"Junior Dong Tianming, I met Elder Zhou."

On the Chihu Mountain, Dong Tianming, the foundation-building cultivator who stayed behind at the Huangsha Gate, saw Zhou Yang and his wife coming, and immediately stepped forward to salute respectfully.

At this time, the news that Zhou Yang, Chen Pingan, and Nie Qiufeng became the elders of Huang Shamen's Keqing, had already spread through most of the boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world under Zhang Yunpeng's deliberate propaganda. clear.

"Fellow Daoist Dong, you don't need to be too polite. You need to trouble you and Mr. Zhou to talk about the situation here." Zhou Yang raised his hand with a smile, and an invisible force supported Dong Tianming's body to stand upright.

"Don't dare to let the elder say that you are troublesome, please let the elder follow the younger generation to the cave to take a seat first, and listen to the younger generation slowly report to the elder about the situation of the Chihushan Oasis."

Dong Tianming was very respectful, and didn't dare to neglect or relax just because Zhou Yangmin treated others easily.

No way to be disrespectful!

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, Zhou Yang beheaded Luo Yunqing, who was cultivated at the seventh level of the Purple Mansion, one-on-one. This incident has now spread throughout the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sand sea.

Dong Tianming, as a person who had been on duty under Luo Yunqing, although he didn't follow Luo Yunqing to rebel, but when facing Zhou Yang, he felt a little panicked.

He also didn't know if Zhou Yang knew what he was on duty under Luo Yunqing, so he could only be careful and do his best, trying not to give Zhou Yang any reason to trouble him.

Zhou Yang only thought that Dong Tianming's character was like this, but after hearing the words, he was no longer polite in this regard, and even took the jade hand of Taoist couple Xiao Ying and followed Dong Tianming into a cave on a mountain.

Because many spirits on Chihu Mountain, including the protective array, have been withdrawn by Huang Shamen, Dong Tianming's cave is a bit rough, but fortunately, none of the three people here care about it.

"Elder, please take your seat."

In the cave mansion, Dong Tianming stretched out his hand and asked Zhou Yang to sit down in the first seat. Then he stood up straight and told the situation of Chihushan Oasis slowly in a melodious tone.

"Elder Mingjian, this Chihushan oasis is more than 3,600 miles long from east to west, and more than 980 miles wide from north to south. There are three small and medium-sized oases under its jurisdiction within 5,000 miles around. There is a total of a fourth-level high-grade Lingshan , one third-rank upper-rank Lingshan, two third-rank middle-rank Lingshan, three third-rank lower-rank Lingshan, second-rank upper-rank Lingshan thirteen, and second-rank middle-rank Lingshan seven."

"Since the Zongmen occupied the Chihu Mountain oasis, they have only slightly developed the spiritual veins above the third level. Today, there are more than 1,240 acres of spiritual fields and more than 350 medicinal gardens on various spiritual mountains. Mu, more than 580 mu in Lingguo Garden."

"There are a total of 213 kinds of spirit trees in these spirit medicine gardens, spirit fruit gardens, and various spirit mountains, including seven kinds of fourth-level spirit medicine seedlings, thirty-five kinds of third-level spirit medicine seedlings, and seventy kinds of second-level spirit medicine seedlings. There are seven types, six types of third-level spiritual trees, nine types of second-level spiritual fruits, twenty-three types of second-level spiritual trees, sixteen types of first-level spiritual fruits, and forty types of first-level spiritual trees."

"According to the headmaster's order, the sect only transplanted and took away some mature and semi-ripe rare elixir, as well as some rare types of elixir and spiritual fruit trees in the medicine gardens and spiritual fruit gardens, and the rest of the elixir and spiritual fruit trees were used as The elder gave the Zhou family the gift of opening up the Purple Mansion."

"In addition, there are three proven ore veins belonging to the Chihushan Oasis. They are a medium-sized black iron mine, a small red gold mine, and a small Huangyan jade mine. Today, only the red gold mine and the Huangyan jade mine are put into mining."

"Finally, there are mortals. Originally there were hundreds of thousands of mortals in the Chihushan oasis, but due to various reasons, the number of mortals on the oasis is only 70,000 to 80,000, and these people are scattered in many places in the oasis. .”

"There is one more thing that the elders need to know. Although the three small and medium-sized oases and the three third-level spiritual mountains above belong to the sect, they have been used by the sect as a place to accommodate casual cultivators. Although the sect now uses the three The oasis is also under the management of you and the Zhou family, the elders, but how to deal with those casual cultivators depends on your own opinion."

Dong Tianming finished the materials that he had memorized by heart in one breath, then reached out and patted the storage bag, took out three jade slips and handed them to Zhou Yang, saying: "There are about various proven spiritual objects and monsters on the Chihushan Oasis. The information about the beast, as well as other information that the younger generation did not explain in detail just now, are all recorded in detail in these jade slips, and the elders can check and collect them against the jade slips."

"However, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, because the sect has relaxed the management of the Chihushan Oasis in recent years. The real number and types of some spiritual objects may be somewhat different from the information above. Elders, please check it out!"

When Cao Wenjin made a deal with Zhou Yang, he only handed over the Chihushan oasis to the Zhou family, excluding several small and medium-sized oases nearby.

But after Zhang Yunpeng took over as the head, he found that with the current strength of the Huangshamen, after the Chihushan oasis was transferred to the Zhou family, they continued to retain the management rights of those small and medium-sized oases, except for the few monks in the scattered sect. Apart from strength, the benefits can be described as very few.

In short, without the Chihushan oasis as a transit point, those small and medium oases would become tasteless to Huang Shamen, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

Therefore, after a long consideration, Zhang Yunpeng decided to be a favor and put it all under the management of the Zhou family.

