Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 276: Even if it is far away, it will be punished!

The Elder Ke Qing of Huang Shamen is naturally not so easy to be.

As an elder guest, although he does not have to stay in the sect to serve the sect, he is not allowed to be an enemy of the sect. This is an iron rule.

Therefore, apart from Zhou Yang who had already signed a blood contract with the Huang Shamen, Chen Pingan and Nie Qiufeng both signed the "Netherworld Blood Contract" to be regarded as the real elders of the Huang Shamen.

Zhang Yunpeng is a man who keeps his word. After the three agreed to become the elders of Huang Shamen Keqing, he took out three Foundation Establishment Pills on the spot and asked the three of them to pay 20,000 spirit stones to buy one.

Zhou Yang knew that Zhang Yunpeng did this not only because he wanted to buy people's hearts, but also because Huang Shamen had recently obtained a large number of Foundation Establishment Pills.

At the beginning of the expedition to Xijiaozhou, Huang Shamen got more than a dozen fourth-level demon pills. After these demon pills were refined into Foundation Establishment Pills, at least 60 or 70 of them were added to Huang Shamen's inventory.

With so many Foundation Establishment Pills, if you use them sparingly, it will be enough for Huang Shamen to use them for sixty or seventy years.

After the three of them took advantage of this, they naturally agreed to Zhang Yunpeng's request for help in arresting and suppressing the remnants of those rebellious monks.

Next, Zhou Yang and the monks of the Zhou family rested in Luofeng Mountain for two more days before heading back home.

After another long journey like this, Zhou Yang finally brought the Zhou family monks back to the place where he set off, Yuquan Lake Oasis.

"Great-grandfather, Luo Yunqing's headed grandson has been brought to you, you can rest in peace!"

On Yuquan Peak, Zhou Yang knelt down in front of the tomb of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan and kowtowed three times, muttering to himself, took out Luo Yunqing's head and placed it in front of the tombstone, and made him face the ground as a gesture of kowtow and confession. shape.

It is also a major feature of the world of cultivating immortals to pay homage to fallen ancestors with the heads of enemies.

In earlier times, immortal cultivators would even use secret methods to imprison the souls of their enemies in their skulls, and burn them with dark fire, so that the souls of the enemies would howl day and night in front of their ancestors' graves to make atonement.

But later everyone was afraid that they would be labeled as magic monks, so they abolished this practice, and only used the heads of the enemies as sacrifices.

Seeing Luo Yunqing's majestic cultivators in the Purple Mansion, they were all killed by the head of their own family, and their heads were brought back as sacrifices to honor the old patriarch Zhou Minghan who passed away. Those Zhou family cultivators who did not participate in the battle of Luofeng Mountain, While shocked, he couldn't help showing a look of pride.

This is the patriarch of their Zhou family!

As soon as the Zifu is opened, a late-stage cultivator of the Zifu can be beheaded!

Those monks who followed Zhou Yang to conquer Luofeng Mountain looked at the back of the young man in front of him with admiration.

Many of them saw Zhou Yang kill Luo Yunqing with their own eyes, and saw Zhou Yang kill those rebellious Foundation Establishment cultivators as easily as mowing grass, so their admiration and admiration for Zhou Yang were higher than those who stayed in the family. Monks are much stronger.

"I said that day, in the future, whoever dares to kill my Zhou family monk without reason, I, Zhou Yang, will lead the Zhou family to seek justice for the Zhou family monk who died tragically, and avenge him!"

"Now that the murderer who killed the old patriarch Zhou Minghan has been awarded the head, everyone in the clan can know that I, Zhou Yang, did not just talk about it."

"So, today, I, Zhou Yang, can assure all the clansmen that no matter who dares to kill my Zhou family's monks for no reason in the future, they will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Zhou Yang got up, turned his head, and glanced sharply at the Zhou family members who were watching him. His firm and powerful voice quickly spread through the minds of all Zhou family members present.

"Even if you are far away, you will be killed!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be killed!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be killed!"

The passionate shouts once again resounded through the entire Yuquan Peak and the entire Yuquan Lake Oasis.

In the previous Zhou family, in the previous Zhou Yang, no one dared to say such big words, because in this world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, their Zhou family was far from having such strength.

But now, at least in this world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, Zhou Yang already has the confidence and strength to say such words.

From now on, even if the monks of the Huang Shamen dared to kill the monks of their Zhou family for no reason, Zhou Yang would dare to go to the Huang Shamen to seek justice for the fallen Zhou family members and avenge them!

And with the example of Luo Yunqing in front, no one in the Zhou family, or people outside the Zhou family, would doubt the authenticity of Zhou Yang's words.

In the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea where there are no golden core stage monks, even a late Zifu monk was killed by Zhou Yang. Who would dare to think that Zhou Yang would not dare to kill him?

Even those sand bandits who do all kinds of evil must think clearly about whether it is worth it before they want to touch the monks of the Zhou family in the future!

Morale Available!

On Yuquan Peak, Zhou Yang looked at the blood-boiling clansmen who were roaring and screaming with red faces, and nodded in satisfaction.

