about him making the Dao Xin vow.

"Dad, don't worry, what time did the child say that it didn't come true?"

Zhou Yang gently rubbed the storage ring on his finger, patted his father's wrist with a smile on his face, and gave him a reassuring look.

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