Anyway, this time to wipe out all the rebel families, Huang Shamen collected dozens of third-level spiritual mountains and oases, and abandoning these oases and spiritual mountains will not hurt the fundamentals at all.

Therefore, after Zhou Yang listened to Dong Tianming's words, he nodded first, and then asked: "Dong Daoyou, you are guarding Chihu Mountain now, but are there guards for other spiritual mountains?"

Dong Tianming heard the words and quickly replied: "According to the order of the head, before the monks of the Zhou family came to receive it, the Chihu Mountain was guarded by the juniors, and because the formations of the other spirit mountains were still there, they were only guarded by a Qi training period." Disciple guards."

There is no shortage of third-tier formation masters in Huangshamen, so the third-tier formations on the Chihushan Oasis were sold to the Zhou family at a 10% discount on the market price after discussions between Zhou Yang and Zhang Yunpeng, and the Lingshi was sold by the Zhou family. at public expense.

Now that Zhou Yang heard what Dong Tianming said, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very well, then let those people continue to guard them for a few more months, and when all the monks of our Zhou family have migrated over, we will work together again." Hand over."

After he finished speaking, he paused again, and said with a slight smile: "Of course, I also ask Fellow Daoist Dong to tell those people that as long as they complete this task seriously and look after Lingshan for our Zhou family, my Zhou family will never treat them badly afterwards."

"This junior must tell the elder what he said truthfully." Dong Tianming responded quickly.

Next, Dong Tianming went to the Lingshan Mountains to deliver Zhou Yang's words in person, but Zhou Yang rearranged the fourth-order low-grade formation "Tianfengyunleizhen" that was withdrawn from Chihuling on Chihu Mountain.

After this set of "Heavenly Wind, Cloud and Thunder Array" is deployed on top of the fourth-level top-grade spiritual mountains like Chihu Mountain, as long as there is a late foundation-building monk or several foundation-building monks sitting in the town, even the purple mansion period monks can block the attack for a long time.

After setting up the formation, Zhou Yang had time to look carefully at the entire Chihu Mountain.

Although he stayed here for a while back then, at that time he was a foreigner who was recruited, and many places on Lingshan were not allowed to trespass, and he was not in the mood to think about these things at that time.

But now it's different, now Chihu Mountain belongs to him and belongs to the Zhou family. As the patriarch of the Zhou family, if he doesn't know the foundation of the family, wouldn't it be a joke to spread the word.

I saw this Chihu Mountain, the main peak is more than 750 feet high, and there are three auxiliary peaks ranging in height from 500 to 700 feet. There are more than a dozen caves, and there are many palaces and lofts built on the surface of the mountain.

Zhou Yang took out the jade slips that Dong Tianming had given him and looked through them, and found that there were thirty-two independent caves on Chihu Mountain.

Among them, there are only four first-class caves, one on the main peak and three sub-peaks, ten second-class caves, four on the main peak, two on each of the other three peaks, and eighteen third-class caves.

In addition to these caves, there is also a ground fire hall on Chihu Mountain, which has more than a dozen ground fire rooms for alchemy and weapon refining, which saves Zhou Yang the effort of opening up the ground fire room.

At the same time, like the Baisha River Oasis, there is a communication hall, which has a long-distance communication circle that can directly communicate with the Huangshamen Mountain Gate.

If Zhou Yang or the Zhou family needs to contact the Huang Shamen for any matters in the future, they can pass it to the Huang Shamen through the communication circle, and even ask the people from the Huang Shamen to help pass the news to the people on the Yuquan Lake Oasis. Zhou family monk.

Of course, the premise is that they first find someone to repair the destroyed communication circle on Yuquan Peak.

In addition, at the foot of the mountain, there is a "seven-star spirit testing array" specially cultivated by Huang Shamen in order to test the spiritual roots of mortal children on the oasis of Chihu Mountain.

Finally, there are three spiritual places for practice on Chihu Mountain, namely "Songyue Pavilion", "Huoling Cave" and "Yellowstone Valley".

Among them, "Songyue Pavilion" is located in a pine forest on the mountainside of the main peak. There is a spiritual acupoint in the middle of the pine forest. Every half moon, the spiritual acupoint will spew out a stream of pure earth vein aura. As time goes by, the thousand-year-old pines around the spiritual acupoint are affected The aura nourishment has turned into a second-order spirit pine wood.

After Huang Shamen discovered this spiritual acupoint, he asked people to build a stone pavilion next to the spiritual acupoint, and then arranged a formation to trap the spiritual energy of the earth veins gushing out of the spiritual acupoint in the stone pavilion for the monks to absorb and refine.

The "Fire Spirit Cave" is a cave located next to the Earth Fire Hall. Jiang Ming, a Jindan cultivator of the Huangshamen, captured the Chihu Mountain and led the Earth Fire there. He accidentally opened up an underground fire vein. Although the pulse was suppressed with great magic power by the Jindanqi monks, the spiritual place "Fire Spirit Cave" was accidentally formed.

If a monk who practices fire-type kung fu can withstand the erosion of the evil spirit of earth fire in the "Fire Spirit Cave" and practice in retreat, he can polish and temper his mana just like how Zhou Yang used the evil spirit of earth fire to temper his mana back then, so that Mana becomes more refined.

"Yellowstone Valley" is also a small valley located above a side peak. There is a strange yellow stone in the valley that can gather the spiritual energy of the soil, making the spiritual energy of the soil in the valley two or three times stronger than that of the outside world. Treasure land.

When Zhou Yang was in the Qi training period, he practiced in the "Yuyang Cave" above the Yuquan Peak of the Zhou family, saving several years of practice time. It can be seen that this kind of spiritual practice is very important for low-level monks. importance.

Now it is a surprise to him to discover that there are three spiritual lands with different functions on Chihu Mountain.

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