He has always paid great attention to the spiritual education of the clansmen. Now those young clansmen of the Zhou family have all grown up in the education of loving the clan and loving the family. There is no doubt about the loyalty and love of these people for the clan.

And what he has to do is to practice the bright future he described for these tribesmen, and at the same time strengthen their love for the tribe and family through various practical actions, so that they will all unite under the banner of his patriarch, unconditionally He obeyed the orders of his patriarch.

Some people may say, isn't this a bluff?

Isn't this cult of personality?

Zhou Yang does not deny these two points.

But the two points he wants to emphasize are that he will not fool his clansmen if he fools anyone, and he improves his status in the hearts of the clansmen in order to better lead the clan to prosperity.

As long as the Zhou family can grow stronger day by day, as long as the members of the Zhou family are getting richer day by day under his leadership, and each generation is stronger than the next generation, then no one will think that he is fooling around, and no one will think that he is worshiped as an idol. is wrong!

Next, Zhou Yangdang issued an order for the great relocation, taking advantage of his speech to arouse the blood and spirits of all the members of the Zhou family.

The plan for this great migration had already been prepared several years ago, and now everything was ready, only waiting for the final order from his patriarch.

According to the plan, the 40,000 to 50,000 mortals in the Zhou family's family branch on the Baisha River oasis, and the hundreds of thousands of mortals on the Yuquan Lake oasis will all move to the Chihushan oasis in batches.

And the monks of the Zhou family, except for some necessary stay-at-home monks, will all move to the Chihushan Oasis.

When the migration is completed, the number of mortals in the Yuquan Lake Oasis will be reduced to less than 50,000, the number of mortals in the Chihuling Oasis will be about the same, and the number of mortals in the Haoyang Mountain Oasis will only remain around 10,000.

In addition, for the three spiritual mountains here, the Zhou family will only leave one foundation cultivator to sit in Chihu Ridge, and the other two spiritual mountains will let two Qi training ninth-level elders lead a dozen Qi training monks to sit in town.

In the future, the foundation and main focus of the Zhou family will be placed on the Chihushan oasis. The three spiritual mountains here are equivalent to three resource points, and they are only used to provide cultivation resources and experience the family's children.

Of course, the matter of relocation cannot be completed overnight, and Zhou Yang, as a cultivator of the Zifu period, cannot keep track of this matter.

So after he issued the order for the great migration, and let all the foundation-building monks of the Zhou family except himself lead the monks in the Qi training period to carry out in batches, he rushed to Ziyun Cave in Chihu Ridge first, and brought his Taoist companion Xiao Ying with him. I rushed to the Chihushan Oasis.

Because the Gryphon was left by his father Zhou Xuanhao to help, Zhou Yang could only fly to the Chihu Mountain Oasis with Xiao Ying Yujian.

"Ying'er, I have good news for you. In another twenty years at the most, after the Zhou family has established a solid foundation in the Chihushan Oasis, my husband will take you back to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. Travel there and come back!"

On the flying sword, Zhou Yang hugged the beautiful Yujian to fly, and at the same time quietly revealed his future plans to the beautiful wife in his arms.

The outside world is very exciting. His cultivation base has reached the purple mansion stage, even in the middle level of the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, and he already has the capital to travel in the world of cultivating immortals.

In this way, of course he is not willing to be stuck in the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals all day long with the yellow sand desert.

"Really? Zhou Lang, is what you said just now true? Can we really go back to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals?"

Xiao Ying's pretty face was flushed with excitement, and her jade hand was shaking Zhou Yang's arm tightly, her voice full of anticipation.

Over the years, although she has never brought up the matter of returning to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals with Zhou Yang, from the details of her occasionally staring in the direction of Duanyun Mountain in a daze, Zhou Yang clearly knows that she must be homesick.

At that time, he would secretly feel ashamed in his heart.

There is no doubt that Xiao Ying's coming to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is entirely caused by his own selfishness.

Over the years, Xiao Ying's devotion and contribution to the Zhou family, he has also seen it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. He has long made up his mind that he must make up for this beautiful wife in the future.

At this time, looking at his beautiful wife with an excited expression on his face, he couldn't help smiling slightly and said: "Of course it's true, I won't lie to my wife if I lie to anyone else!"

Xiao Ying didn't hear what he said, but pressed her face on his chest with excitement and said excitedly: "That's great! Zhou Lang, you are so kind!"

Her requirements have always been very low, and in her opinion, being able to return to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou is already a very happy thing.

As for the fact that she would have to wait another ten or twenty years to go back, she didn't care.

This time may be very long in the eyes of mortals, but in the eyes of the monks in the foundation period, it is just one or two longer retreats.

After flying like this for three days, Zhou Yang returned to Chihushan Oasis again after decades.

At this time, in the Chihu Mountain Oasis, except for a foundation-building cultivator from Huang Shamen who stayed on Chihu Mountain and waited to complete the handover with the Zhou family, the rest of the monks belonging to Huang Shamen had all withdrawn.

As soon as Zhou Yang and his wife arrived at Chihu Mountain, the left-behind Huang Shamen Foundation Establishment cultivator hurried forward to greet them and report the situation.

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